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Reggie: Racing Title for Wii to be Shown at E3


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PS: @Pedrocas the official wheel he is refering is for GC and not the ign mock-up for wii
Oh, I didn't realize that :smile:
I can't believe I've gone all the way through these gages and no one mentioned 1080! It's got to happen at some point. I expect this game to just use the FHC but I too think the sensitivity could make it wierd.

Imagine if it was a real car game and you could do doughnuts by spinning the FHC in the palm of your hand. I'm sounding like a chav now, aren't I.

The 'using the core controller in a very different way' intigues me. Plus it confirms for me that it will just be the FHC, no add ons.

I love 1080, but the GC outing was way too short, and the tracks were just too small... I wouldn't pay full price for it...


Nintendo needs to make a better effort next time, although I'm not really a fan of snowboarding so I don't understand much, I liked the game though, shame for it's shortcomings.


Still if nintendo want's to compete head on with the other 2 they have to get a realistic racer this time around, like GT and Forza... I just wonder if that's even possible, wouldn't we be hearing for months now about car licencing fees being bought/paid by Nintendo? just wondering.

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Yeah Nintendo needs a realistic racer this time round. Ir would also show people Nintendo have turned a corner and are not all about making 'cartoony' games (doesn't bother me but we all know how narrowminded some people can be).
If that's the case it really needs to be the best racing game ever... Critical acclaim like that would really boost sales.
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..I was gonna mention 1080.. but then I wasn't sure if you would classify that as a racing game (even though that is what the majority of the 1080 games, which I love, are about) ..1080, F-Zero, MarioKart, Wave Race.. any of those or a new, more realistic racer with real cars and I would be happy with that.. or even something like Top Gear Rally..

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I really hope it is at least a somewhat realistic racer where you win money from doing well at races and upgrade your car/bike/whatever. A kart racer or some weird "racing" game is not necessary for launch as it is expected. A realistic racer would really turn some heads.

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..I agree with you.. and all the people that say that realistic racers like Gran Turismo aren't fun to play.. this is Nintendo.. if anyone can put the fun into a game, it's them.. probably..


..I quite enjoyed R:Racing from Namco.. would maybe be cool if they collaborated on a realistic racing game together.. just an idea..

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Nobody wants a reaslistic racer. We're talking about attracting the casual gamers here, especially at launch
Gran Turismo sells big under casual gamers. Many people buy a PS2 just for Gran Turismo and Sony's Formula One franchise.


I actually enjoy realistic racers. Hope we'll get one.

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Whoever said casual gamers don't like racing simulators is a fool.

The average gamer likes sports and racing titles, they're huge sellers always.


I know people who have PlayStations, just for Gran Turismo and Fifa/equivalent.


There is a huge market for this and I consider Wii to be at a loss to some of the people in this market if Wii doesn't have a racer.


However making a racer is not an easy take.. it's time consuming and producers have to test cars for 6 hours on test tracks so they handle real- with Gran Turismo 2 they tested hundreds of cars.


I don't think many of the hardcore racers will migrate from Toca, Forza and Gran Turismo even if Nintendo put together a solid racer.


I know I wouldn't even give it a chance. So to some extent putting together a solid racing simulator is futile unless they somehow got the license from one of the established series'.


Toca on the Wii would give Nintendo a start of an edge on the racing community, it might raise an eye brow. Nintendo need to give some money to Codemasters because it's impossible to get Forza, PGR or GT from Sony and Microsoft.

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Innovance QUOTE: "Oh and i hope the racing game is donkey kong racing too. That looked like a great concept"




I had the exactly same idea that this game could be the game featured at E3, remember this game? It never saw the light of day on Gamecube due to Rareware being sold off to Microsoft. But Nintendo owns the rights to Donkey Kong, and the controlling of various animals with actions such as whipping etc, would make for an interesting racer as controlling the various animals would fully utilise the capabilities of the Wiimote. Perhaps this game may be resurrected on Wii...


Sonys E3 Conference is coming up very soon in a matter of days, i'm interested to see all the final details on PS3, and how it compares to Wii, particularly the price, release date and their redesigned controller, we'll finally know whether Sony have copied the Wiimote to an extent or not.


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Potential Projectiles in future Mario Kart installment, "STOLEN" PS3 Consoles", meaning that they have made losses on these systems, where the PS3 that looks like a printer I own with a closed lid can be used to make contact with other drivers heads, or cart, causing them to spin out and temporarily have distorted driving ability, and/or XBOX 360 ADAPTOR weapon where the huge power adaptor strectches out and drags a racer it catches to 8th position.


Nintendo can make a vague reference to other competing companies, where a certain game features a bit where robbers steal shop stock, on the side a sign says Wii sold out, but there are plenty of PS3 and Xbox 360 consoles and the criminals, smash and grab, causing losses for both Sony & Microsoft in the game, not in real life obviously.

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ShyGuy, the demographic of people who like Gran Turismo will rarely overlap with the demographic of people who like Mario Kart.


Nintendo has a huge gap for the racing simulator/serious arcade racer.

Cannot be denied.


Gran Turismo will never be beaten I'm afraid, they have their own test track and they have the most game licenses.. they model each car accurate the the milimetre and the tracks in Gran Turismo 4 were accurate to an inch for non moving environments.


You can imagine the producer Gran Turismo vision they will re-test every new car for 6 hours noting down all the little things that drivers notice and they'll implement it in the game.


Nintendo just doesn't have the money or facilities to make 'the best' racer going in one generation.. Gran Turismo is 10 years old now, they're on their 5th game and it shows no sign of getting 'boring' or repetitive.. because each time it become more and more realistic.

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I don't know if this has been said, but the racing title is almost certainly Excitebike, a forumer from GAF that works for Ninteod hinted very clearly that this was the case.

Imagine this: hold the controller horizontally, accelarate with, brake with b, steer like you would steer a bike, control inclination by inclinating the controller up and down or whatever direction you like. Insta win.

EDIT: about GT, I slightly disagree. GT is getting boring, realism alone doesn't cut it. It'll be hard to beat GT, because Polyphony has a lot of experience, but Forza came very close and it was their first try. Not to mention that because of all the licenses, they probably will never make damagable cars, which is HUGE turn off. Still, it's not up to nintendo to make a simulator, that's true. They do have the money do, you're wrong about that.

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ShyGuy, the demographic of people who like Gran Turismo will rarely overlap with the demographic of people who like Mario Kart.


Are you joking? Do you genuinely believe that the people who buy GT are completely different to the people who would buy Mario Kart? I disagree strongly. The only reason people 'may' not have both is because they are on two seperate consoles, if a realistic racer came to the wii and it was as good as GT, I would feel that people would gernerally buy both. I mean, do people here buy great games, or great games in a specific genre? I personally just buy great games!

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I disagree. People buying Mario Kart and people buying Gran Turismo often are very different people. Mario Kart is bought for fun, as a party game in which racing only comes second place. This audience are usually teens and young adults. Gran Turismo is a serious realistic racing game and therefore the people buying it are often racing purists (some don't even buy other games than racing games), generally in their 20s and 30s.


I'm not saying there are no overlaps but the audience is very different.

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I disagree. People buying Mario Kart and people buying Gran Turismo often are very different people. Mario Kart is bought for fun, as a party game in which racing only comes second place. This audience are usually teens and young adults. Gran Turismo is a serious realistic racing game and therefore the people buying it are often racing purists (some don't even buy other games than racing games), generally in their 20s and 30s.


I'm not saying there are no overlaps but the audience is very different.

That's true and I know many people like this. They're crazy about cars and just buy racing games. A lot of people also buy it because of the publicity the game has but end up not playing it because it's too hard.

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I love GT and I even love more Mario Kart.I would buy both but when I finish both, I will just play mario kart cause it's the most funny.But it would be great if a racing simulator was ready in day1.

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Nobody wants a reaslistic racer. We're talking about attracting the casual gamers here, especially at launch

EVERYBODY wants a realistic racer. I'm not talking about F1-Championship realistic, with dull tracks surrounded by concrete walls, and with a shitload of ugly cars that all look the same, and spin out for nothing.


I'm talking Gran Turismo-realistic, with licensed cars (the real racing tracks i can really live without), and prefferably damage models and tunability (á la NFSUG).

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Why not have both? Nintendo need a realistic racer and there normal popular franchises. I haven't really got into Excitebike, although the unique controller has made me think about how they would control with it and how cool it would be!


Only 2 more days till it's revealed. Pilot Wings is also 95% certain.

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