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And waste all that money?:hmm:


If you buy one and sell it on eBay for quite a bit more than u spent, you get something called PROFIT.

Then if you actually want a PS3, get it when the price comes down to something reasonable, oh I dunno, when the ps4 comes out:rolleyes:



True about the profit but loads of people are complaining about the price of it now, I cant see many people paying £600 / £700 for one if they are moaning about £500

PS3 downgraded again


IT LOOKS LIKE the PS3 is way too powerful for us mere humans, and because the value is so overwhelming, Sony is going to make it a little more palatable. The RSX, previously scheduled to run at 550/700 core/memory has been realigned with expectations and the value chain at 500/650.


We can't tell you why the GPU lost nearly 10% of it's clock, it could be an NVidia screwup, or it could be Sony/Cell. Either way, it just became much less of an overwhelming value, but you get a DRM infected drive for 'free' either way.


As a help to the fanbois who inevitably write in somewhat curious broken englishish every time their precious console gets re-specced in a downward manner, please cut and paste the following. It will save you at least an hour trying to figure out the parts of the keyboard that are not WASD:


You teh sux0r 2 sae teh PS3 is not going to teh r0x0r! Yew lie, yew 360 luvr. U teh sux! U maek thing up, go die!!!1111one!1!!!1 heheheheh


As for Sony, I know your reaction, you are going to start a whispering campaign on the forums like last time. Please give the PR genius who thought that one up a promotion and a raise. It worked so well to cower me that I got more inside sources disgusted with you third rate backstabbing attempts than I got in a year. Please do it again, I didn't take offense last time, and I promise not to this time. µ

Source: http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=33995


Ken Kutanagi: begin Powerpoint! we will bring massive presentation with real time slide change! (read with japanese accent)


PS3 In-Hand pictures:




And so that we can see the difrence between the ports now and what they used to look like,

Original 2005 PS3

Now lets all laugh at the promises Sony couldn't keep xD


btw. I wonder how they got it so scratched up! :shock:

Also.. they look a bit.. cheap..


while looking at the news about GamerPAL's win atthe joystik.com award thingies, i came across this story in their news listings, posted 29th august:


In a textbook case of robbing Peter to pay Paul, Sony is reportedly halting shipments of blue laser diodes to other manufacturers to ensure they will have enough available for the PlayStation 3 launch. Taiwan's DigiTimes.com is reporting that lower yield rates than expected mean that laser manufacturers, including Sony, can't meet the demand from the manufacturers of HD-DVD and Blu-ray drives and players. Despite recent analyst predictions that Sony will not be able to meet its own projected unit numbers for the PS3 launch, Sony still forcefully asserts that they will meet their commitments.


Bottom line: I doubt a PS3 like that will be available for purchase.


i should hope not!


maybe a clear case as an extra colour option but i doubt that's the best idea since it costs so bloody much in the first place.


just to check . . . everyone thinks that the lower spec/priced PS3 is totally stupid?

i should hope not!


maybe a clear case as an extra colour option but i doubt that's the best idea since it costs so bloody much in the first place.


just to check . . . everyone thinks that the lower spec/priced PS3 is totally stupid?

it's not stupid "market-wise" mind you...


Microsoft did two versions of Xbox 360... but the core version without wireless controllers, remote and HDD only consisted of 20% total X360 production... we are talking about the lowest priced console, the one that should sell more...


One child asks for a X360 for christmas... when the parents go to the store the cheaper one is sold out... but the better one is just $100 away, it's not that much, so they buy the better one as a bonus... if you say $300 straigh away it's a lot, said this way is just more $100.


It's like those hardware configurations that say "buy a computer from $999" sure the 999 version is crap, but it got your attention right? then you buy the price/quality one analysing the specs.


when we say "Xbox 360 core system from $299" a PS3 for $599 it's a 300 dolar diference, the guy will say straight away "for this price I could buy two Xbox 360's!" it's very diferent than if Microsoft didn't have the cheaper version and sold them at 400€. the cheaper ones are useless anyway, but help in RAW sales.


this means... Sony needs a cheaper version even if it crap as hell to close the gap.


Useless for the consumer? a bad choice? yes, but for sony it's not.




Nintendo wont need to though as relative to its 'competitors' it'll be damn cheap, right?


i would love 2 Wii versions though-thought the expensive one would just be a 'multiplayer fun' bundle with an extra Wii mote or two and a couple games :D



Nintendo wont need to though as relative to its 'competitors' it'll be damn cheap, right?


i would love 2 Wii versions though-thought the expensive one would just be a 'multiplayer fun' bundle with an extra Wii mote or two and a couple games :D

I'd surely opt for a 250€ Wii if they bundled in the DVD playback adapter, two wiimotes and respective nunchucks (either multiplayer out of the box, or single player using both wiimotes; depending of the games) and a classic controller. And perhaps... some games already included/bundled in the Virtual console.


Better cables like... progressive scan enabled ones instead of the regular ones, would be nice.


Nintendo doesn't need it, but I like extras, and I'm willing to pay for them.


What there's no point is blocking some features from factory, like Sony is doing with PS3, or compromising a Hard Drive being standard like Microsoft did.


When talking about wii it's hopefully just bonus features. (two wiimotes should be standard though, allowing more developers to use them since everybody has two)


the features being left out of the cheaper ps3 seem stupid! really sounds like it is just them trying to capitalize like you say.


i mean, the dearer option is "wifi enabled"(!!) ooooohhhh.... (sarcasm!) if the ds and wii can have this then this being one of the things bringing down the price in any decent way is a lie, plain and simple.

PS3 In-Hand pictures:




And so that we can see the difrence between the ports now and what they used to look like,

Original 2005 PS3

Now lets all laugh at the promises Sony couldn't keep xD


btw. I wonder how they got it so scratched up! :shock:

Also.. they look a bit.. cheap..


first they go the way of Nintendo and use the self loading disk drive, and now they use a flap to house their ports. Talk about UN-originality.

first they go the way of Nintendo and use the self loading disk drive, and now they use a flap to house their ports. Talk about UN-originality.


let's face it, all sony are good at these days is copying what their competitors have already done or are preparing to do, then lying at conferences about how innovative they are!

let's face it, all sony are good at these days is copying what their competitors have already done or are preparing to do, then lying at conferences about how innovative they are!


beyond the walkman and introducing 'PlayStation' to the masses (chavs included) i cant see what they HAVE actually done-but hey, this isnt a sony bashing thread.

please tell me that thats sarcasm i read and not a faulty 'good taste' chip?!


no not everone has to jip the PS3, some people might actully buy one.

no not everone has to jip the PS3, some people might actully buy one.


people with more money than sense IMO but hey, prove me wrong and i'll love you.

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