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A lot of Doctor Who fans can't understand the difference between Soap and Drama.


They think that just because the character which brings all the spaceships and aliens down to earth has a mum, a boyfriend and a home it is instantly a soap opra. This is wrong. It gives the show a fresh new dimension that, although different to the old series, helps us relate to the different things we see.


The new series is much more like the vey first series, when the companions and the Doctor were equal. This is a much better format as the viewers can be the companion. It is hard to understand but it is a vast improvement to the old demonating Doctor.


Billie Piper is staying on for a Third Series which I am glad about. She is as important as the Doctor in this new series.


Also, the Doctor isn't bisexual as such, but Cpt. Jack is from a time where pretty much everyone is bi because in the future everyone becomes more open and relaxed about such things. The Doctor understands this and happily does playful banter with Jack.


I know a lot of Doctor Who fans (I'm Mr. 5 on Outpost Gallifrey Forum BTW) and their is a divide between the fandom. You either love it or you hate it (the new series I mean) but the ones that hate it are mostly the ones that feal the old series as theirs and not of the BBC's and that nobody can ever change it.


Also, rokhed00, you set you could script a better Doctor Who series, then go on. :D Fine, I won't do that. But why not say 13 episode ideas for a new series. I garentee that your anwsers will be a Canival of Fanwank!

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I don't think the Doctor is bisexual. I think the Doctor's certainly an open and friendly character, but other than the fact that he has a granddaughter, there's probably not been much time (hah) for full on romance in the TARDIS.

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the doctor in the new series is definatly portayed as being bisexual-speculatively


there was definatly something going on between him and rose and captain jack.


That doesn't really count, I consider the new series as nothing more than fan fiction with the BBCs backing.


Yeah, go on, write us thirteen 45 minute episodes of Doctor Who and I bet they're nowhere near as good as Russell's.


You give me the time, money and backing that the BBC gave him and I'll get started on it straight away.

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Just watched the finale. Can't see how anyone could think The Doctor is in any way bisexual. One little joke with Captain Jake does not a bisexual make.


Anyway re: the finale, I liked it. I love the overwhelming feel of something big going to happen. Although "super Rose" was very Goddess Willow-ish, with the eyes and the vibrant white/gold colouring. Plus the kiss, psh, that was so Cordy and Doyle.


But as I said, liked it. And im guessing what Rose meant by "I am Bad Wolf" (someone was asking) is that the time vortex had been placing these messages as a warning, and as Rose figured out it is not to show danger, but rather to show a link. She used it to figure out what to do to save the day. Actually this is a better way to explain it:


Start with Rose and Mickey sitting in the car park in the final episode.

Now Rose could have given up trying to get back and led a nice life with Mickey.


Then she sees "Bad Wolf" written all over the car park and also remembers seeing it throughout all of series one in different times and places.


She realises that it is herself from another time and place (IE her killing the Darleks that hasn't happened yet) sending herself a message.


Realising that this is a message from herself that she (in that time and place) hasn't done yet, it must mean that she does go back (or needs to go back) to the "Bad wolf" corporation.


So she does and saves the world!


From a poster at DigitalSpy

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yeah it does! i think tennant will be the beter doctor but eccleston still did a great job. is it strange that i'm looking forward to torchwood nearly as much as i am the new series and about the same as the new series or lost :S:S:S


maybe i'm ill *cough cough* :S

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It's Doctor time!


EDIT: Wow, that was brilliant! The acting was superb, loved the evil Rose and Lady Cassandra. The guy who played Chip was also quite talented, nice storyline. Great ending.


FAVE QUOTE: "I've got curves, its like living in a bouncy castle!"


BTW EDIT: Rokhed00, I'd like to prove to you that it can be done without money and funding, I'm writing my own script.

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Great. Really good.


I love it. Smashing.


"I'm beating out a samba"

"I've got a head full of big face"

"Oh my God I'm a Chav"

"That's text-book enigmatic"

"Yep...still got it..."

"The flesh is free!"

"It's like being inside a bouncy castle!"

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Guest Jordan

Warewolves... always good.

Great episode, good dialouge, great plot idea.


I hope the series continues this strong.

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Now I have to wait for the next Face of Boe story. :( Any ideas if it'll be this series? And where did he go?


I'll bet they're saving him for when the Doctor finally pops his clogs. Probably as a plot device to keep the show going I'll wager. Rememeber the Doctor can only regenerate 12 times. We're up to what now, number ten?


EDIT: K-9! Whooo!

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He can only rgenerate 12 times? What idiot came up with that? That means the series is going to end on the second successor of David Tennant!


3rd successor, he's regenerated 9 times so far. 13 lives, we're on number 10.


TimeLords can fix it though, they offered the Master another regeration cycle, I'm betting the Face of Boe's secret has something to do with the TimeLords.


I thought last night was pretty good, not the best, but loads of fun.


There are always going to be people that bitch about this new version of the show, gives them some sense of superiority that "their" version of the show was better. You know, it is possible to like both the old and the new.

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I love the little bits of silly dialogue. It's a nice touch.


"I'd put the shop there".



And the place he points to is where a shop is in the Wales Millennium Centre (where the scene was filmed)

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I didn't like the origianl Dr Who and I hated Saturday night's one.


Ending was very bad, Vanessa (was it? I dunno) jsut suddenly changed her mind for some reason. Just suddenly not scared of death, that doesn't just happen. the way everyone was healed and everything was fine just really annoyed me! ARG

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