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Revolution Name revealed? (Nintendo Bluewave!)


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Guest Jordan

HD-DVD uses a red laser, Bluray uses errr... a blue laser.


Standard DVD also uses a red laser. The fact is, Panasonic are using bluray rather than HD-DVD so there could be a chance of Nintendo eventually taking up Sony's format. Whether it be this generation or the next... but i guess we'll have to see what happens.


Bluewave just isn't gunna happen.

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I can't believe how many people believed wikipedia, thats made my day. Lets not wait for an official source, lets believe some random info on a internet encyclopedia were viewers can add/edit/delete information! Yay!


P.S. Bluewave is the shittest name ever.

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Guest Jordan

Waddya know, i was wrong. Fair enough, i guess you learn something new everyday.


So, if they both use the same type of laser... why isn't it possible for a dual HD-DVD/Bluray player?

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Waddya know, i was wrong. Fair enough, i guess you learn something new everyday.


So, if they both use the same type of laser... why isn't it possible for a dual HD-DVD/Bluray player?




Well, that is a good question... And someone might have a good answer, but it aint me :laughing:

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Well, that is a good question... And someone might have a good answer, but it aint me :laughing:

Mostly because that would require significant co-operation between Toshiba and Sony the main peddlers of the two rival technologies.


They both believe so bluntly that their cards can take the pot that they're not willing to compromise. It's all or nothing.


Basically I think they're both going to fail.. for a variety of reasons, mostly because the cost is so extremely high.

Second they're confusing the average consumer.. nobody is gonna be a HD-DVD if it is gonna have no disney movies for example.

Thirdly because the market isn't asking for a new format.. we're being told we want one.


The companies are pushing this tech down out throat.

Buy a HD-TV, Buy Sky HD.. buy a BluRay drive etc..


The problem is it should be the people that control the market.. when we ask for something they make it for us.. sure in the past they have made educated guesses on what we'll want in a few years so they can get it out.


I'd say all of this is 10 years premature.. I wouldn't expect HD to have a double figure percentage penetration by the 2008 cut off point for standard broadcasting.


DVD is good enough.. with a widescreen TV and surround sound system which is what basically any good electrical retailer will stock as their only products.

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Good point Nintendork. It seems like VHS has only just died out. We spent £900 on a dolby digital surround system a couple of years ago, so it'll be good while before we think about stepping up. My grandma got a HD TV. It cost her £700 ponud and I can't seriously see a difference.
Exactly dude, surround sound, widescreen and DVD is just a really great experience right now.


I'm personally waiting for a wireless surround sound kit so I can stick the speakers up on the walls without wires and have them powered by batteries, then the WiFi can hook up to wireless and play tunes.


There's no doubting that HD TV is better quality.. you probably can't notice it because your nan doesn't have Sky HD yet probably.. BBC are broadcasting much of the world cup in HD so check that out and you'll probably notice the sweat beads.


The 2008 Olympics will probably all be in HD and even Freeview will have a couple of slots for a HD stream by then.


I'm hoping that Revolution will support surround sound because I think that is the tech to make it into homes this year.

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I'm hoping that Revolution will support surround sound because I think that is the tech to make it into homes this year.

I'm with you. Digital surround = godly.


The fact that some of us start believing Wikipedia edits is a sign we really need the E3.

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OMG! The names in WiKiPedia! It must be true!


Come on guys, it's Wikipedia, anyone can edit it!

We already discussed that, but it wasnt just wikipedia. There's a soud clip from Ubi there was apparently a mention in nintendo power. I think the start of this thread was all aimed at wiki, but it developed and we discussed wiki being edited by any one.

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Guest Stefkov

i keep wanting to say that wiki can only be changed by registers so hat not everyone like people are saying can edit info. only people registered.

but that still could count as most people.

but seriously bluewave is shite. it doesnt sound like it has relevance to anything. maybe the lue light on the front of the rev, but thats only for display.

i would have thought that people would go into that old the blue thing is the projector and that its blue and that light travles in waves. blah blah. but thank god they havnt

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i keep wanting to say that wiki can only be changed by registers so hat not everyone like people are saying can edit info. only people registered.


I edited yesterday and I'm not registered there in any way, they kept my ip address on record, if you go check it might still be there.




I've changed revolution, for pink ripple.

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We already discussed that, but it wasnt just wikipedia. There's a soud clip from Ubi there was apparently a mention in nintendo power. I think the start of this thread was all aimed at wiki, but it developed and we discussed wiki being edited by any one.



I thought you would've but I couldn't be bothered reading the other 3 pages :heh:


Nintendo should just keep the name as the Revolution. I was talking to some adults who's children want the Revolution. If they changed the name they wouldn't have a clue what to buy.

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