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Whats the fuck with you alot we should be supporting Jap consoles and kicking out Microsoft who have no business being there


I'll support whoever gives me what I want at a reasonable price, I won't support an egomaniacal megalomaniac who thinks I should pay ridiculous prices for something that I don't need.

Sony can go fuck themselves.

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Yeah so funny, at least the games on PS3 look fun to play unlike games on other formats such as Saints row, the buggy as helll game that no publisher would touch in its concept changes apart from Microsoft Too Human, Fable franchise - the genre confused game "YOUR NOT A FUCKING RPG YOUR A FUCKING ACTION/ADVENTURE game", PGR series a game which the game creaters think 30fps is fine :mad:.


The only two decent titles I have seen for it is Dead Rising and Lost Planet

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Yeah so funny, at least the games on PS3 look fun to play unlike games on other formats such as Saints row, the buggy as helll game that no publisher would touch in its concept changes apart from Microsoft Too Human, Fable franchise - the genre confused game "YOUR NOT A FUCKING RPG YOUR A FUCKING ACTION/ADVENTURE game", PGR series a game which the game creaters think 30fps is fine :mad:.


The only two decent titles I have seen for it is Dead Rising and Lost Planet


Whoa looks like I hit a nerve. No need to get all angry about this. Many people prefer Sony to Microsoft and vice versa its all down to opinion and it should never come down to ranting about my consoles better than yours. If I wanted to see that I would go to Gamefaqs where they hand you a flame shield when you sign up.

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Yeah so funny, at least the games on PS3 look fun to play unlike games on other formats such as Saints row, the buggy as helll game that no publisher would touch in its concept changes apart from Microsoft Too Human, Fable franchise - the genre confused game "YOUR NOT A FUCKING RPG YOUR A FUCKING ACTION/ADVENTURE game", PGR series a game which the game creaters think 30fps is fine :mad:.


The only two decent titles I have seen for it is Dead Rising and Lost Planet

Oh please, fuck of you TROLL.

Whats the point at having 60 fps if you don't need it? You can't relly notice the difference. You only need 60 fps for really fast paced games.

Yeah, I mean Ps3 looks fun to play ... lossened analogue sticks, as if the ones they have right now weren't bad enough, crappy shoulder triggers and a slapped on motion sensor...

And are you stupid or something?

"Yeah but that was true graphics but without physics". Can't you see all the parts flying everywhere? Thats physics ... or maybe its a scripted animation ... :S


And look at the PS3 before, in 2005, not many airholes like J.Allard pointed out. And now look at 2006, its has airholes wherever you look. Makes it look ugly.

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Yeah but that was true graphics but without physics, the second one has the physics implemented so that it becomes difficult to drive as the terrain changes - has anybody done that for the 360 - no!
No they weren't... those graphics aren't possible without being pre-rendered, they have a pretty big draw distance, no artefacts, jaggies, a nice filter to the background... and look how the game is now? if the hit is like that then N64 would do NES graphics in-game :P


You can't possibly loose that much running on-spec with the hardware... it was pre-rendered simple as that...


if it was without physics then all the flow animations of "mud" with the wheels passing down and the destruction scene I've shown would be made on OpenGL ES? why having all that work?


that's laughable, why would they program a cutscene like that on hardware? a cutscene they wouldn't use?


It was clearly pre-rendered in a PC with 3D production tools... otherwise the reasoning is just... dumb.


Also bare in mind that Sony wasn't using SPE's at the time and SPE's should deal with most the work when talking about physics...


Seriously a hit like that on graphics isn't possible.

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Guest Jordan
Sony throws party for Vaios, fakes Blu-ray demo

Posted May 16th 2006 3:25PM by Ryan Block


Who'd you think you were fooling, Sony? You go throw some big huge party celebrating the 10 year birthday of the Vaio and the launch of the Vaio UX Micro PC and your new flagship Blu-ray playing AR series 17-inch powerhouse laptop, replete with demo of early Blu-ray title House of Flying Daggers. And then you get done caught red-handed by a meddling reporter who discovered the Blu-ray playback is actually coming straight off a typical, normal old DVD+R. It's a sham, Sony, the whole thing's a sham! How are you gonna make a case for your laptop -- let alone Blu-ray as a format -- now that you tried to pawn off a DVD as a Blu-ray tech demo to a room full of industry professionals? We hope at least it was playing back a high def trailer, or something; now go to your room, you're gonna have some serious alone time, little mister.



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Guest Jordan
Okami and Viewtful Joe are Ps3 titles?


Er.... nothing was announced about either of these games. :indeed:

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But will FF XIII be available on it, will Okami be on it will Viewtiful Joe


(hears just the wind and sees a tumble weed moving in the background)


Thought so

Worst. Post. Ever.

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When I said Viewtiful Joe and Okami those are Capcoms biggest franchises and presumbly they would go to either the Wii or PS3 not created on 360


Anyway someone said why am I called ZeldaFreak - think logically I am a fan of LoZ games that is all.

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When I said Viewtiful Joe and Okami those are Capcoms biggest franchises and presumbly they would go to either the Wii or PS3 not created on 360.


Erm, Resident Evil 5? which is gonna be released on the 360.

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