Dante Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 All the 13 games are a series called Fabula Nova Crystallis that is set in the same universe. Square Enix president, Yoichi Wada likened the Fabula Nova Crystallis compilation to that of the likes of Star Wars and has stated that it could span a decade. Square Enix has another series as well called Ivalice Alliance that contains Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (a sequel to Final Fantasy XII for the Nintendo DS), Final Fantasy Tactics Shishi Sensō (an enhanced port of Final Fantasy Tactics for the PlayStation Portable), and Final Fantasy Tactics A2 Fūketsu no Grimoire (a sequel to Final Fantasy Tactics Advance) for the Nintendo DS.
Domstercool Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 I love the idea of three FFXIII games. It's not milking, but yet explaining and expanding a deep story. The thing that rocks about each Suikoden game is that it is set in the same world, but at different time periods. Doing this you learn so much about the past and present of the world. Really deep stuff. So for Final Fantasy to start to do it just makes me excited. I want to learn more about the universes. It's really the only thing the FF games fall short on. Not enough info about the world you play in.
Fierce_LiNk Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 How does this whole 3 game thing work then? Are two of them sequels of some kind to one of the FF13 games, or is it a bit more like Pokemon, where you have two or three games which are the same yet different?
Domstercool Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 All three games are different games. All set in different time periods of the same place. I know that XIII plays like a turn based RPG, while Versus plays more of a action adventure RPG. It's basically giving the player a bigger indeph at the universe.
ZeldaFreak Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 Your joking right? Sony has dropped so far, my VAIO has broke twice within 6 months and it's all due to manfacturing faults. They still produce mini-disks and their mp3 players are appalling. My Vaio laptop has worked beutifully for the last 6 months, and TBH iPod is crap and so are every mp3 player. mp4 is the word you know. And mini disks so? If people still want them sony will still make them
Fierce_LiNk Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 All three games are different games. All set in different time periods of the same place. I know that XIII plays like a turn based RPG, while Versus plays more of a action adventure RPG. It's basically giving the player a bigger indeph at the universe. Ahh, I see. Cheers for clearing that up for me.
ZeldaFreak Posted January 12, 2007 Posted January 12, 2007 All three games are different games. All set in different time periods of the same place. I know that XIII plays like a turn based RPG, while Versus plays more of a action adventure RPG. It's basically giving the player a bigger indeph at the universe. Well what about Agito though? It looks like a school where people learn to battle with cards
Domstercool Posted January 12, 2007 Posted January 12, 2007 Final Fantasy XIII: The new male character's name is related to weather, but not related to the female lead character Lightning The summon beasts are vastly changed, for example Shiva can now transform into a motor bike, and she can use more than one element, not limited to blizzard It is possible to transform the summon beasts into other forms like motor bike during the battle The crystal will give user the power to invent/compose certain things There is a city inside a floating Cocoon, which is formed by the crystal and protected by a machine There are some mysterious changes in the crystal, causing the cocoon "awakened", people fear those who live inside the cocoon become invaders and begin to hate them To stabilize the cocoon, people performed emergency treatment to it, banished residents inside the cocoon and move them back to the ground The Crystal chose Lightning (the female protagonists), give her fate to lead the world. People believed she's an enemy to the human race, she will lead the world into ruin. Final Fantasy Versus XIII: The gameplay will be similar to the Kingdom Hearts series, with more action elements than the FF series The male protagonist is capable of teleporting to where his weapons are thrown. He has some sort of limits to his power. Originally there was no good or evil, but soon it will be divided between the two, in the last Kingdom where the crystal was held The Kingdom is very advanced in technologies, and isolated from the outside world. The Kingdom is protected by Magic Order, but a group of invaders from outside began to invade the city for the crystal Final Fantasy Agito XIII: The game will be in full 3D The protagonist is supposed to protect the crystal The game will be available on mobile phone by the end of 2007 The game is set in a magic school named Akademia, and will gradually expand to the larger world oustide of the school. It is described as an Online RPG, but not "massively multiplayer". "Agito" in Latin roughly means "to engage in motion" (and is also the root from which the English "agitate" is derived).
Hero-of-Time Posted January 12, 2007 Posted January 12, 2007 Im glad I decided not to import MGS:PO.... The European version of PSP title Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops will be released in April, Konami said today, and will boast a range of features that weren't available in the US and Japanese versions released last year. These will include 12 addition characters, two more multiplayer levels and a Boss Battle mode, which ought to help make up for the traditional several-month delay between the game's completion and its release here. MGS PO, as Konami likes to call it, has won plaudits for bringing traditional MGS gameplay to the handheld whilst also heading into new territory - with a system of recruiting and fielding a range of comrades on the game's small stealth levels, and even using the PSP's Wi-Fi features to search random access points for bonus characters. Characters recruited in-game or downloaded by "hacking" access points have various attributes, and can be used in-game (switching between them using the menu, with inactive characters hiding in cardboard boxes, obviously), and the 12 additional characters in the European version should help give your squad a bit more depth. Careers of existing characters have also been expanded, to help highlight key attributes like athleticism and physical strength - obviously rather handy depending on the situation. Boss Battle mode, meanwhile, will allow you to relive tussles with the game's typically flamboyant master-villains. MGS PO also boasts an online mode, allowing you to go on the Internet and play against friends (and enemies) in a similar manner to that of Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence on the PS2, and to this end two new multiplayer levels - for a total of ten - ought to help things last. As well as simply putting your team up against others, you can also risk losing members to your adversary in certain game modes. For more on Portable Ops, which we're definitely keen on, in case you were wondering, look forward to our import review in the very near future.
fanman Posted January 12, 2007 Posted January 12, 2007 They are gonna make it so you can get it through your PSP later on. Plus we don't know the price of the console yet :P and no doubt someone close to you will get hold of one at somepoint. But it is about the price of the actual game and $5.99 is a bloody awesome price. TBH it really makes you wonder if Microsoft or Nintendo will soon lower theirs. Because it's certainly not the best of deals you are getting there. They better... I was gutted when I heard you had to have a PS3 for it. Im glad I decided not to import MGS:PO.... Yay!
Dante Posted January 12, 2007 Posted January 12, 2007 From Arstechnica Sony misleads multiple times on MotorStorm resolution, revises PS3 sales goals to allow for success It's starting to get frustrating to cover Sony. From being misleading in their Emmy press-releases and then pulling the evidence, to switching their stated manufacturing goals, I just can't keep the stories straight. The Emmy thing was okay—we all make mistakes, and perhaps Sony just jumped to a few conclusions. But the issue of Motorstorm's resolution is much thicker and smacks of negligence. It's not like the gaming press made up the 1080p, 60fps Motorstorm story by ourselves. Sony employees were telling the press that would be the resolution and the framerate. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt, and say the people running the televisions at trade shows may get their facts wrong. Of course, the Senior Vice-President of Marketing for your company should know better. In the CES keynote, which you can watch here, Peter Dille states that we'll see Motorstorm at 1080p running at 60fps. He makes this point strongly, in an attempt to prove the power of the PS3, before telling us it's the only "true" high definition system on the market. I would say that point is arguable at best, but there is no doubt he was selling Motorstorm as an example of their 1080p content. After all that buzz, they're now saying Motorstorm will be at 720p and run at 30fps. At least according to SCEA. Then again, at this stage who do you believe? I don't even think Sony knows anymore. Mr. Dille also says they hit their goal of shipping 1 million systems in that speech. Since when was that their goal? We reported on what their actual goal was: they wanted 4 million by the end of the year, and 2 million at launch. That was then brought down to 2 million shipped when they talked to the press. When was it ever 1 million? Engadget has an even more damning interview with Peter Dille. Let me repeat that he is the Senior Vice-President of Marketing. He should know better than to give a keynote that directly contradicts his own interviews: Engadget: So, you think you're still on track for 2 million units in 2006? Peter Dille: Yeah. Engadget: I'm gonna hold you to that. Peter Dille: Okay, you can hold us all to it! How can we, when you say now that your goal has been only a million units? Well, I'm holding you to it. You missed your goal. I'm sorry. Why can't you admit it publicly instead of changing the numbers and hoping no one notices? Sony, you need to rein in your public relations staff and start telling us the truth. You need to either make sure you know you can hit the goals that you announce, or be willing to admit that you missed them when you fall short. Revising the number after the fact is not good enough. The more these things happen the less credibility you have, and the less credibility you have the harder it is for us who're reporting your claims to take them seriously. I'd like to think I can trust you, but after this past week I feel like anything your representatives say is going to be suspect at best, and at worst an outright lie. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sony is preparing to announce the full and final European PS3 launch details at the end of this month, MCV has learned. Whilst industry speculation that PS3’s European arrival could be pushed back as far as September continues, Sony insists that a March launch is still on the cards, with concrete details to be revealed to the public shortly. MCV has also been led to believe that there is still no intention to launch the 20Gb model in this territory and that the launch price remains at or around £425. Sony revealed last September that its plans to launch PS3 globally in November were to be scrapped, blaming the production issues surrounding the console’s Blu-Ray diodes on the European delay. Subsequent supply problems and stock shortages that have plagued the North American and Japanese markets and lead to ongoing speculation that the European release could be pushed back even further. However, Sony has continued to deny the reports. In December, SCEE president and CEO David Reeves told MCV: “We’re still on schedule to launch PS3 in March throughout all PAL territories and all speculation otherwise is without foundation." mcvuk
CompSci Posted January 12, 2007 Posted January 12, 2007 Sony is preparing to announce the full and final European PS3 launch details at the end of this month, MCV has learned. well that something...... come on woollies employee 20% entertainment discount day Subsequent supply problems and stock shortages that have plagued the North American and Japanese markets and lead to ongoing speculation that the European release could be pushed back even further. that would suck on so many levels
KKOB Posted January 12, 2007 Posted January 12, 2007 From Arstechnica Sony misleads multiple times on MotorStorm resolution, revises PS3 sales goals to allow for success etc . . . :p :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Domstercool Posted January 12, 2007 Posted January 12, 2007 Ah like the PGR3 resolution and framerate then. Seems to be racers that suffer from this infestation of lies. Still both games look lovely.
Domstercool Posted January 14, 2007 Posted January 14, 2007 PGR3 runs at 1024x 600 and is upscaled to 1280 x 720. It also never got running at 60fps.
KKOB Posted January 14, 2007 Posted January 14, 2007 PGR3 runs at 1024x 600 and is upscaled to 1280 x 720. It also never got running at 60fps. Difference is Microsoft have never tried to boast about 'True HD' with 1080 etc whereas Sony have been trying to make out like they're the only ons capable of doing it. I find it very laughable.
That Guy Posted January 14, 2007 Posted January 14, 2007 To be honest, I'm bored of the whole thing, as long as it looks good I wish these companies would just shut the hell up and show us some good games. I love PGR3 :p
Domstercool Posted January 14, 2007 Posted January 14, 2007 Microsoft did speak promoting HD though "Next Gen is here now" Every game was suppose to be 720p and have 2AA enabled. Every other game apart from PGR3 does 720p rightly. That Guy is right though. The game looks good either way so I don't really care. It's just not the only time it has happened though.
Domstercool Posted January 15, 2007 Posted January 15, 2007 Hahaha Stocka! Hopefully it will be a release title.
Hero-of-Time Posted January 15, 2007 Posted January 15, 2007 Hahaha Stocka! Hopefully it will be a release title. Agreed. That along with Virtua Fighter 5, Resistance and Motor Storm would be an excellent launch.
AshMat Posted January 15, 2007 Posted January 15, 2007 I don't like the Playstation 3 logo strip down the side, but i imagine folded over in a box it will look better. Also, 30fps, that's pretty low after they said it would be 60..
ZeldaFreak Posted January 15, 2007 Posted January 15, 2007 HS Boxart. So I guess that means then its been completed and may be given a bit extra polish. However while I am here does anyone have any clues about when they will start announcing their euro ps3 plans
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