theguyfromspark Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 Wing Commander is balls! Save time and don't download it! Also, what's the exclusive line up for PS3 this christmas, I couldn't really see anything I liked that wasn't on the 360. I'll pick a PS3 up next year most likely, after the next lot of price cuts.
Caris Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 Uncharted Haze Unreal Tourny Rachet and Clank Lair Socom Home
BeerMonkey Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 anyone with viva pinata know how to use the "love sweets" ive tried clicking on the pinata then the sweet and that doesnt work. also how do i get the bird to eat a worm i got loads of them now but only 2 birds gah and they wont eat the worms. so i brought love sweets but they arnt eating them they fly over to it then ignore it. Often they are high place so cant click on them. presides that viva pinata is alot of fun UnchartedHaze Unreal Tourny Rachet and Clank Lair Socom Home rachet looks good but its hardly a amazing lineup
Guest Stefkov Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 If they're up a tree, tap the tree with the shovel. Tap anything they're on and they'll come down.
Caris Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 anyone with viva pinata know how to use the "love sweets" ive tried clicking on the pinata then the sweet and that doesnt work. also how do i get the bird to eat a worm i got loads of them now but only 2 birds gah and they wont eat the worms. so i brought love sweets but they arnt eating them they fly over to it then ignore it. Often they are high place so cant click on them. presides that viva pinata is alot of fun rachet looks good but its hardly a amazing lineup I beg to differ, Halo3 and Bioshock are the only "must" haves for me this Christmas. EDIT: also it has heavenly sword.
thirtynine. Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 I beg to differ, Halo3 and Bioshock are the only "must" haves for me this Christmas. EDIT: also it has heavenly sword. No assasins creed?
Hero-of-Time Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 No assasins creed? I think they are talking exclusives. For me the 360 games between now and Christmas are Blue Dragon, Halo 3 and Eternal Sonata. PS3 wise I want Lair, Ratchet and Clank, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted and last but certainly not least Haze. Four player co-op FTW! Im still dubious about Warhawk, I will have to see more of it. As for the multiformat titles I will probably by them for my PS3, im trying to get out of the habbit of playing for achievements and this is the best way to go about it for me
thirtynine. Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 I don't think there are any exclusives I want. Assassins Creed and Tony hawk are the only things I want this winter.
immy Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 UnchartedHaze Unreal Tourny Rachet and Clank lair never looked that good to me so i'm not interested, home is justa load of shit. Socom looks likes like a ps2 or wii game the rest are all cool and worth a purchase though
McPhee Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 You haven't been on live for nearly a month. i thought you were dead, or worse, married. I've been on, just not very much and mostly on Vegas. Been working near 50 hours a week + keep going out boozing and getting distracted by other things like shiny objects. Dunno why but i can't seem to get into any 360 games at the moment. Im enjoying Vegas, but im not hooked and im kind of bored of the other games i've got. Might pick up a copy of Medieval 2: Total War on PC, the Total War series has a habbit of eating up every minute of my spare time!
rokhed00 Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 The amount of people turning to PS3's cause there sick of problems with there 360 is quite high Sure it is. I've had more problems with the 360 than just about anybody, but still I wouldn't buy a PS3 if you gave me a cheque for £500.
KKOB Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 Sure it is.I've had more problems with the 360 than just about anybody, but still I wouldn't buy a PS3 if you gave me a cheque for £500. You'd probably use that money to pay for all the awesome 360 games coming out-or just so you can afford Rock Band . . .
Jimjebus Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 no idea why we didn't play Vegas tonight caris got sucked in to Battle for middle earth. Had talk with sister she is going halves on a ps3 she wants one i want one now she is never at home so sorted for me.
rokhed00 Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 You'd probably use that money to pay for all the awesome 360 games coming out-or just so you can afford Rock Band . . . No, I'd spend the money on sex toys and costumes.
The fish Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 no idea why we didn't play Vegas tonight caris got sucked in to Battle for middle earth. Had talk with sister she is going halves on a ps3 she wants one i want one now she is never at home so sorted for me. Oh god, the grammar and spelling Nazi within me wants to lean out and flame you...
theguyfromspark Posted July 26, 2007 Posted July 26, 2007 Haze is coming out on the 360 as well early next year, and by the time I've played all the other games I want this year (Mass Effect, Bioshock, Blue Dragon, Halo 3, Assassins Creed, Guitar Hero 3, Rock Band, COD4, and all the Wii Games I want) it will probably be out too! I realize this is all personal opinion about what games certain people like but I reckon that on average, most people would find more games they want to play on the 360 this year than PS3. It's more than likely however that next Christmas there'll be a ton of PS3 games I want and hardly any 360 games, so then I'll pick up the PS3.
Hero-of-Time Posted July 26, 2007 Posted July 26, 2007 Accroding to Eurogamer the Resident Evil 5 Trailer is up on LIVE now. Move people......MOVE!
Caris Posted July 26, 2007 Posted July 26, 2007 Sure it is.I've had more problems with the 360 than just about anybody, but still I wouldn't buy a PS3 if you gave me a cheque for £500. I'm not lying, check i went on the last week and it was full of threads with people sick of waiting for there 360 back and have bought a ps3 etc. Went on the other day and people were making threads trying to get 360's owners to keep there 360's.
Hero-of-Time Posted July 26, 2007 Posted July 26, 2007 I'm not lying, check i went on the last week and it was full of threads with people sick of waiting for there 360 back and have bought a ps3 etc. Went on the other day and people were making threads trying to get 360's owners to keep there 360's. Its the reason I got a PS3 last week. I had to wait 6 weeks for my 360 to get fixed which is a disgrace. Also my mate got his back in June and then it kncaked up again last week which is why 3 of us at work went and got PS3s on Saturday Anyways, the Resident Evil trailer IS up now, nearly finished downloading it, all excited!
Guest Stefkov Posted July 26, 2007 Posted July 26, 2007 Ooh, beautiful. The Darkness has a demo up. Can anyone briefly describe to me what Project Sylpheed is? I'm gonna have a look now about it but if anyone could tell me the battle system and such I'd be greatful.
Hero-of-Time Posted July 26, 2007 Posted July 26, 2007 Ooh, beautiful. The Darkness has a demo up. Can anyone briefly describe to me what Project Sylpheed is? I'm gonna have a look now about it but if anyone could tell me the battle system and such I'd be greatful. Its a space shooter game which is really bad IMO. I downloaded the demo and it just played terrible also it got many a bad review saying the game itself is flawed.
Jimjebus Posted July 26, 2007 Posted July 26, 2007 still I wouldn't buy a PS3 if you gave me a cheque for £500. i don't see what the problem is with having a ps3, its a console , it works, it plays games , it has online. so what if it has no games at the moment worth buying, end of year line ups don't seem bad , MGS4 is confirmed for ps3 and isn't a rumor like xbox 360 version. i think ps3 isn't a bad console i'm buying one at end of year and i will enjoy despite what people say about it
Mundi Posted July 26, 2007 Posted July 26, 2007 4 new Guitar Hero 3 tracks confirmed Why couldn´t it be Rock Band
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