Stocka Posted March 22, 2007 Author Posted March 22, 2007 Bullocks. I also think it's stupid how XBL games go in your profile if you play a demo
rokhed00 Posted March 22, 2007 Posted March 22, 2007 I also think it's stupid how XBL games go in your profile if you play a demo They don't, only trial XBLA games.
ZeldaFreak Posted March 22, 2007 Posted March 22, 2007 They are fake... "Update: Our trusted source that confirmed the Elite let us know that these shots are quite fishy; they don't have the same plastics details as the real Elite, nor does the retail box match up. Sorry folks, chalk this one up to the usual group of bored, fanatical photoshoppers." Engaget Thanks Caris
Stocka Posted March 22, 2007 Author Posted March 22, 2007 They don't, only trial XBLA games. Yeah sorry I meant XBLA
Guest Stefkov Posted March 22, 2007 Posted March 22, 2007 I'm annoyed at that also, I've got frogger, joust, pacman and some other games on my gamercard, even though i only played the demos. I've just forgotten about them though.
That Guy Posted March 22, 2007 Posted March 22, 2007 Is there any way at all you can take games off your gamerprofile? It's really annoying me as a friend recently brought GRAW 2 over and I accidentally played it on my profile. Now it's there in my games section/achievements section etc. I know it's a minor issue but i'd really like to get rid of it if there is any way possible.Bloody Worms, keep getting so close to winning on challenge 19 then getting beaten harshly. It annoys me too, I've got Football Manager on mine, even though it crashed the first time I played it and I returned it. Can't decide whether to pop into town on Saturday to pick up Virtua Tennis 3.
Bren Posted March 22, 2007 Posted March 22, 2007 Anyone up for some 4 player co-op TMNT? I bought it today and love it, so many memorys.
Dante Posted March 22, 2007 Posted March 22, 2007 Microsoft sends CVG the difference between 360 and PS3... in beer! "What would you purchase for £146?" asks Microsoft Don't let anyone else fool you; this is the reason we do what we do - free beer, and lots of it. Wheeled into our office this afternoon by a special ops team of beer couriers was this £146 pile of Fosters on behalf of one Microsoft Corporation. Was it because of our gushing GDC coverage? No, apparently MS has a more specific reason for its generous gift. "What would you purchase for £146...? (The price difference between an Xbox 360 and a PlayStaion 3)", asks the included Xbox 360-headed notice. "Well, for a start we thought you might like £146 worth of beer to kick start your weekend early." Signed, "Jump in. Xbox 360. The Leader in the next generation of gaming and entertainment."
The Bard Posted March 22, 2007 Posted March 22, 2007 Fosters is shit. If they had any class they'd have sent crates of Hobgoblin :p. PS3's slightly worse off with the becks though lolz.
ZeldaFreak Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 If it was Stella Blanc, or even normal stella then sure. But Fosters and Becks shouldn't they of used the same alchol to make it look like a true difference.
rokhed00 Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 Microsoft sends CVG the difference between 360 and PS3... in beer! "What would you purchase for £146?" asks Microsoft Don't let anyone else fool you; this is the reason we do what we do - free beer, and lots of it. Wheeled into our office this afternoon by a special ops team of beer couriers was this £146 pile of Fosters on behalf of one Microsoft Corporation. Was it because of our gushing GDC coverage? No, apparently MS has a more specific reason for its generous gift. "What would you purchase for £146...? (The price difference between an Xbox 360 and a PlayStaion 3)", asks the included Xbox 360-headed notice. "Well, for a start we thought you might like £146 worth of beer to kick start your weekend early." Signed, "Jump in. Xbox 360. The Leader in the next generation of gaming and entertainment." 7 crates of piss, they were ripped off, I could get 11 crates of decent beer for less money.
Guest Jordan Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 So, whoever bought VT3, what you think of it? I'm rank 212 atm, the advanced tournaments are a big step up from the beginners. Nearly on my third year now, should easily (with stat increases) be able to take down the big boys.
Domstercool Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 I did and it's good stuff. I don't see how anyone said it was more complex at all. It plays very arcadey.
Garden_Pigeon Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 Halo 2 on Windows Vista Live will have achievements. Thats aload of bullcrap... MS are just milking that game as much as they can.
Guest Jordan Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 *begins pulling his hair out.* I just played a 26 minute game against Nadal for him to beat me. 3 games to 4. Jeeze... Its so damn difficult in the highest rank.
Nintenchris Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 Someone was handing out free chairs to the people waiting inline for a PS3 in London... here is one Heres the link
Domstercool Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 Virtua Tennis 3 is great fun! Sega done it again with the series. Making great gameplay and pure fun. Although Jordan will say otherwise, since he thinks my net playing skills are like "spawn camping" just because it's how I play. ¬_¬ Use the bloody lob man, LEARN TO USE IT!
ZeldaFreak Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 I was wondering what are the GRAW games like - I'm not a fan of fps or really shoot em ups, but like really tactical games like full spectrum warrior. Would it be my sort of game? Cheers all
Mundi Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 Going to pick up Virtua Tennis 3 today, hopefully it´s as good as everyone here says. Is it any fun online?
Guest Jordan Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 Going to pick up Virtua Tennis 3 today, hopefully it´s as good as everyone here says.Is it any fun online? Not if you play against "the only shot i know is a volley." Domstercool.
Domstercool Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 Awww, poor Jordan still sulking over losing... twice. Shame I beat you with lobs to when you tried to beat my net skills.
Mundi Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 Not if you play against "the only shot i know is a volley." Domstercool. hmm *writes down* Use volley a lot to annoy people
chrizkerr2 Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 Bah, Shivering Isles released on the same day when Xbox Live is down for maintenance.... Sucks -.-
rokhed00 Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 Earth Defense Force 2017 - £17.99 at if anybody is interested. Can't go wrong at that price.
Daft Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 Very tempting...but I have a backlog of games...must resist!! Shame it hasn't got online co-op! Is there any chance they will release an update for it??
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