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Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for Revolution?!


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I was just looking at the site http://www.firingsquad.com, and I came across a recent (31/3/06) interview with the creators of Oblivion, and a certain part of the interview was quite intresting:


FiringSquad: Are there any plans for a Revolution or PS3 version of the game in the works?


Pete Hines: Anything is possible but right now it is just for PC and Xbox 360.



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Anything is possible but right now it is just for PC and Xbox 360.


Translation. Currently it is exclusive for Microsoft Windows and the Microsoft owned Xbox 360..


Until Microsoft buys the toaster industry I don't think we'll be seeing Oblivion on the toaster.


You sound like a GCSE history exam paper.
I preferred it when they said "State what" and I would just write "what" underneath.. and I would argue with the teacher that I was just doing as told.


I don't think they do it on exams these days.


Newsflash: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion will never be on the Revolution, and if it were to come to the PS3 it would be the wrong forum for it anyway.

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The 360 version looks awesome but even with the quite powerfull hardware of the console there are some frame rate issues and especially when riding a horse loading problems. Now if the power of the Revolution is not even the same as the 360 I highly doubt that we will see Oblivion on the Revolution. Not now and not in the future because right now the market is saturated - PC + 360 user base is quite big. So the few people who would buy a Revolution version would accept inferior graphics and I doubt Bethesda would put much money into porting the game to really use the Revolution controller.

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It probably couldn't handle it? As you don't know the specs you don't know for sure. They did not say it was impossible, ok it's unlikley and it would be great if they made a revo exclusive one but never say never. There are going to be many surprises for the revo in the next few months.

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Which have been smashed by the Red Steel screenshots. I think those IGN specs were an outdated devkit, there's no way Red Steel could look this way with that setup.


I think it could run Oblivion actually, with some scaling down of course. I'd certainly want it. Bethesda is too close to Microsoft for it to happen though.

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Which have been smashed by the Red Steel screenshots. I think those IGN specs were an outdated devkit, there's no way Red Steel could look this way with that setup.


I think it could run Oblivion actually, with some scaling down of course. I'd certainly want it. Bethesda is too close to Microsoft for it to happen though.


Actually Red Steel could run easily on those specs as the bigger scans of it show it's certainly not really above Halo 2 level or anything and the Revolution specs even as they are are still a bit more powerful than the Xbox because as the processors are different you can't compare the specs directly.


Anyway I don't think the Rev could run oblivion, sorry. It'd have to be WAY scaled down, very much so.

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I admit that most of it looks quite like Half-Life 2 on a semi powerful machine (the big screenshots are far more impressive than Halo 2 though) but there are some shader effects that are not possible with the Hollywood's old hardware lights.


The final hardware will probably be a bit more powerful than the IGN specs, and have an updated GPU. I now think IGN has given out specs from devkit version 1 or 2 which really only were updated debug GameCubes. The final devkits only ship in June, so there's a lot of room for improvement.


Honestly, if you cut away the HD resolution (such a leech on the hardware for huge games like Oblivion), and consider some more advanced hardware for the Revolution it could be doable. It's not going to happen though.

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Which have been smashed by the Red Steel screenshots. I think those IGN specs were an outdated devkit, there's no way Red Steel could look this way with that setup.


I think it could run Oblivion actually, with some scaling down of course. I'd certainly want it. Bethesda is too close to Microsoft for it to happen though.


Yeer I agree, It would probaly even run on my pc (with all settings on low apart from draw distance and with the odd bit of lag), and I'm sure the rev will be much better than my poor pc specs.

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For me, the reduction in graphical quality wouldn't matter at all if it meant I could use the new controller for looking around, aiming bows, swinging swords (with direct control, non of Red Steel's 'drawing shapes' nonsense! :nono: ), and maybe casting spells (some of which could be cast by 'drawing shapes' :wink: ), etc. :)


I really can't see a Revolution version ever happening though. :(

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The problem with the Red Steel screens is that they are from the magazine scan and are not very clear and is it running on the final hardware? Probably not. As good as those screens look it is not wise to draw conclusions about the revs power from those screens and of course the IGN rumours.

Nintendo probably won't relase polygon counts but will hopefully release info about The CPU, RAM and GPU.

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I admit that most of it looks quite like Half-Life 2 on a semi powerful machine (the big screenshots are far more impressive than Halo 2 though) but there are some shader effects that are not possible with the Hollywood's old hardware lights.


The final hardware will probably be a bit more powerful than the IGN specs, and have an updated GPU. I now think IGN has given out specs from devkit version 1 or 2 which really only were updated debug GameCubes. The final devkits only ship in June, so there's a lot of room for improvement.


Honestly, if you cut away the HD resolution (such a leech on the hardware for huge games like Oblivion), and consider some more advanced hardware for the Revolution it could be doable. It's not going to happen though.


Actually from what I recall, the current devkids are all just upgraded GC's. The specs on te other hand I think were what Nintendo gave developers as an idea of what to expect from the final devkits or something. Considering the hardware has been in development for several years now, I don't think a couple of months are going to make any difference to the clockspeeds if they're only between 700-800 with all that development time. I think what happened is that Nintendo told them all along that what they wanted for Revolution was basically Gamecube architecture pushed to its very limits, so that they could do backwards compatibility without emulation and what not, hence why the system is so similar.


No one should get their hopes up for them giving final hardware numbers at E3 either because remember, they said they'll probably never officially announce the specs since they don't want anyone to focus on them (which translates to "we don't care about the specs and neither should you")

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yeah i don't think they will give out specs at e3, but they may give out some of the features of the of hollywood and broadway.

i carn't see oblivion heading to the revolution but it doesnt really bother me much since i allready have it for the pc and if it did come out on the revolution most people that wanted it probley whould of had it by then.

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One thing a lot of you seem to be missing is that if it were to come out on the rev, it would be downscaled graphicly by quite a bit. The FHC is perfect for this game, and it would be really good to see a port of it, if only so the Xbox360 owners, who can't have the really nice graphics 'cause they don't have an HD-TV, will start swearing and shouting about how much money they wasted on their new console, when they could have waited a year and got graphics that weren't that much worse than the version they can have on SD-TVs for less than half the price.

Oh, and the game is damn good too.

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if only so the Xbox360 owners, who can't have the really nice graphics 'cause they don't have an HD-TV, will start swearing and shouting about how much money they wasted on their new console, when they could have waited a year and got graphics that weren't that much worse than the version they can have on SD-TVs for less than half the price.
Do you spend your days thinking about such things? Because I think that's really sad.. that such things go through your mind?


Hasn't it occured to you that maybe the xbox 360 owners don't give a rat's ass.. because they've got their console now and you're still waiting.


Oblivion (IV) won't be released for the Revolution however "perfect" it would be. I think it's quite spiteful that you would say such a thing- just to piss of the 360 owners really. Not that they would care about such ramblings of a fanboy anyway.


Also a little grammar goes a long way.

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