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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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Why are we talking about giant crabs again...? :confused:




Anyway, I too, like the looks of the field... that pic is obvious just a small part of the whole field... Would be cool if there were other travellers to meet on the field. Some would be riding bigger horse wagons with passengers and stuff :hehe: That would be awesome! Others would be on foot, taking them days to cross the whole field, setting up camps at night and stuff...


Could you imagine how sweet that would be? :love:

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When I come back at xmas from hull - a few mates and cousins are coming over - and we are creating a whole heap of food have a few kronenburg blancs in the fridge, hot chocolate and brownies. Will I ever need to watch crap pre-xmas telly maybe about 1hr per day.


Hell yes.


Will Link come and rescue his friend from the pits of cleaning xmas dishes I think so.



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When I come back at xmas from hull - a few mates and cousins are coming over - and we are creating a whole heap of food have a few kronenburg blancs in the fridge, hot chocolate and brownies. Will I ever need to watch crap pre-xmas telly maybe about 1hr per day.


Hell yes.


Will Link come and rescue his friend from the pits of cleaning xmas dishes I think so.



ZeldaFreak, please fix you sig, it's hideous, we don't have to take that sh*t all over the screen, why do you have to have a sig easily 5 times the height of a normal one?




this is the max res for a sig:




read the rules here:

-> http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2


I'm sorry to use this thread to say this, but it's getting on my nerves. N-E is not a anarchy, or at least shouldn't be, don't do as you please, think of the others.


I also think the mods should have acted already since he's clearly going against the rules. N-E seems to be static nowadays when it comes to acting, yesterday I even saw someone creating a fetch thread to earn OST downloads and getting away only with a thread lock.


Sure he is not a noob, but then he knew exactly what he was doing, and that's not a good example at all, these are the kind of things that separated N-E from most forums out there, for the best.

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I'm sorry to use this thread to say this, but it's getting on my nerves. N-E is not a anarchy, or at least shouldn't be, don't do as you please, think of the others.


I also think the mods should have acted already since he's clearly going against the rules. N-E seems to be static nowadays when it comes to acting, yesterday I even saw someone creating a fetch thread to earn OST downloads and getting away only with a thread lock.


Sure he is not a noob, but then he knew exactly what he was doing, and that's not a good example at all, these are the kind of things that separated N-E from most forums out there, for the best.

Hear hear!

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ZeldaFreak, please fix you sig, it's hideous, we don't have to take that sh*t all over the screen, why do you have to have a sig easily 5 times the height of a normal one?




this is the max res for a sig:




read the rules here:

-> http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2


I'm sorry to use this thread to say this, but it's getting on my nerves. N-E is not a anarchy, or at least shouldn't be, don't do as you please, think of the others.


I also think the mods should have acted already since he's clearly going against the rules. N-E seems to be static nowadays when it comes to acting, yesterday I even saw someone creating a fetch thread to earn OST downloads and getting away only with a thread lock.


Sure he is not a noob, but then he knew exactly what he was doing, and that's not a good example at all.


Yeah it is a pain that he just copied the code from the xbox site and used as his sig.

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No such thing as too harsh. Anyone can potentially ruin an awesome storyline. They should pay the price if they do.


Very true. If I catch anyone spoiling this game for me and everyone else there will be hell to pay. Im slightly worried that we get random people joining the boards, seeing as we are well known now, and just coming into this topic and spoiling stuff.

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Chances are we will get some noobs joining and posting in here and starting new threads like 'OMFG MIDNA IS LINKS MUM' or 'WTF ZELDA IS LINKS SISTER!!!111'.

I won't be in the TP thread as much though just incase.Means the game will be more exciting.


I also expect thread likes ZELDA REVIEW SCORES REVEALED! and if it doesn't score too well [although that is extremely unlikely], even if it gets 9.5/10 you're going to have guys like Solitanze for example moan about how bad the game, how its a disgrace and Nintendo promised so much yet didn't deliver and a whole lot of people are going to say THATS IT, I'M GOING TO BUY A PS3, F**K YOU NINTENDO. A lot of people are going to be CRYING:cry: on the internet come November 19th from these people that are expecting perfect 10s everywhere...

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