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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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I lolled at that.


yeah same as! Oh that poor deku tree...


I think IGN will give the GC version a score of about 9.7, and the Wii one 9.0 or so. I think Zelda should be kept on a standard console and therefore will be better suited to the GC.

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I'm thinking some kind of first person Oblivion-like setup with Wiimote based hackery and slashery would be quite good.



Ohhh an oblivion style zelda might be great, of corse half of oblivion is the looks and the HUGE amont of side quests.

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This zelda wasn't initially supposed to have a Wii version, so the way it is now is the way it was supposed to be in the future I recon.

I'm betting Zelda will suffer in reviews. The GC version is past gen so they won't like it and the Wii version won't have next gen graphics so they won't like it.

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That's pathetic if a reviewer takes those points into consideration.


I'm guessing this will be the next 40 in Famitsu considering Nintendogs and The Wind Waker got 40 aswell.


As for Nintendo Magazines this game will be getting most likely higher than 95 and i'm sure IGN and Gamespot will give the game generous reviews.


But the only review I care about is the game's Edge review, even if it gets a 9 the game will still be fantastic but if it gets a 10 then clearly it really is something else, Edge are normally spot on with their reviews.

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Well if Wind Waker got 40 then this should really get it aswell...


Yup, qft.


Do you think they'll review both versions of the game separately on IGN. Don't know, but i'll bet on a 9,9 on the Wii version if the controls work as they should and a 9,7 for gamecube because it will lack the Wii features and widescreen.


This is entirely based on my ass so it's trustworthy.

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yeh, it would be the story of zelda or the tale of zelda, i killed it did't i.


any way i talked to my dad and he said that the picture of the gold wii with link was deffinatly a photoshop because you would add yellow to the white to get gold and thats why the light changed from blue to green.

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I agree with peoples comments here regarding the fact that the Wii version will suffer in reviews and I am almost certain it will.


Take into account a new and rather experinmental control scheme that not everyone will appreciate, couple that with possible minor glitches in control, underwhelming graphics for some reviewers tastes, not 100% original as there are elements taken from previous games in the series, lack of voice acting, and possible linearity in some gameplay sequences, I reckon as bad as this sounds, the gamecube version will score higher than the Wii version as with each generation of consoles comes a higher expectation for higher quality games.


My predictions are that the Gamecube version will get at least 9.5, but the Wii version could go as low as 9.0, even 8.8. 100% GUARANTEED THE GAME WILL NOT GET 10/10, I WILL EAT HAT IF IT DOES [Wii version that is].


I am still concerned about the wolf mechanics and how they will turn out, as the wolf seems to have a large role in the game, so hopefully interactivity won't suffer as a result of wandering around for 50 hours as a wolf. But battles with other animals as a wolf would be cool though. Real time hunger, needing to replenish the wolfs hunger and thirst and spraying territory with wolf piss and this could possibly reveal secrets areas and drive certain threats [enemies] away from areas that have been sprayed.


They have a lot to live up to Nintendo claiming that this will be the best Zelda ever, and for their sake, I hope they're right. All it needs to do to be the best Zelda game ever is for a majority of reviews to score around 9.9,9.8,9.7 and not get some ridicolously low scored reviews like one person gave OOT 8/10 and it can surpass Ocarina Of Time despite not getting perfect 10s which for this game simply won't happen.

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