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That was really good, but how
she going to become a full companion? I can't wait to see how they get Oswin back! Hope it isn't a similar situation to River and what we saw was the last of her life, although she would have remembered the doctor.... Hmm


She also said that was her first space adventure (or something similar).

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That was really good, but how
she going to become a full companion? I can't wait to see how they get Oswin back! Hope it isn't a similar situation to River and what we saw was the last of her life, although she would have remembered the doctor.... Hmm

Time can be rewritten

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After a bit of a... "oh dear, another somewhat lame Daleks episode" (I mean come on, if the extent of that episode had been 'humans with Dalek things sticking out of them'!)... for the first 20 or so minutes, that Episode totally redeemed itself with the concluding parts! :D


Ended up very much enjoying it. At least it provided a bit of a creepy/dark setting for the Daleks to counteract their lameness, and actually make them at a little bit tense/scary again (not scary, but you know).


Oswin was great! :D Never quite knew what to expect from her character throughout... always kinda kept you guessing as to who/what/where she was (although obviously lessoned somewhat as we know who the character goes on to be). I really enjoyed the reveal at the end; personally didn't see that option coming!




Companion wise... yeah it would be pretty dark if we knew from the off that this was her fate! (assuming the Doctor finds her again in the past). So I hope for her sake that time will be rewritten. I imagine we'll get an episodes/season finale down the line of him preventing it happening maybe?

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However, I had absolutely no idea that Oswin is the next companion. Looking forward to seeing how that works.
I was questioning whether it was her or not, because I had no idea she'd make an appearance before the Christmas Special and because I wasn't sure if it was just a girl who looked quite like her... but then there came her name in the end credits and was very pleased! :D


Guess we know why they revealed the next companion actress so early on now! (although they could have waited and just surprised us with it!)

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Always a possibility.


If she's a genious... she could be one of many genious clones for example... and the companion is the original. Or could be a twin or... anything's possible in Doctor Who! :p


Guess we'll have to wait and see!

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Just one to throw out there...


Could the new companion actually be a different character? Just played by the same actress.


I assumed it would be one in the same but you never know!

I dunno...it's happened before, but it is in the same series and just a few episodes away so if it's not the same character, it will be one very VERY explainable

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I dunno...it's happened before, but it is in the same series and just a few episodes away so if it's not the same character, it will be one very VERY explainable


Has The Doctor ever had multiple stories without a companion from our time period?


The companion is something that links the stories to the UK and our time, it gives a reason for The Doctor to return multiple times, and gives a point of reference for the audience.


Oswin is from the future, so unless there is a second companion set in our time period then it would be a strange departure (I think).


So the new companion is probably Oswin's great, great, great grandma or something.


Unless they do want to distance it from the UK - it would certainly help them making it a more "global" franchise (like how two out five stories are set in America this half-season).

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Well, I chuckled through most of that. Not bad, but too dark for my liking. Then again, if that girl is the new companion (which I didn't realise), maybe it's not as dark as I thought.


I didn't think it was a patch on Russell T Davies' light-hearted series openers like Smith & Jones or Partners in Crime, but there you go. Times change. :hmm:

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Rewatched last nights episode again today and noticed (which I didn't yesterday), Oswin emphasise as the last thing she said to The Doctor... "Remember Me"... and smile and look at the camera.


Which could obviously just be telling the audience that she'll be back... but quite probably is connected to how her character is brought back.

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i have to say that although oddly timed as @Cube points out, it does make a reasonable point!


The Doctor was this wander in time, often unheard of (hence the jokey name Doctor, Who?) where only a few knew of him and they were either the biggest bad guy (Davros but then he'd personally encountered him) or similarly shadowy or legendary entity(shadow proclamation, timelords)

Now it seems every enemy has heard of him, and Matt's first episode he called back the floaty eye to tell him off and make them look him up on the alien internet


but it seems Moffat is trying to avoid that all now as probably he's seen its a bit too silly, only those who have met him repeatedly should know of him, sure you can have wispers of a wanderer who did this at X location etc, but be a sketchy tale that doesn't point to him, and that seems to be the direction its on.


so yeah oddly timed, especially when in the same episode they reference the

Daleks have their collective memory of him errased

. If this had come near the end of the last series then yeah fair enough

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