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Hmmm, something very scary just happened...


I put Dead Rising into my 360 disk tray, closed it and it made a scary scratching like sound. Then a 360 swirl pattern intro appeared (that I've never seen before) then a message appeared saying "to play this game please put it in a 360 console."

I ejected the disc put it bk in and it works. Though when it first loaded, it made the horrible scratching sound. There's no scratches on the disc though. Wierd.


Anyone know why the hell it did that? My 360 is standing upright, and that's never happened before...


Crackdown is loads of fun, I was pleasantly surprised. I haven't tried co-op yet, maybe a friend will come round tomorrow.


In any case, pre order placed.

Crackdown is loads of fun, I was pleasantly surprised. I haven't tried co-op yet, maybe a friend will come round tomorrow.


In any case, pre order placed.


Im pretty sure you can play coop on the same tv/console!:hmm:



Is the Xbox Live Video Marketplace available in the uk, cos I want to download Requiem for a Dream! If its not available does anyone know when it will be?


Completed Dead Rising, and managed to get ending A, as well as experienciencing the others before doing so.

A Solve all cases; talk to Isabella after 10; be on heliport by 12

B Don't solve all cases; be on heliport by 12

C Solve all cases; do NOT talk to Isabella after 10

D Be held by the special forces at 12:00pm, instead of at the heliport

E Don't solve all cases; don't be at heliport

F Do not collect all bombs




Crazy way to finish the game, the whole overtime thing is a bit ..um.irritating. Is it really worth doing it?


Other than the way it ends frustrating me, I think it's a great game. My revised top 3 360 games:

1. Gears of War

2. Kameo

3. Dead Rising


The Crackdown demo seemed pretty good, but everything was far too small on my 14" TV, I couldn't read the writing properly and it was hard to see things on the screen...


well i phoned microsoft last night at about 6pm, my shipper labels have already arrived :) Now to pack it up and send it back to em.

Hmmm, something very scary just happened...


I put Dead Rising into my 360 disk tray, closed it and it made a scary scratching like sound. Then a 360 swirl pattern intro appeared (that I've never seen before) then a message appeared saying "to play this game please put it in a 360 console."

I ejected the disc put it bk in and it works. Though when it first loaded, it made the horrible scratching sound. There's no scratches on the disc though. Wierd.


Anyone know why the hell it did that? My 360 is standing upright, and that's never happened before...


It sometimes happens to me with PGR3. Basically, your disc has a minor flaw in it somewhere, which makes the 360 read it as a DVD. However, when the disc is read as a DVD, the above happens. It just eject the disc and close it again, and it should work.


Ty on the disc error thing, that was seriously worrying me, lol.


Crazy way to finish the game, the whole overtime thing is a bit ..um.irritating. Is it really worth doing it?


If you want the full story, then yes. Plus there's an achievement or two you can get from completing overtime mode.


I've just completed my second run through the game, and got a different ending. Methinks I'll go for the 'Zombie Killer' and 'Zombie Genocider' achievements on my next run through. :grin:


I also got Quake 4 yesterday. It's alright, but kinda short and repetitive. Not too bad though. I'll try playing it online once I've got the single player campaign out of the way.


I also got Quake 4 yesterday. It's alright, but kinda short and repetitive. Not too bad though. I'll try playing it online once I've got the single player campaign out of the way.


Quake 4 is seriously fucked up online, the Doom 3 engine just can't handle online on consoles for some reason. It's not bad, but if you try playing with more than 6 players you're going to get some serious lag.

So it costs £80 to repair it if you've had it for over a year?


Mine was covered for over a year (had a launch 360), but ones after launch are covered for 1 year, and when you first buy it you have a month to pay £80 for an extra year. I dont know how much they charge to fix them if you have no warranty.


lol? That its a bargain price for a really fun game? I loved it.


Have you even played it for more than 20 mins yet? you havent done act 1, and you barely learn everything by then.

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