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Doctor Who


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Very excited. I'm famously positive and uncynical about Doctor Who so I think I'll love it but I know that's not a very common thing for a fan to do. :P Doctor Who's the only show where I can leave all that at the door and sit down and be a kid again.


The Silents look very creepy though... they've always been here... watching us...




I'm the head writer of a super-looking Doctor Who fan project. Me and some people from deviantArt ( girl_on_the_moon.deviantart.com ) are working on a comic series with our own original Doctor, companion, etc. It looks pretty neat and I just finished the opening story where the Doctor and companion meet.


What do you think of his design? It's a bit radicle but it's based on a guy called James O'Neill who's modeling for us. (And this is an unfinished image)



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It looks like something is self repairing it-self or going to explode inside the Tardis with doctor in the background and Rory and Amy are in the corner.


The thing above potentially spoilt was my first thought when I saw that bit of the trailer with the old tardis design...its a pretty obvious thing to think...

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"We're not lying, we're not cheating: one of those four people is going to die!" Doctor Who showrunner @steven_moffat tells DWM.


"When I came up with this heart-wrenching twist, I thought 'We'll kill off one of the leads in the season opener.' It lures you in."


Edited by Dante
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"We're not lying, we're not cheating: one of those four people is going to die!" Doctor Who showrunner @steven_moffat tells DWM.


"When I came up with this heart-wrenching twist, I thought 'We'll kill off one of the leads in the season opener.' It lures you in."

Wish I hadn't clicked that now :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope this horrible news is totally wrong, but Doctor Who Magazine just tweeted:


With great sadness, DWM must report the loss of our beloved Sarah Jane, actress Elisabeth Sladen. The best of best friends. Too, too sad.


From what I can find, she passed away due to complications from a battle with cancer.


RIP Elisabeth Sladen

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