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Argh!! I HATE Deadrising! Has anyone managed to kill the girl on the motorbike? Everytime I get the final shot it goes to a cut-scene and she just rides off. Aparently it might be because I didn't have enough time left when I killed her but I managed to save it whilst the countdown timer is on red and I literally run all the way there and fight her. There is no way I'm starting this stupid game again from the start so that I can fight her!


I agree actually, it's the most irritating confusing game (saving-wise) i think i've ever played.


I don't think there should have been a timer, i like the fact your there for so many hours etc.. but perhaps the time should have just continued during the story of it all, i know thats boring, but it would be alot more fun if you had more time to think.


It's a great game though, so hopefully if they do a sequel they will sort out the saving/timer part and it'll be fantastic.

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Deadrising 2 should be GTA/Crackdown with all the other people in the city as zombies. It should be free roaming with extra areas unlocked as the story progresses. There should be no timer as I want to spend a few hours running around experimenting with weapons and environmental kills without being told that the story has ended off screen because i wasn't over the other side of the planet when a man decided to tie his shoelaces. It should save you progress a la crackdown and allow you to move instantly to certain start points whenever you like to reduce travel time (monorail or subway or something). I just hope capcom listen to the customers, Japanese devs seem to be a little blind to the outside world most of the time these days.

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I agree actually, it's the most irritating confusing game (saving-wise) i think i've ever played.


I don't think there should have been a timer, i like the fact your there for so many hours etc.. but perhaps the time should have just continued during the story of it all, i know thats boring, but it would be alot more fun if you had more time to think.


It's a great game though, so hopefully if they do a sequel they will sort out the saving/timer part and it'll be fantastic.


Owen ur sig is perfect!:smile:

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Guest Stefkov

What's annoying with Tony Hawks is that you cant search which hidden point marker things you've found. I think I'm on 34 or 35 and there's 36


This is the same as Crackdown, it would have been nice on the agility and hidden orbs for them to number them or something

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I liked the latest Halo 3 screenshots. Even though the levels seem a little dull, it looks good, the weapon and vehicle design is awesome, I love the customizable suits nice models, nice textures, they didn't exagerate with bloom. Looks good.

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Deadrising 2 should be GTA/Crackdown with all the other people in the city as zombies.


Do as this man says! That would be so much better. If I wanna spend 2hrs popping zombies heads off with the sickle then let me do it!


Viva Pinata is awesome.


Yes it is :D

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Guest Stefkov
Is it common knowledge that the orbs in Crackdown go in a spiral from the outside to the middle?

This would be right if it were true. However it's not true. So this statement is false.

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Question i've been wondering about when folk have sent in 360s for repairs, when it comes for me to do minewhenever it will be....Do you need to send the Hard Drive? I don't want my data wiping or anything or can you just keep it and pop the grill in the slot and send it?

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