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Just because we didn't see them the first time round doesn't mean we can't like the old stuff.


No it doesn't, but it does mean you can't appreciate how good they were for the generation they were intended.


The new series had some mediocre bits, certainly, but there's been just as many duff moments in the old shows, and a couple of the best Who moments have been in the new stories. I'm of the opinion that "The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances" is one of the finest Who stories. It's right up there with "The Green Death" and "The Horror Of Fang Rock". And would you look at that? Those stories are all set on Earth! It doesn't matter where Doctor Who takes place.


Of course it doesn't matter where it's all set, but the only other time an entire series was set on earth was in the Troughton/Pertwee years, and do you know the reason for the exile storyline, a budget cutting move. There's no excuse now with all the money they are spending and the over the top special effects they are doing not to have more stories set elsewhere.


If you want a sci-fi wankfest with alien armies and space armadas, go and watch Stargate.


What, you mean like the Dalek invasion finale from the last series?

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No it doesn't, but it does mean you can't appreciate how good they were for the generation they were intended.


Well, doy. I don't have time travel capabilities. I do have friends who grew up with Who before I was even born though, so I can get a smidgen of that.


Of course it doesn't matter where it's all set, but the only other time an entire series was set on earth was in the Troughton/Pertwee years, and do you know the reason for the exile storyline, a budget cutting move. There's no excuse now with all the money they are spending and the over the top special effects they are doing not to have more stories set elsewhere.


You'd rather have them going to alien planets simply because they can afford to? I don't care where the show is set, as long as I get a story I enjoy.


What, you mean like the Dalek invasion finale from the last series?


I was quite happy with that one, actually. The ending was a bit "deus ex machina", but I thought it was great on the whole. Certainly it was better than "The Dalek Invasion Of Earth".

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Well, doy. I don't have time travel capabilities. I do have friends who grew up with Who before I was even born though, so I can get a smidgen of that.


Still, it's not the same and really is something you'd have to have been there yourself to appreciate fully.


You'd rather have them going to alien planets simply because they can afford to? I don't care where the show is set, as long as I get a story I enjoy.


No, not because they can afford to, but just because they can. All I'm saying is that bar the exiled years Doctor Who was just as much about space as time travel. No reason why it can't go back to it. Plus, variety is the spice of life, constantly returning characters and locales does tend to get stale.


I was quite happy with that one, actually. The ending was a bit "deus ex machina", but I thought it was great on the whole. Certainly it was better than "The Dalek Invasion Of Earth".


So, you can have big alien invasions and massive alien space fleets without ruining the show then, so why the objection to the idea?

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No, not because they can afford to, but just because they can. All I'm saying is that bar the exiled years Doctor Who was just as much about space as time travel. No reason why it can't go back to it. Plus, variety is the spice of life, constantly returning characters and locales does tend to get stale.


Oh, I don't doubt that there's been some cracking episodes outside of the Earth sphere. I just don't think the location's a big deal for the show.


So, you can have big alien invasions and massive alien space fleets without ruining the show then, so why the objection to the idea?


I'm not objecting to it, I just think that shouldn't be the focus of the show. One thing which I love about Who is that it has excellent dialogue and character interaction, and isn't just "zomg here comes a fuck off massive alien fleet, better get the giant lasers out again".

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Oh, I don't doubt that there's been some cracking episodes outside of the Earth sphere. I just don't think the location's a big deal for the show.


But, like I said, variety and all that. Even such a major location based show as Eastenders or Coronation Street takes the show on location now and again.

I just think it's holding the show back, plus fucking around with earths history like that isn't really on, you can get away with involving unknown people and places and lesser known histotical figures to a lesser extent but when you start having things as ridiculous as, let's say, Queen Victoria being chased by Werewolves and alien ninjas then it just gets farcical. The old Doctor may have dabbled in earths history a bit, but never anything as far fetched as that.


I'm not objecting to it, I just think that shouldn't be the focus of the show. One thing which I love about Who is that it has excellent dialogue and character interaction, and isn't just "zomg here comes a fuck off massive alien fleet, better get the giant lasers out again".


It doesn't have to be the focus though, you can do alien planets without the whole blockbuster space war thing. I'm yet to hear a convincing reason for not having more space travel in the show, just unconvincing reasons why it doesn't really matter.

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You can get away with involving unknown people and places and lesser known histotical figures to a lesser extent but when you start having things as ridiculous as, let's say, Queen Victoria being chased by Werewolves and alien ninjas then it just gets farcical. The old Doctor may have dabbled in earths history a bit, but never anything as far fetched as that.


We're talking about a show where the main characters fly through space and time in a bright blue police box. I think it's been established that Doctor Who has something of a fanciful element to it.


It doesn't have to be the focus though, you can do alien planets without the whole blockbuster space war thing. I'm yet to hear a convincing reason for not having more space travel in the show, just unconvincing reasons why it doesn't really matter.


Fair enough, I guess we'll just have to disagree here.

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Another classic story this morning, 'The Time Warrior'.

First appearance of Sarah Jane Smith (odds are better than her next appearance), debut of the Sontarans, a much under rated species who would be most welcome if returned. A perfect example of how the Doctor can visit earths history without causing any ructions.

It's stories like this that show up the new shows for what they really are.

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Rokhed, I admit that some little kids haven't seen the old ones and if they were shown them then they would say "this looks old" or "this isn't good", but like you said it was written for a different generation. The kids have been born into a world of special effects and CGI. I like watchign the old episodes on UK TV Gold , but the old series was written for a different generation than the new series, which is why kids wouldn't appreciate it.


Yeah I'm looking forward to the second alien planet, isn't Roger Llyod Pack supposed to be a villain in that? Peter Kay reappears as a villain in another episode. I'm looking forward to Doomsday, the last episode which is supposed to have the mother of all cliffhangers at the end.

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wow!!! really enjoyed that episode! :D


loved the doctors wandering accent and billies nakedness lol

the person who played queen vic was surprisingly good! anyone else agree?


'we are not amused!' hehe

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Yep, Queen Victoria was also in Shirley Valentine, as Shirley. I liked how they worked Torchwood into it. Watch the Tardisode for Episode 3 and you see that Mickey is denied access to look at UFO landing footage at a school by Torchwood. But brilliant episode!


EDIT: After watching the Confidential, I think Doctor Who should be shown at a later time if it means more effects to make it scarier. After all they can show the editted version to kids the following day.

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EDIT: After watching the Confidential, I think Doctor Who should be shown at a later time if it means more effects to make it scarier. After all they can show the editted version to kids the following day.



You're forgetting, it's a kids show, always has been, always will be. For it's target audience I'm sure it's plenty scary enough. If it's not scary enough for you go watch a horror movie instead.


Tonights episode wasn't too bad, but the whole stupid 'we are not amused' coercion thing should never have made it into the script. And what's with all the 'Oooh we met Queen Victoria' and 'Oooh a werewolf', I can accept that the doctor has regenerated in to someone young, but does he have to act like a kid as well as looking like one. Looks like the 'torchwood' thing is going to be this serieses 'Bad Wolf', which is no doubt going to climax into something ridiculous in the last episode. Next week doesn't look to hot either, what's it called again 'school dinners' or something. And Sarah Jane Smith should be shot for the state she let K9 get into.

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Rokhed, first of all I'm allowed to voice my opinion without you telling me to go watch something else. YOU are the oe that has been whinging for FIVE pages of this thread about how rubbish the new series is and how you remember the golden days, now I have a suggestion, ad I've tried to hold it back for this long... YOU SHUT UP AND GO WATCH ANOTHER BLOODY PROGRAM!


Anyway, back to topic. Each Doctor is allowed to have his own personality, he's still the Doctor but each actor is allowed to make the Doctor their own. David Tennant portrays him in his own way. Oh, and I think the Torchwood thing isn't a conspiracy, they wouldn't have revealed it before the series began if they wanted a build up. And somehow I don't think Torchwood, led by Captain Jack, will cause the apocalypse in the final episode.

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Torchwood is an innstitute of alien study, like a British Area 51. They made that flipping great big laser in the Christmas Invasion and are built on the cobalt pyramids (said by Anne Droid. :D)


They will have a part in the series but I think the spin off is more of a "so, what did they actually do" and you won't need to watch it to enjoy the main event.

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Loved the episode, and the plot was well though out. The random comments, like "Oooh we met Queen Victoria" and "Oooh a werewolf" are cool too. It's called personality, and shows that these people are interested in some things. Its better then "A Warewolf. How do I kill it?".


The way they also mention things from now (like "Balamory" - the only thing related to "a kid's program" in Dr Who) is also ace.


Can't wait for the next one.

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Rokhed, first of all I'm allowed to voice my opinion without you telling me to go watch something else. YOU are the oe that has been whinging for FIVE pages of this thread about how rubbish the new series is and how you remember the golden days, now I have a suggestion, ad I've tried to hold it back for this long... YOU SHUT UP AND GO WATCH ANOTHER BLOODY PROGRAM!

Why the hell should I, and as for your opinion, thinking they should change the show to something it's not and never will be is just stupid. The suggestion that if you want something scarier that you should watch something that is scarier is just common sense, to expect a kids show to change to suit your wishes is just ridiculous. And the fact that you're even suggesting it just goes to prove at least one of my points, it is all about the CGI and special effects now, in my day everyone was happy with the crappy rubber costumes, papier mache models, low grade explosives and drawn on laser beams. Now, even with the ridiculous amount of effects in the show you're still wanting more. Also goes to prove another theory of mine, the youth of today don't know when they're well off.

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Torchwood's no big secret - it's the "Captain Queer spin off", as you so eloquently put it.


There's another of my theories proved right then, they are using the show to plug the spin off.


Well, you obviously hate the new series of Doctor Who, so why do you watch it?


I don't hate it, I just don't like what they've done with it, I watch in the vain hope that they eventually get it back on track to what it once was.

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I thought that was a great episode tonight - much better than last week's 'safe' series opener. A well-paced story, some good lines, and some interesting plot twists. The only thing I didn't really like was how Torchwood is being shoved down our throats. I hope it's left alone for a bit, and not mentioned Bad Wolf-style throughout the series.


I'm definitely enjoying the new Doctor, by the way - I like that he's more light-hearted than the last one, although I hope he can do the serious bits as well as Doctor 9 did when required.

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There's another of my theories proved right then, they are using the show to plug the spin off.


Makes business sense.


Anywho, it was alright. The directing was dire. Im not usually one to care but awful awful work. Don't really have much to say about the episode itself. I liked how David Tennant jogged on the spot when talking about jogging, nice touch. Im liking Ten, hes fun. Although whats with the emoesq glasses?


Next week, ASH :D

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I don't hate it, I just don't like what they've done with it, I watch in the vain hope that they eventually get it back on track to what it once was.


stop living in the past!!! things change and everyone has their own opinions about wether the change was for the better or worse. what would be truely terrible is if the new series stuck strictly to its roots, its a new doctor who for a new generation! and like you said its made primarily for children in the 21st centuary! its not the 70's anymore and kids are alot harder to please now. thats just the way it is!


if you want the old doctor who watch all the repeats or videos which you prob have which were made more for your generation or like you mentioned before fan fiction is the way for you perhaps. most people can see and appreciate what the bbc and russell t davies are doing with the show and just enjoy it for the entertainment its meant to be. theres no need to be so consistently negative about something. make the comment once and move on-you may actually enjoy it if you drop the seriousness and bitter feelings. just enjoy it for what it is or, liek what yu wrote above rokhed, dont watch it! simple!!!


(sorry for any errors! tis late and i'm stressed with physics coursework!)

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