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As much as I hate to raise the possibility; is it really that bad to incorporate other console's ideas? Just because Sony were the first to offer a disk-based storage medium, does that mean Nintendo should be forced to stick to cartridges.


May the better company win, in the end. And when they do win, I sincerely hope that they're able to say "Suck Fony".

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So to clarify:


They ripped of Microsoft’s Xbox live


Ripped off I-tunes


and ripped off the Wii's controller.


Put them all together and are charging £400 for it.


exactly so! just with poorer versions of each!!!

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As much as I hate to raise the possibility; is it really that bad to incorporate other console's ideas? Just because Sony were the first to offer a disk-based storage medium, does that mean Nintendo should be forced to stick to cartridges.


May the better company win, in the end. And when they do win, I sincerely hope that they're able to say "Suck Fony".


don't even try to justify sony for this.... dont

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After looking at more info on the controller, I'm not all that worried. Seems like it just detects whether the controller is leaning left, right, forward, back, up and down. And degrees of tilt can't be sensed either.


So it's no Wi-mote, and I'd expect Nintendo knew something like this would happen anyway.

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And you guys arent hoping Nintendo rip off Xbox Live tomorrow then? I'm playing devils advocate here, im pretty pissed off, I was contemplating getting a PS3, but today I said to my mate if they rip off the Wii, I just cant get it, morally I just cant. I fucking hate the arrogant fuckers - digging at NINtendo for being gimmicky and then ripping it off!!!


I really hope they get found out. I hope people hate them for this. I hope developers dont use it. I hope it isnt as good as the Wii controller. I want them to fail with the PS3 and I want them to do it in fucking style!

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Well many are now predicting that Nintendo knew this would happen and that they practically left the controller design on the Sony doorstep and then rang the bell and ran. If this is the case Nintendo must be feeling happy that Sony have took the bait. There is more than meets the eye to Wii there has to be unless why did Nintendo show their hand when they knew PS3 pad was still in development.

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sony have done their worst-nintendos turn tomorrow.


sony have unveiled everything-stollen and well stollen- incl price and launch dates-ninty will prob undercut sony in terms of launch date but they know best so i'm not worried.

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After looking at more info on the controller, I'm not all that worried. Seems like it just detects whether the controller is leaning left, right, forward, back, up and down. And degrees of tilt can't be sensed either.


So it's no Wi-mote, and I'd expect Nintendo knew something like this would happen anyway.

The fact reamains, they copied and tried to claim credit for it. Just because it's a bad copy doesn't make it any easier.

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And you guys arent hoping Nintendo rip off Xbox Live tomorrow then? I'm playing devils advocate here, im pretty pissed off, I was contemplating getting a PS3, but today I said to my mate if they rip off the Wii, I just cant get it, morally I just cant. I fucking hate the arrogant fuckers - digging at NINtendo for being gimmicky and then ripping it off!!!


I really hope they get found out. I hope people hate them for this. I hope developers dont use it. I hope it isnt as good as the Wii controller. I want them to fail with the PS3 and I want them to do it in fucking style!


hear hear!!!

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