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That's what confused me, too. I seriously doubt it, though.


Even if it is this year, it's only a month later than expected. Not really all that bad.


but if they did that then it'd be the third time they've pushed the launch back :laughing:

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Sounds like Another little handheld system that Sony did, oh and Wario Ware Twisted and Animal Crossing all over again.


Wario Ware Twisted still isn't out here is it? i got the American one off teh HoTness.


PSP was only delayed from march to september though wasn't it? not from spring 06 to november 17 to march 07 to maybe april 07.

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From Eurogamer:

'A SCEE spokesperson has told GamesIndustry.biz that PlayStation 3 is still on track to launch in Europe in March, despite suggestions from Sony CEO Howard Stringer that it will be here in April.


In an interview with CNET-owned site News.com, Stringer is quoted as saying, "We have got the European launch in April, which is very important to us."


But a spokesperson told GI.biz, "It is not the case that PS3 is launching in April," adding that suggestions otherwise are "incorrect".'


I think thats very strange. Surely the man at the top of the company must know what hes talking about. Hes the one who has to approve all the big decisions after all. I mean Iwata san knew exactly when Wii was launching in each territory.

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Square Enix announced Final Fantasy Anniversary Edition and Final Fantasy II Anniversary Edition for PSP, as the first games in the Final Fantasy 20th Anniversary series. Both games will be contain all the new elements in Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls for GBA, plus further enhancements in the graphics and music, as well as new CG movies and some innovations on the levels and contents.


Nice, me buy! Hopefully it will be turned into 3D like the DS FF3.

Wooo :D


Nope just GBA ports.










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Have Sony just jacked up the price on us????


No.....that'll just be Ireland. :(


Same happened with the Wii.


Don't worry.









The UK price is equivalent to just under EUR 647, which is likely to elicit complaints about "rip-off Britain" as Sony has confirmed that the 60GB PS3 will cost EUR 599 in most other European territories. The price for Ireland, however, has been set at EUR 629.99, apparently due to a higher VAT rate.
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From Eurogamer:

'A SCEE spokesperson has told GamesIndustry.biz that PlayStation 3 is still on track to launch in Europe in March, despite suggestions from Sony CEO Howard Stringer that it will be here in April.


In an interview with CNET-owned site News.com, Stringer is quoted as saying, "We have got the European launch in April, which is very important to us."


But a spokesperson told GI.biz, "It is not the case that PS3 is launching in April," adding that suggestions otherwise are "incorrect".'


I think thats very strange. Surely the man at the top of the company must know what hes talking about. Hes the one who has to approve all the big decisions after all. I mean Iwata san knew exactly when Wii was launching in each territory.


Wouldn't be the first time Sony spokespeople have made contradicting comments.

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Well, Imo, the whole point in motion sensing with the Wiimote is for accessibility. Its meant to be easy to control. Games should not be tacked on with these types of controls just because the technology is there. If it doesn't help the experience or the gameplay in any way, then it doesn't have to be used.


With this game, I can't see how it helps at all.

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Or they could just not bother with crappy control systems that no one will ever use, oh wait, they can't, Sony demand Sixaxis functionality with all PS3 games.


Affraid its a bit BS your speaking they only demand sony published games to use the full sixaxis. And all they need is the menu to be working with the motion sensing part, to get it published


Well, Imo, the whole point in motion sensing with the Wiimote is for accessibility. Its meant to be easy to control. Games should not be tacked on with these types of controls just because the technology is there. If it doesn't help the experience or the gameplay in any way, then it doesn't have to be used.


With this game, I can't see how it helps at all.


Motion sensing is the new rumble. It looks alright, have you played a ps3 demo for it? You say no you haven't, then you can't really critique it on the controls

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