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I've never loved PDZ. I am enjoying it and I think it is a good game, but not amazing.


The AI is a bit disappointing imo, and the story makes no sense whatsoever, but still the solo player is pretty fun.


Online...well I haven't played with any friends yet(Router problems, NAT 'strict') but from what I've played online, its pretty good but doesn't come close to CSS personally. CSS is my online FPS bitch.


Kameo is by far the best game so far for me(although I only have two:heh: )


Oh and the Fifa 06 demo....what a joke. :woops:

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You need to play pro evo...


...and graphically, Fifa 06 on 360 looks no different to on Xbox/GC/PS2. What a rushed piece of shit. It's a chore.

WTF the gfx are much better than xbox/gc/ps2 version by far!

You obviously haven't seen the faces.

I'm not saying the gfx are amazing, but there a BIG difference than xbox/gc/ps2

and I wasn't talking to you fatrox about liking pdz! xD

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You need to play pro evo...


...and graphically, Fifa 06 on 360 looks no different to on Xbox/GC/PS2. What a rushed piece of shit. It's a chore.


Are you just being retarded?


The graphics in Fifa 360 are awesome. I will admit that the players look like they have been locked in a dark room for 20 years, they are pale as ghosts. But saying it is just like last gen is ignorant.

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Well okay there might be the odd good looking faces of players in replays and such but when you're actually playing normally it doesn't look marginally different. Then again...I suppose football games have always looked so realistic this gen, so they couldn't ever look a lot better, but still...its obvious it was rushed.

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I love PDZ. Me and my bro were speculating which PD is the better game and we both said Perfect Dark N64 though.


Saying that though, PDZ in my opinion is brilliant, and i'm never getting rid of it! The single-player is good, and the multiplayer rocks.




Call Of Duty 2 wins best 360 launch game for me though, and GUN is last, purely because it's just the Xbox version, i don't even think they tried to change any of it (graphically). Even King Kong looks as though they have made the graphics better.


THAS looks alot shaper on a HDTV by the way, and Amped 3 looks more smooth and sharp! ;)

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Perfect Dark Zero is a great game, at first I wasn't to keen on it, but I think I was finding it a bit easy, getting riddled with bullets yet seconds later having most of my health back, started to enjoy it much more as I got toward the later levels. Really enjoyed playing through it again on Secret Agent rather than Agent, though the Jungle level on Secret Agent did have me swearing at the screen.


Very good game, very Perfect Dark-y. Which people forget was different to Halo (Halo, on the other hand is crap, really disliked that game, so overrated).

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I remember people saying similar things about DoAU on the Xbox, two weeks later hardly anyone was playing it apart from the hardcore players.


I'm surprisingly still finding this VERY addicitive! Love it!


Ridge Racer is great, i knew i was going to like it in my first race! :D

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I remember people saying similar things about DoAU on the Xbox, two weeks later hardly anyone was playing it apart from the hardcore players.


aye a hardly play on mine anymore.


a hardly play on my xbox anymore :weep: i cant remember how many days it is since i was last on it. (someone check if youve added me) i need some new games.

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