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Well decided to go back and start watching through Old Doctor Who starting with the Netflix selection just for ease of use. I have to say for all the ranting old school fans do about what the show has become since the reboot. There is still a hell of a lot that's very similar. Sure Hartnell was a cantankerous old bastard but he still has excellent moments of humour (The bit in The Aztecs where he calls the local sacrifice worshipper the town butcher is hilarious). Sure the show is slower paced but it's no worse all better for it. Also for those who hate the more action focus let's not forget that Jon Pertwee (who I definitely still dislike as a Doctor despite being the one I ended up watching most as a kid) busted out Kung Fu moves left right and centre.


Also it's funny to see how this was clearly a kids show in a lot of ways and there was this soft focus on teaching kids history etc...

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Moffat making some promises! I hope they do indeed tie up things from Matt Smiths era so it all fits in nicely. :)


Can you set the scene for this Christmas episode?

It’s the Doctor's final battle and he’s been fighting it for a while. The Doctor is facing the joint challenge of a mysterious event in space that has summoned lots of aliens to one place and helping Clara cook Christmas dinner. There are also elements from every series of Matt’s Doctor, which will come to a head in this special. Things that we’ve laid down for years are going to be paid off.


Dr Who Official Website

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It wasn't the best no. Especially coming off the fantastic anniversary, I wonder if they should spend longer writing the show and do 4 a year or something.


The regeneration scene was disappointing how he was just suddenly there, and his first impression wasn't really a very good one, he didn't seem comfortable/sure what type of Doctor he was. We'll see.

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the majority of the episode was okay/good but not great, but that regeneration was too sudden and anticlimactic


it was too short, too quick and should have been like the others, his face changing

it was nice seeing Amy again, but what about poor Rory, i thought as a nice easter egg they could have a Church soldier who looked like Rory die in it

It was a bit miandering and light on plot

6/10 episode....and we hardly saw any capaldi i thought we'd get a little more




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I thought it had the makings of a truly excellent episode, but unfortunately ran out of steam a bit too early. All the plot turns were great, it's just that I thought there would be more plot than there actually was. What bugged me the most was that, from a certain point onwards, it was just the Doctor waiting and waiting for hundreds of years.


Still, some lovely "knowing" humour in it. Some of the lines were absolute gems.

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I utterly, utterly loved it. Close to being a perfect episode in my mind.


The only thing I noticed was the Doctor seemingly lying a couple of times (specifically about leaving Clara and having a plan), which really seemed to stand out considering the truth field; maybe it's a plot point, maybe it's just a minor detail or there was something I missed - either way it's negligible.


Also, I truly don't get why people found the regeneration anticlimatic or underwhelming. It wiped out the entire Dalek fleet! Also, with the speech he gave at the end, it felt like the most dramatic ever, even surpassing Tennant's. Regarding Capaldi being confused, I think we might be seeing some amnesia as a result of the new regeneration cycle.


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I thought it was a great episode, not perfect by all means, but great. It tied up everything, making it ease to digest for the people who have thought it to be confusing in recent years.


Peter Capaldi already looks to be a great Doctor, but I'll miss Matt Smith

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How did the Daleks regain memory of the Doctor after Clara removed them in that Dalek Asylum thing? They mentioned something about taking some memory from that Mother Superior who didn't age's brain but I got the feeling they still knew a bit about him beforehand (plus I'm sure there have been Dalek episodes since the Asylum)


And the cracks: I thought they were attributed to the Silence/Prisoner Zero/Something, not the Time Lords. Who have now been called out for the Doctor to say his name so they can break through into this universe, but when Clara gives her help speech they close the crack, open one motherfucking-big crack in space and spit out a fresh clip of regeneration bullets into the Doctor and then close the crack not to be seen again*?




*Until the next series finale which will no doubt "tie up all the loose ends"

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How did the Daleks regain memory of the Doctor after Clara removed them in that Dalek Asylum thing? They mentioned something about taking some memory from that Mother Superior who didn't age's brain but I got the feeling they still knew a bit about him beforehand (plus I'm sure there have been Dalek episodes since the Asylum)


And the cracks: I thought they were attributed to the Silence/Prisoner Zero/Something, not the Time Lords. Who have now been called out for the Doctor to say his name so they can break through into this universe, but when Clara gives her help speech they close the crack, open one motherfucking-big crack in space and spit out a fresh clip of regeneration bullets into the Doctor and then close the crack not to be seen again*?


*Until the next series finale which will no doubt "tie up all the loose ends"


I am fairly certain this is the first time the Daleks have appeared since Clara wiped their databanks.


The crack has always been attributed to the TARDIS blowing up; it has been hinted at that the Church of the Silence was behind it, which has now been confirmed. Prisoner Zero just used it to escape, just as the Time Lords were simply trying to use it to return; I assume this is the reason they were able to close it - because they were the only ones keeping it open, the universe before the TARDIS explosion having been rebooted. Why they decided to close it, I do not know; perhaps they realised this was not the time and place to return, instead choosing to put their faith in the Doctor.

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I am fairly certain this is the first time the Daleks have appeared since Clara wiped their databanks.


The crack has always been attributed to the TARDIS blowing up; it has been hinted at that the Church of the Silence was behind it, which has now been confirmed. Prisoner Zero just used it to escape, just as the Time Lords were simply trying to use it to return; I assume this is the reason they were able to close it - because they were the only ones keeping it open, the universe before the TARDIS explosion having been rebooted. Why they decided to close it, I do not know; perhaps they realised this was not the time and place to return, instead choosing to put their faith in the Doctor.


But then why would they put their faith in the Doctor when he had so stubbornly refused to bring them back....Along with having already sent them back in the End of Time?

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But then why would they put their faith in the Doctor when he had so stubbornly refused to bring them back....Along with having already sent them back in the End of Time?


The ones in The End Of Time was led by the megalomanial Lord President; also, it happened before the events in The Day Of The Doctor, meaning the Time Lords realised the Doctor(s) eventually saved them from the Time War - that's why they were calling him, trusting him to help them return. I'm thinking that's why Clara's speech had the effect it had: It proved to them he was the Doctor and would get them back eventually, but that then and there they had to help him first.

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But then why would they put their faith in the Doctor when he had so stubbornly refused to bring them back....Along with having already sent them back in the End of Time?


He was supposed to answer when it was safe. The reason he was stuck was that it would never be safe, but at the same time he couldn't abandon his people.


When Clara spoke to them, they realised that it would never be safe at Trenzalore, so they had to give The Doctor more time to find another way.

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How did the Daleks regain memory of the Doctor after Clara removed them in that Dalek Asylum thing? They mentioned something about taking some memory from that Mother Superior who didn't age's brain but I got the feeling they still knew a bit about him beforehand (plus I'm sure there have been Dalek episodes since the Asylum)


And the cracks: I thought they were attributed to the Silence/Prisoner Zero/Something, not the Time Lords. Who have now been called out for the Doctor to say his name so they can break through into this universe, but when Clara gives her help speech they close the crack, open one motherfucking-big crack in space and spit out a fresh clip of regeneration bullets into the Doctor and then close the crack not to be seen again*?




*Until the next series finale which will no doubt "tie up all the loose ends"

The only episode with Daleks in between Asylum and this one was Day of the Doctor, and that was chronologically beforehand for the Daleks.

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The ones in The End Of Time was led by the megalomanial Lord President; also, it happened before the events in The Day Of The Doctor, meaning the Time Lords realised the Doctor(s) eventually saved them from the Time War - that's why they were calling him, trusting him to help them return. I'm thinking that's why Clara's speech had the effect it had: It proved to them he was the Doctor and would get them back eventually, but that then and there they had to help him first.



See to me this doesn't quite make sense. I know the Doctor wasn't aware of how it happened until his current iteration but surely the time lords would have always been aware they were saved by 13 Doctors wizzing their TARDIS' around? I took the time stream aligning excuse purely as a reason to explain how the Doctor had previously had remorse for his action when he needn't have done.


I dunno personally have no problem with the way it happened a precedent has been set for new regenerations being issued. It was just kind of rushed and weird. First he turns young after having regenerated then actually regenerates in a flash. Not enough of Peter to properly judge but I'm not adverse to the idea of the Doctor being a wily old man again. It's going to funny how they address this with Clara after the truth field made her say she fancied him. He is still the same guy?! Also nice that the older side may mean less of this female in love/adoring dynamic that we've pretty much had since the offset of the rebooted series. I didn't like the apperance of you know who during the regeneration it kind of downplayed Clara's role (who I infinity prefer as a companion)


I'll miss Matt Smith by far the best Doctor of the new series. It's a shame really as the Day of the Doctor ending set up this search for Gallifrey idea and the look of wonder in Matt's eyes, the childish glee was fantastic.

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We only got a few lines for Tennant and Smith, too. And with Tennant, he was barely in his first episode.


Also, time events of The End of Time would have destroyed Earth.


I wasn't criticizing for a few lines, just not a lot to go on. I will say one thing that annoys me...these long meandering deaths where they have a chance to say all sorts of stuff. At least this wasn't as bad as Tennant's where he had time to go around time and space to see everyone he ever knew! I'd love a shock sudden death by comparison watch Tom Baker's regeneration. He still had his moment but not overly long.

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See to me this doesn't quite make sense. I know the Doctor wasn't aware of how it happened until his current iteration but surely the time lords would have always been aware they were saved by 13 Doctors wizzing their TARDIS' around? I took the time stream aligning excuse purely as a reason to explain how the Doctor had previously had remorse for his action when he needn't have done.


I'm unsure what you mean; what doesn't make sense? The chronology goes like this:


  • The War Doctor steals the Moment, intending to destroy Time Lords and Daleks alike and seal the entire Time War in a time lock.
  • Rassilon learns of this and, having grown mad with power, devises a plan involving the Master and a White-Point Star to create a way out of the (non-existent) time lock. This plan is stopped by the Tenth Doctor, and the Time Lords are sent back to the Time War.
  • The Moment shows the War Doctor what he will become, and the Doctors, aided by Clara, devise a plan to save Gallifrey by moving it to another dimension. The plan succeeds and the Daleks end up destroying themselves in the crossfire, but due to the Doctor crossing his own timeline, he is unable to remember the events of the crossover until he has caught up with all three versions, thus believing himself to have committed double genocide until then. The Time Lords know the Doctors saved them, hence them calling out to him to help them return.

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