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Doctor Who


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All the people complaining about how badly put together Dr Who is... I'm amazed you even bother with the show at all, you're obviously missing the entire point of the charm of the show. It's so poor and ridiculous and trashily made that it's excellent fun. It's not straying too far from its roots and therein lies its entire pull.

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The Doctor leaving the TARDIS unlocked was probably because (until now) he was the only Time Lord around. As far as I'm aware, only Time Lords and pre-approved passengers can operate the TARDIS, so it wouldn't matter if anyone else got inside.


The door was open for the cable (you see the master unplug it before it goes in). Nice to see that The Master fool's the TARDIS' security (It needs The Doctor inside for it to work, or a disk with pre-set instruction but that way only timelords can travel). Of course The Doctor WAS inside the TARDIS. Well, part oh him.


Who is this Saxon bloke, I thought John Simm was playing the master? (has he appeared in another episode as another character, but really may have been the Master acting as some one else without us knowing at the time?)QUOTE]


Acting Prime Minister Marcus Saxon, since Harriet Jones was chucked out. The Master obviously arrives on Earth before The Doctor meets Martha.

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All the people complaining about how badly put together Dr Who is... I'm amazed you even bother with the show at all, you're obviously missing the entire point of the charm of the show. It's so poor and ridiculous and trashily made that it's excellent fun. It's not straying too far from its roots and therein lies its entire pull.


What are you on about, they're obviously pouring a lot of cash in to the show, a lot more than they ever did before. It's all part of the BBCs strategy these days, make shows that they can sell to other countries, hence big budgets, show structures changing to allow for ad breaks, they just want to make shows that make them money, UK viewers don't make them money so they are a secondary consideration.


The Master obviously arrives on Earth before The Doctor meets Martha.


Which just begs the question why didn't the Doctor sense him, he must have been on Earth the same time as the Master on at least a few occasions and judging how quickly he sensed not just his presence, but identity too last night, he must've been able to sense him.

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Which just begs the question why didn't the Doctor sense him, he must have been on Earth the same time as the Master on at least a few occasions and judging how quickly he sensed not just his presence, but identity too last night, he must've been able to sense him.


Well, he is the Doctors evil counterpart. They're tricky dicks these Timelords, ain't they? Besides, does it even matter? You may as well complain about why the Bond villain always has to explain his plan in excruciating detail before deciding (and failing) to kill him.

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Just saw it, and it was very cool. During the last five minutes I was on the edge of my seat. Loving John Simms as The Master. He seems just as eccentric as Tennant. Wasn't sure if it was him to begin with to be honest, his voice was very different from that he used in Life on Mars.


Did anyone else think that the monsters who hunted the humans, seemed very simillar to the enemies on the island, at the end of Resident Evil 4?

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What are you on about, they're obviously pouring a lot of cash in to the show, a lot more than they ever did before. It's all part of the BBCs strategy these days, make shows that they can sell to other countries, hence big budgets, show structures changing to allow for ad breaks, they just want to make shows that make them money, UK viewers don't make them money so they are a secondary consideration.
Are you joking? Look at the enemies, people with facepaint, robotmen with tin cans for heads, pig monsters wearing latex faces like a Power Ranger villain, Daleks still have toilet plungers for weapons, random corrogated baco-foil silver tubes still roll around rooms to make them look 'technological'.


The most obvious thing is the way the Tardis disappears. Same noise, same basic fade out, no flashing lights or CGI there. They may be putting more money into it, but thats the same with every single television show on air - everything has stepped up since those days, but they're still going out of their way to retain some of the old disconnection from believability.

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Just saw it, and it was very cool. During the last five minutes I was on the edge of my seat. Loving John Simms as The Master. He seems just as eccentric as Tennant. Wasn't sure if it was him to begin with to be honest, his voice was very different from that he used in Life on Mars.


Did anyone else think that the monsters who hunted the humans, seemed very simillar to the enemies on the island, at the end of Resident Evil 4?


Yeah I thought the same about John Simm, really eccentric, loved the way he just went "Tough!". And his voice is practically the same as in Life on Mars. :wtf: You're not used to him being evil. :heh:

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Yeah I thought the same about John Simm, really eccentric, loved the way he just went "Tough!". And his voice is practically the same as in Life on Mars. :wtf: You're not used to him being evil. :heh:


Dont you remember what he said before he regenerated into John Simm.

He said if the doctor can regenerated himself into younger body so can i, which means the new Master is eccentric as Tennant.

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The most obvious thing is the way the Tardis disappears. Same noise, same basic fade out, no flashing lights or CGI there.


That's something called "consistency". Why change the way it teleports? It's the same machine all the time.

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There was something about tonights one i didn't like, i just can't put my finger on it. However overall it was good.


I think they messed up abit with the whole flashback of the master looking into the vortex as a child, i thought the timelords didn't look human.

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Wasn't too fond of the direction - I always hate too much music, and somewhat too many camera angles. Somebody give Colin Teague some Ritalin.


However John Simm was bloody fantastic, and I mean really, really god damn good. Also another good strong script kept it all simmering nicely and I enjoyed the Captain Scarlet-style sky base. It's certainly going to be a long, long week before we get to see the conclusion.


Also I hope the Master escapes without having to regenerate or anything. I just really, really want to see John Simm make a return at some point.

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That has to be the best episode of this series! It was utterly fantastic! I'm not entirely sure what Martha can do though... Anyone got any idea who those guys were in the trailer for next week? And I know this is from the older series', but what's UNIT?


Discuss: What are the Toclafane? I have a feeling that they may be a new race of Time Lords or clones of the Master, because Simm said that if he told the Doctor, it would break his heart.

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That has to be the best episode of this series! It was utterly fantastic! I'm not entirely sure what Martha can do though... Anyone got any idea who those guys were in the trailer for next week? And I know this is from the older series', but what's UNIT?


Discuss: What are the Toclafane? I have a feeling that they may be a new race of Time Lords or clones of the Master, because Simm said that if he told the Doctor, it would break his heart.


maybe peoples from a torchwood? (not the series but he said there were more torchwood people)

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John Simm was once again excellent. A pretty good episode, but those damn voices for TEH KILLER BALLS O' DOOM pissed me off.


I dunno. They are odd, but then of course there's always an extra layer or two to any apparent reality. It all gives you the impression that murder and invasion isn't perhaps they're primary function.


It's an interesting parallel that Saxon seems to have done to those balls whatever he's done to the UK. I'll wager there's some kind of satire about political leadership and the Iraq war around here somewhere.

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