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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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13. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

14. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass


Will number 13 be unlucky for Twilight Princess?

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How are you in a win-win situation?


If the game scores 10/10 average (which I know is very unlikely, but still) then you lose?


Now correct me if I'm wrong but isn't a win-win situation one where you can't lose?!


I am in the sense that deep down, I want the game to achieve all time greatness, I certainly don't want it to underachive seeing that the it has the "all time best zelda game" label attached to it from Nintendo themselves. I keep mentioning that in the posts where i've expressed concern about the quality of the final game. If I'm wrong, i'll be very happy about being wrong, one of the harshest critics around will be silenced if the game becomes one of the highest scoring off all time [at least third on the all time list on sites such as gamerankings, metacritic and gamestats]. If it underachieves as i've predicted, i'll be initially disappointed with the feeling that i've wasted money on a game that SHOULD and COULD'VE been so MUCH BETTER than it actually is, but I can have satisfaction in being correct about the fate of the game not satisfaction for the fact that Nintendo were lying out of their ears and LET US down with a less than spectacular Zelda game. So either way i'm in a win-win situation i'll have an OPTIMAL win situation if i'm proved wrong where it is herald as one of the greatest games of all time scoring an average score in the high 90s [close to or about on par with Ocarina of Time, no more than .2 decimal places way from OOT for individual review scores 98% --> 9.8/10 and for aggregate no more than 1 away, OOT approximately 97 average, TP to achieve 96 average], or less optimal win situation where I will temporarily be clouded with bitter disappointment and animosity towards Nintendo for a little while but eventually this will be outweighed with the satisfaction of being correct the whole time. I could possibly also sell the game in retaliation if it doesn't achieve ALL TIME GREATNESS or worse, I won't purchase it at all.


Has the pattern of this game on the Wii disc been confirmed? Can we assume that it'll be gold? What do you think the final pattern of the games disk will be? Will the instruction manual follow suit and will we be getting print instruction manual or electronic instruction manuals on the game disk?

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WW was my fave Zelda game. Do you remember the opening music? The one where it's telling about what happened to the hero of time and hyrule? Man that was epic.

That music was brillant. I love it.


Someone made a sort of classical version of it (I couldnt tell you who). There was a link to it a couple of pages back. It's really good. Much better than the original imo.

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I don't know why you guy are anticipating a letdown. I KNOW this game is going to be one of the most glorius gaming experiences of my young gaming life. Shigsy has worked to long and too hard this one for it to be anything less than spectacular. I would have thought the same at e3 2004 after only seeing one trailer.

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Ty dude, thats beautiful, I'm gonna learn it on guitar :). I love this so much, Dragon Roost Island was the best though, man, it's enough to get me misty eyed with nostalgia. The music was another of the reasons why Wind Waker is such a classic game. It'll always be the oddball when it comes to Zelda games in general though.


If you wanna check out some other arranged vg music, this guy does some stonking covers of Chrono Trigger/ Cross/ Final Fantasy music, you'll have to look around a little though, it's buried in the god mongering stuff.

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Yea....the Wii has given Nintendo an excuse to tell us absolutely nothing about the game.


This man speaks the truth. We do know barely anything about the game's story except that Link goes all Backstreet's Back werewolf on us early on. I remember something about Link's girlfriend getting stolen away and some little kid called Colin being held captive on the top of some pole? It all gets a little hazy after that.

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