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  DiemetriX said:
Backward Compatibility Update - December 2006

Games I like on the new list are: Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy, Psychonauts and Shenmue II.


finaly I get to play shenmue! Lets hope the game fills the whole screen and that I don't get to black bars at the side like I do on fable.


List: http://www.xbox.com/en-GB/games/backwardcompatibilitygameslist.htm


AWESOME!!! Now I can play Shemue 2!


*runs to ebay and searchs for a copy*


EDIT: Just seen that Conker still aint BC, grrr.

  DiemetriX said:
Backward Compatibility Update - December 2006

Games I like on the new list are: Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy, Psychonauts and Shenmue II.


finaly I get to play shenmue! Lets hope the game fills the whole screen and that I don't get to black bars at the side like I do on fable.


List: http://www.xbox.com/en-GB/games/backwardcompatibilitygameslist.htm




Definitely getting it, I need to on all Shenmue's. So what's the difference between Xbox and Dreamcast version? Any? Other than english voice over? I'm buying whatever. I :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Shenmue.


It was put on too early also my fave DoA game ever is on there. Dead or Alive Ultimate... making me a happy chappy!


I've just thought, because it's released so close to Christmas I won't be able to get Star Trek Legacy unless I buy it from a shop, and then it'll end up costing me more.

Damn, I was really looking forward to getting it before Christmas.


ive owned ghost recon for 3 months and last night i had my first multiplayer on it...i wish i had LONG ago now as the multi on ghost recon is ACE had a good laugh.

Started a new go (was only on mission 3) i hadnt played it since october because i brought kameo and just stopped playing gah


Awesome news about Shenmue II. I'll most likely buy it then, as I never had an Xbox. Although I have it on Dreamcast I want it just to see what it's like with the english voice acting + because it's Shenmue so I MUST.

  Stocka said:
Awesome news about Shenmue II. I'll most likely buy it then, as I never had an Xbox. Although I have it on Dreamcast I want it just to see what it's like with the english voice acting + because it's Shenmue so I MUST.


Same here man.


  Yamcha said:
Off topic, but whats with that other That Guy on the forum :confused:


He appears to be Irish and seems to type in his accent. Luckily, nothing to do with me. :awesome:


BTW, Shenmue II on the box of X has by far the worst controls in gaming history, but 'spose if your a big fan you'll get over them (I did)

  TakeoMiyazaki said:
i've never played Shenme or had any inkling to, it looks like a videogame novel with QTEs and minigames.


You really should play them ( well at least the 1st I still havent played 2nd ) Its an epic story which instantly draws you in, it is a marmite game though you either love it to bits or hate it to the core.




Star Trek Achievements, I especially like number 34 and 35 :grin:


The PC version of Star Trek is getting generally poo reviews, 58% average over at gamerankings. Is the X260 version any different? I'm definately not getting it but some people on this forum seem to be excited about it so I'm hoping it'll be better for their sakes!

  theguyfromsparks said:
The PC version of Star Trek is getting generally poo reviews, 58% average over at gamerankings. Is the X260 version any different? I'm definately not getting it but some people on this forum seem to be excited about it so I'm hoping it'll be better for their sakes!


Yeah, I read a couple of reviews on Gamefaqs and it got really bashed which is a shame as I was looking forward to playing a good ST game.


Also Lost Planet gets patched before release.


Lost Planet may not be out until 12th January, but Capcom's already setting admirable precedents for its first major online multiplayer game on Xbox 360.


Having released single- and multiplayer demos earlier this year, the developer has since been in touch to explain its plans to incorporate fan feedback into the full game.


"Capcom has been reading boards, emails and blogs, collecting thoughts and ideas directly from the growing community," the team explained in a statement.


Many of these changes will focus on issues with the lobby and matchmaking systems, which came in for criticism based on the demo.


Some changes were already anticipated by the dev team, Capcom says, but others "have come straight from the hundreds of thousands of people playing the multiplayer demo".


A patch will be readied for release at the same time as the game comes out in Europe and North America, 12th January, and should automatically download when you log on to Xbox Live.


The following is a list of key changes to the lobby and matchmaking systems you can expect compared to the multiplayer demo:


Private slots can be set by host

Invite friends to a match

Number of players in a room will be displayed next to name of the room

Players will not be kicked all the way out to the main menu if they try to join a full game

New button allows players to refresh the match list without going out to the main menu and selecting Quick Match again

Players will now go to a post-game lobby at the end of a match, not kicked back to the main menu

The ability to replay a match with the same group without leaving the post-game lobby

Cycling maps on replayed matches when map selection is set to Random

Text size on the team selection screen will be greatly increased when using non-HD resolutions

When manual team selection is set to ON, players will have 20 seconds to form teams

The time limit on each match will be maxed out at 60 minutes, instead of the current unlimited time

A player’s custom match criteria will now be saved


Nice to see Capcom taking an interest and listening to the people.


Also just snapped up Shenmue 2 for £10 so Im all ready for when the BC update is out.


Anyone tried Assault Heroes yet? I downloaded it this morning before work and had a quick play. I finished the first level and unlocked half the achievements! Admittedly, the other half may take some work but I really enjoyed playing it. If anyone picks it up I'll do a bit of co-op with them anytime.

  theguyfromsparks said:
The PC version of Star Trek is getting generally poo reviews, 58% average over at gamerankings. Is the X260 version any different? I'm definately not getting it but some people on this forum seem to be excited about it so I'm hoping it'll be better for their sakes!


Yes. The critisism of the PC version is its controls. The 360 version plays fine and is getting 7s and 8s.


Just packed my 360 away for the winter, its going to have a nice looooong sleep and think about what it needs to do to beat Wii for control of my TV. bye bye 360 (for 4 weeks)

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