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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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Anyone else find it fascinating to think theres a copy out there...and a Wii...in someone's home.


It seems that people can get nominated to get on the Ellen Degeneres show... maybe there is someone in this forum that has had a rough life that would like to get nominated, and get a free Wii?


Thanks Dante for the boxart. I think it's really good, except for the Wii thing in the corner. (I will go with the general concensus on this one...)


I'm sure that when people say that the game is 'entirely mirrored', they actually mean "Link is now right handed". If it were mirrored, im fairly sure that the dungeons would be back to front... and reading stuff would be most painful.



Interesting point about the lack of 'exclusive advertising' on the covers. I am seriously wondering whether these are the real covers.... but then again, since Dante found them, they have to be real!!!



I love that trailer. I was hooked on zelda before seeing it... but christ, that trailer made me warm and fuzzy on the inside!

And, watching it again, it still sends a shiver down my spine!

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I hope the game is as polished as this boxart, other than the top white bit with the Wii logo which is mediocre at best.


Zelda: Twilight Fixes

We're but two months away from the launch of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess -- and though we've seen a slightly updated E3 demo of the anticipated Wii title, Nintendo is keeping a tight lid on the game experience as a whole. That's fine. I'm sure most Zelda fans would agree that nothing is worse than seeing every dungeon, theme, and environment type before the game's actually out. As sweet as it was to see the snow storm scenes in our new trailer on IGN, I would've preferred to see the snowy scenes in the actual game for the first time. But given the presumably expansive size of Twilight Princess, I'm sure there are plenty of secrets left.


Which leads me to the point I'd like to make today. I'm hoping that two important features -- or fixes, if you will -- are still left to be exposed in the final version of the game: proper sword control and an adjustable difficulty setting.


Twilight Princess is at its heart still a GameCube game. Though Nintendo super-imposed some Wii-specific control schemes for certain actions such as the bow and fishing rod, the game remains firmly rooted in the classic Zelda control schemes established on N64.




One of the changes Nintendo showed in a mildly updated E3 demo at the recent New York event is the departure from the almost two-decades-old sword slash button control. Instead of pressing a button, you now swing the remote to attack with Link's trusty sword. But while swiping with the Wiimote is a closer approximation of attacking with a sword than pushing a button, Nintendo oddly stopped short of making it more than just a gimmicky last-minute addition. You see, it doesn't make a difference whether you swipe horizontally or vertically -- which is an odd limitation.


As a matter of fact, quickly wiggling your controller the way you spin into orbit in Mario Galaxy works better than going through motions that resemble Link's actual moves. Given the fact that Link possesses a decent number of different sword attacks in the game already, it's confounding that they're merely strung together as automatic combos.


Nintendo, if you're reading this: let us swipe left and right, diagonally, up and down, stab forward, and perform the downward slam move by physically motioning the wiimote downwards. This is no fighting game, so I don't think we need the sword to exactly mirror the position of the remote -- but swinging the controller from the left to the right and seeing Link do the opposite isn't exactly a good demonstration as to how Wii is supposed to change controls for the better. The initial attraction of having a closer connection to the sword is lost when players discover you didn't map the remote to the sword, but merely the A button to every motion. And if that's what happened, you should've probably let old Link keep his leftie ways and done it via the nunchuck.


As for my second point, I know Nintendo would argue that it can make a game that's playable and enjoyable by a wide range of gamers. But in reality, that doesn't translate into the most satisfying experience for what Nintendo would call "core gamers." That's us. If you're reading my blog, you're likely one of us, too. (Hi!) When I'm saying I'd like to see an adjustable difficulty setting, I'm not saying we need varying enemy patterns, hidden objectives or any of that stuff -- I simply want to see variable damage settings. Make the default setting "normal" and offer "easy" and "expert" settings that merely decrease and increase the amount of damage you take from enemies or environmental obstacles. You could of course also increase the likelihood of fairies appearing (because, let's be honest: seeing a fairy float out of the shards of a broken pot doesn't evoke the same sense of relief when it happens in every room), but that's really all I'm asking for. Why? Look at this picture:




Depending on what happens to Link when you fall into this boiling inferno, you either see this lava as an annoying obstacle that slows you down or a deadly force you need to tread lightly around at all cost. I enjoyed Wind Waker quite a lot, but losing a quarter of a heart or so when falling into an abyss or drowning in magma just isn't right. It destroys the tension and danger such obstacles would give off in real life. When you walk over a smouldering rope bridge across a pool of lava, you SHOULD be afraid of falling off. In Wind Waker, I soon realized I didn't really have to be afraid of falling into anything as it took of so little damage. I became careless and ran around quickly no matter what the environment. If I messed up: no problem. There were plenty of hearts to go around for all.


The same held true with some of the boss battles -- and sadly, seems to have carried over to the one boss battle I was able to experience in the earlier Zelda Wii demo. Fighting the fiery giant was a cool experience. But I never died. I never even came close to eating it. There's a fine balance between challenging and frustrating -- adding a variable difficulty setting can at least put the decision in the hands of the player. Personally, I want a sense of accomplishment when I bring down a hulking giant. I want to be afraid of the fire -- not half-assedly risk scorching myself because I'm not scared to lose 1/16th of one of my 12 hearts.


Here's hoping that both of these issues will be addressed in the final version of Twilight Princess. As you may know, I'm a huge fan of the Zelda series -- it's my favorite out of all Nintendo franchises -- so even if they aren't, I'm sure I'll still enjoy the game. But if Nintendo is serious about Zelda being Wii's big selling point for the "core gamer," it's time it realized that there's a difference between a kid who is playing a Zelda game for the first time and a veteran gamer returning to his long-time love. It's time to show all the Juan Castros of the world how Zelda can be nice and "hardcore" -- with a soft center for those who need it.






The adjustable difficulty would be a bonus, but not essential. I wouldn't be too fussed if it isn't included. I JUST WANT THE SWORD MECHANICS TO NOT BE A GIMMICK BUT SOMETHING THAT TRULY ENHANCES THE GAMEPLAY OF TWILIGHT PRINCESS AND IS NOT F****N BUGGY, IM NOT PAYING $110 FOR NOTHING, I HAVEN'T WAITED 3 YEARS FOR A LESS THAN PERFECT PIECE OF SOFTWARE AND NINTENDO YOU BETTER F****N DELIVER!!!!!! Feel free to "reassure me" that the game will be of masterful proportions, [i.E. worthy of getting 10/10 from IGN and other related sites].


On another note, that blind kid that got a copy of Twilight Princess, is that the final retail version, does that mean what was shown at the NYC event is an accurate representation of the final game, NO BETTER be the answer... :mad:IN RELATION TO THE SWORD FIGHTING MECHANICS.

Somone in the US has gotta go and break into that kids home and steal that copy of Twilight Princess so we can get an idea before its release as to whether the issues with the game have been corrected or not. Heres hoping...


EVERYONE, if this game does poorly with reviews, as in getting below 9.7 average score at THE ABSOLUTE LOWEST, we shall all give this topic 1 star ratings and drop that 5 star rating, as it will NOT BE WORTHY of a 5 star rating.


I am only bitching on about the quirks of this game as I want it to be the BEST zelda game EVER.

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There are no swordfighting issues, just some slight problems ocurred because people were too close to the sensors. Most people just expect some giga awesome 1:1 sword slashing and get disapointed because the effect is the same as the buttons. God the internets are crazy.

EDIT: Peer's really stupid ists already known you can stab with the wiimote. And why the hell are these forums being overrun my retards?

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EVERYONE, if this game does poorly with reviews, as in getting below 9.7 average score at THE ABSOLUTE LOWEST, we shall all give this topic 1 star ratings and drop that 5 star rating, if it is not worth of a 5 star rating.


rofl literally I have never seen a funnier or more absurd display of internet anger. Yeh if this game gets 96% which is a crap score! Lets show nintendo whos boss by protesting on the internet! On our own unoffical community site! Erm wait I mean in the forum. In the Wii Discussion bit, in the er Zelda topic. And um while everyones playing the game lets rate the topic low. What do I mean? I mean the stars in the top right hand corner that you probably hadn't even noticed! Yeh because that will show Nintendo whose the boss man! :wink:


As for the trailer music just posted I love that so much. :smile:


Btw if we compile all the enviroments we have seen in this game its looking MASSIVE.

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rofl literally I have never seen a funnier or more absurd display of internet anger. Yeh if this game gets 96% which is a crap score!


For what Nintendo has been saying about Twilight Princess being "perfect" and the fact that Windwaker got scores around and close to 96%, I would think that, getting below Wind Wakers aggregate score would in fact be a disgrace. You could say there is greater expectation with this game seeing that its on a new console and with new consoles comes greater expectations from its games and therefore a lower score is justified, but Twilight Princess at heart is a Gamecube game and Wii pretty much has enhanced gamecube hardware. Sure the score difference will come from the experimental controller, but its practically a port, the Wii versions controls shouldn't be an issue whatsoever but they are....


I guess it comes down to this.


If Z:TP scores 9.7 or greater in average reviews, i'll purchase, otherwise, i'm not buying it, i'm not buying a game when it promised so much but turns out to be less than spectacular.

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Lighten up dude have you played the Cdi Zelda games they were said to be good and turned out crap, this has been in development so long that of course I can understand the best but for the last couple of Zelda games I would imagine anything over 90% would be good.


EDIT: I want to tell you something tthe demo at the Wii event may be a demo created over 1 month ago, its obvisiously wasn't finished just 3 days before the event, even if thats the case its still out of date

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