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Red Steel -1ST Rev game screenshots in gameinformer


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The logo is nice, a little Kill Bill-esque, however the game is clearly inspired.

Kill Bill was the film lover's film with Tarantino merging so many styles from his personal favourite film directors..

Red Steel will be the game lover's game merging many styles of gameplay.

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cubed3 has 3 faily decent shots but still low rez but they don't look like they have been scanned.



nah they were just photoshoped... I think one of them is my "remixed" version with adjustments in the colors and lower resolution (SuperSampling) making the quality better:



I'm pretty sure I'm not mad, I mean I know what filters I used, there's this lack of quality in his pin and all and on his mouth there's this defect due to filtering that happened to me when I applied one filter... I could be wrong though. and they could have used the same combination as I did for example.


But I'm not wrong then I say Photoshopped :P

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Sony are fucked really, Revolution offers great playable demos in it's huge media centre at E3.. PS£ not playable to the public.. The media has no 'hands on' reports from the Sony booth and are forced to write reports based on videos again.


What a great deal for us and people working for Nintendophile press..


How embarassing if it is over something as simple as the controller's design.

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Sony are fucked really, Revolution offers great playable demos in it's huge media centre at E3.. PS£ not playable to the public.. The media has no 'hands on' reports from the Sony booth and are forced to write reports based on videos again.


What a great deal for us and people working for Nintendophile press..


How embarassing if it is over something as simple as the controller's design.


Are you saying sony wont have playable games at e3 next month?

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W3st welcome to the forum, thanks for those.. now I don't have to buy the magazine. Text is totally readable in those scans.


Are you saying sony wont have playable games at e3 next month?
Sony's PS3 will only be playable to a select few.. certainly not the public.

I think the big players like IGN will get a supervised demo with the system.. it'll probably be behind closed doors and will most likely be a no photos job.


But I'm not certain whether the PS3 will be playable even to the press.

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Sony's PS3 will only be playable to a select few.. certainly not the public.

I think the big players like IGN will get a supervised demo with the system.. it'll probably be behind closed doors and will most likely be a no photos job.


But I'm not certain whether the PS3 will be playable even to the press.


As far as I know this is true*. Which means Nintendo wil steal E3 again.

*The source was spong :heh: not that reliable

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W3st welcome to the forum, thanks for those.. now I don't have to buy the magazine. Text is totally readable in those scans.


Sony's PS3 will only be playable to a select few.. certainly not the public.

I think the big players like IGN will get a supervised demo with the system.. it'll probably be behind closed doors and will most likely be a no photos job.


But I'm not certain whether the PS3 will be playable even to the press.


wow , that made my day .. sony is doing everything wrong .. im scared though , that the next time we see ps3 controller it will be a complete rip-off off the revolution controller (slightly different to avoid lawsuits)

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I wouldn't put it past them.. I really wouldn't.


I think Joystiq has been reading this thread:


TVG reports that Ubisoft's Revolution launch title, Red Steel, will avoid gratuitous violence. Despite influence from Tarantino's Kill Bill film series and sporting a name that seemingly implies blood-soaked katana, Red Steel will likely be released blood-free.


The omission will help land the game a Teen-rating, which will increase the consumer demographic and extend the unofficial 'kid-tested, parent-approved' Nintendo theme to the Revolution. If you're at all disappointed by this toned-down development, just keep in mind that blood isn't necessary for a visceral experience.


Extremely bad move for me.. I probably won't buy it if there isn't any blood.


This is the downside of big publishers being involved in any game, the lawyers and market analysts fuck with the project.


What I find most retarded out of all of this is that you can kill someone with a gun, slice their flesh with a blade and release a game with a teen rating but by adding blood- something children are exposed to at a young age will increase the age rating.


Killing games need blood, always have.. it's not a clean business.

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Meh! No blood, no violence welcome mass market game. I just hope Suda51 does not disappoint me.


So far Red Steel looks okay - nothing that great in my eyes. What does the game offer beyond regular FPS beside the controller? Uhm ... nothing.


It actually contains a lot more. The honor system foreksampel. Read the prieview on http://www.revo-europe.com/preview.php?prid=218


Looks like you are generalizing all FPS.. I understand it if you don't like FPS. But this wil feature many new things. How many FPS game offer any thing more than red steel? only a few imo.

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Revolution is about immersing you in Reality.. movies are escapism, we love action films because it takes us into a real breathing blood stained world were risk and consequence are as close to the real thing as possible.


By compromising on this formula Ubisoft has seriously sold out.

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No it need's blood in it ,bad move.


It is hilarious that Rainbow Six, Prince of Persia, Splinter Cell, Beyond Good and Evil didn't have any blood and no one complained. It is also funny that people here say that videogames don't make you any violent and at same time cry for blood.


If someone starts to explain that game needs to have blood to be "mature", get a life and/or grow up. In fact, Red Steel is more mature than you usual "mature"* game, as it deals with adult concepts in a sensible and mature manner, not by using gratuitous violence and swearing.


* That are usually sold for teenagers who think violence and being X-treme is mature.

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