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As E3 comes closer and closer, it must nearly be time to pre-order the Wii.


Judging by what happened with the Xbox360, it'd be wise just incase to order it early.


I was thinking about Gameplay as they've never failed for me before.


GAME. I will not order from the Internet in case it gets lost or delayed. GAME have never let me down, and I've preordered my DS, Wario Ware, Mario 64 DS, Wind Waker, Animal Crossing and Nintendogs from there.


Probably Play.com. Free delivery and hardware sometimes comes a day early. My DS did. Will probably be cheaper than in shops too.


Problem is that I want to pre-order it from the release venue for the UK. But we won't find out where that will be until less than a month before hand. I'm guessing Virgin on Oxford street again as the DS launch event looked very nice. But then again the HMV release for Nintendogs was also really fun, much more there for the fans.

Guest Stefkov

probably GAME, i want to experience a luanch partay. would get it off gameplay, but like i said never experienced staying up till 12 to get a console. nearest game is like 15-20 minutes away anyway


Gamestation..seeing as I work there and we'll proberbly have soem pretty nice deals gonig on with it as well when it's launched adn the midnight launch will be pretty cool


Gamestation too, as i'm friends with the guys who work there and i just prefer it to GAME.


Although this will be the first time i'm getting a console at launch from Gamestation so does anyone know of any reasons why maybe i shouldn't preorder from Gamestation?

Guest Stefkov

can you beleive that, i bought a 360 from game and was a litle bit off, with buying a £349.99 deal, some points on my card. i was so suprised and a bit pissed. £349.99 didnt even get me to the next amount of points?!?

unless gamestation have better deals, ill stick by getting getting it from GAME as theres one a really close to the ukrainian club i go to. its like a 10 minutes walk, even less. from home by car itll be no less than 30 minutes


Stefkov, for every £10 you spend you get 100 points


I have 4000+ right now which = £10


1,000 points = £100 = £2.50 off in store

£350 = 3,500 points = £7.50 at least.


By the way, Argos are very reliable with regard to pre-orders if you want to get a spare/safety. That's where I got my PS2 after GAME had their cut off point a month before the PS2 was launched.


Actually, wasn't GAME asking for a £20 pre-order token to show that you are 'serious' about making the purchase? And wasn't that non refundable?


I am not doing that if the console won't be out for 6 months.. think about it, they'll be earning interest like a biatch if we all do that.


I'll be ordering from Amazon if they try pull a £20 pre-order fee again.

Guest Stefkov

havnt thought about amazon, are they really reliable? will you get it a day before?

i wonder if gameplay will do that a day before thing they always do with games...hmmm

scrap all my ideas, whichever has the best deal will get me buying it from there. a wii and 4/5 games + some other stuff for £250 or less, will be perfect


I'll be going to my local store (Gamestop) as soon as Nintendo give a release date (which better be next week) to make my pre-order, i won't use the internet in case something goes wrong, at least i know if i'm one of the first to pre-order i just need to get to the store on launch day, instead of waiting for the postman to come

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