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I feel like I've missed something...

Did those new enemies actually introduce themselves as The Silence? I don't remember hearing that.


I watched the first of those video, but to me they all feel like the majority have just been taken out of context, and others I'm sure if you watch the full episodes their reactions make more sense no?


No they haven't. Although in the credits, they were credited as 'The Silence' I am assuming they will be offically introduced in the next ep.


Yeah i think quite a few of them have been taken out of context as well!

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I thought tonights episode was ace! :D


Some wtf moments though which i am sure they are going to come back to later on!


Looks like i was right about the tally's on the face being to count them... also the Doctor pretty much confirmed it for me that the ship from the previous series did belong to the Silence as he said something along the lines of "i have seen one of these before... but abandoned".


Wtf moments:

The scanner in the TARDIS pregnancy test saying positive and negative at the same time!! Could it be her body was pregnant but the Silence made her body forget?


Also in the first episode River felt sick as well, was she pregnant as well?


And that girl is a timelady of sorts! WTF


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I think Amy's line about the Time Vortex changing it could be more than a throwaway line and be exactly what happened.


Loved the ep. Loved how The Doctor is the whole cause of Watergate by telling Nixon to record everything that happens in the oval office.

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I think Amy's line about the Time Vortex changing it could be more than a throwaway line and be exactly what happened.


Loved the ep. Loved how The Doctor is the whole cause of Watergate by telling Nixon to record everything that happens in the oval office.


She could have create a paradox for herself with it to cause the positive/negative on the scanner, plus the woman in hatch might have something to do with it in the future.

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I took the flashing scanner to be just doing it's scanning thing, with a final *ding* after the camera cuts away. For me the obvious assumption to be taken is the Doctor knows but no one else does.


Interesting episode over all - I felt like starting well away from the final scene in the first part was a bit of a cop out but I loved the whole business with tallying & recorders. The conversation between the Doctor and Roary about Rome was sort of curious, seemed like it was foreshadowing something. I also loved the final scene between Canton & Nixon - seemed like a thumb in the eye given some recent events in the States, Prop 8 and all that.

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I loved it, but it's a shame that it wasn't longer (showing more of the three months). I think that the


Time lady could either be Amy's daughter (although The Doctor would have to be the dad, but without them...you know) or The Doctor's daughter from a few seasons ago (although I'm not fond of that theory).



Something else I noticed: Psychic paper. More precisely: the lack of it. Which is good.


Oh and:


The plot of The Doctor getting killed hasn't been resolved yet...


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I loved it, but it's a shame that it wasn't longer (showing more of the three months). I think that the


Time lady could either be Amy's daughter (although The Doctor would have to be the dad, but without them...you know) or The Doctor's daughter from a few seasons ago (although I'm not fond of that theory).



Something else I noticed: Psychic paper. More precisely: the lack of it. Which is good.


Oh and:


The plot of The Doctor getting killed hasn't been resolved yet...


I'm pretty sure they are going to stay clear of the cloned daughter from a few seasons ago, i get the impression that Moffat doesn't want to follow anything from the Davies era unless he wrote it.


I know it's way out there but in the first ep River felt sick as well holding her stomach... yet the other characters did not show this after seeing the Silence. It is very possible that River could have been pregnant as well!



Yeah i noticed that as well, all very clever stuff! :D Since we don't actually know who was in that spacesuit.


Or is it possible that the events in 69 are different to what would have happened had the Doctor not sent himself back therefor his future self doesn't need to die in that way...


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I thought the episode was good, but the final scenes felt like a bit of a cop-out to me, it felt like they could have done something better, as is quite often the case with episodes with two parts. They conclude a bit too fast and simply.


^ It can't be The Doctors Daughter, she was created in that episode from his DNA at the age she was shown.


It seems likely that she is Amy's daughter, what with all the scenes about Amy being pregnant, and also Amy finding a photograph of her holding a baby in that room.


I initially wondered if she could have been a young River... they seemed to make a point of saying 'she must be strong' to have faught her way out of the suit; River is of course someone capable of fighting for herself.

River as we see her now could be on her last regeneration, hence why she sacrifices herself in the library. She does of course know the Doctors real name (something they haven't made anything of recently)... to which he says, only ever under one circumstance would he reveal that to someone. So they must have a powerful connection somewhere along the timeline.

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The whole Silence plot just seems stupid because they can't just introduce something like that into a 50 year old TV series where nobody has ever noticed such a thing before, it kind of ruins the franchise just for the sake of an episode or two. The fact that they have shown the Dr hundreds of years older than the current one with the same appearance is also rather strange, how are they going to explain that when the current doctor regenerates into the 12th?


The whole time travel thing only worked in the last series because they conveniently all woke up from bed and none of it had ever happened.. Are they all going to wake up from bed again at the end of this series? Isn't travelling into the future a better idea since it wont undermine all of human history?


oh yeah, too many cliffhangers!! I am a huge dr who fan, but might stop watching the rest of this series until Autumn unless the 3rd episode makes up for the last 2...

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The whole Silence plot just seems stupid because they can't just introduce something like that into a 50 year old TV series where nobody has ever noticed such a thing before, it kind of ruins the franchise just for the sake of an episode or two. The fact that they have shown the Dr hundreds of years older than the current one with the same appearance is also rather strange, how are they going to explain that when the current doctor regenerates into the 12th?


The whole time travel thing only worked in the last series because they conveniently all woke up from bed and none of it had ever happened.. Are they all going to wake up from bed again at the end of this series? Isn't travelling into the future a better idea since it wont undermine all of human history?


oh yeah, too many cliffhangers!! I am a huge dr who fan, but might stop watching the rest of this series until Autumn unless the 3rd episode makes up for the last 2...

If you can't handle a show which plays with time travel...why are you watching one? They've said countless times, even in the RTD era, that time can be rewritten. With the logic you're stating here, they can't introduce anything new without the "Why didn't we know that before?" complaint

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I loved the line "I'm not really letting you go. It's not Christmas". Matt Smith delivered it brilliantly, with just the right amount of aside to the audience.


I've given up trying to understand Doctor Who nowadays, as Steven Moffat's storylines are so complicated. Either I'm stupid or he's not a very good storyteller - no suggestions as to which is the case, please! :heh:


But it's still good fun. Please tell me next week's is written by Gareth Roberts!

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I loved the line "I'm not really letting you go. It's not Christmas". Matt Smith delivered it brilliantly, with just the right amount of aside to the audience.


I've given up trying to understand Doctor Who nowadays, as Steven Moffat's storylines are so complicated. Either I'm stupid or he's not a very good storyteller - no suggestions as to which is the case, please! :heh:


But it's still good fun. Please tell me next week's is written by Gareth Roberts!

Na, it's written by "Stephen Thompson"

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