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I believe a spellcheck button can be added.


Personally I find in-browser spellcheckers to be a pain :heh:


Personally I find you a pain :heh: Owned! Pwned! Biatchslapped!


Erm...::shrug: sorry about that. Couldn't resist. I have a spellchecker add-on now. It just came to mind more when reading stuwii's post and then seeing an error in one of my posts :p

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Is it just me or is the search function broken a little? Whenever I find a post with search and click to go to it, it takes me to entirely the wrong page, usually 2-3 pages later than the post I clicked.


That happens with the phantom page issue. Usually it sends you however many phantom pages there are away.

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not when you have a netbook or other small device...


I'm on a netbook. There is plenty, and I mean plenty, of room left. I even compromised on the height so the extra width wouldn't be a problem.


Also, HD embedded YouTube videos are at the very least 600 pixels across, maybe more, we still have those.


This limit makes no sense.


Edit: Until I get an explanation other than 'those are the rules' I'm putting it back.


It's easily within the pre-set width of the comment box and like I've said I'm on a tiny netbook and it has caused no problems.

Edited by Daft
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They've been in need of a review for a while but I believe the limit was set primarily for cosmetic reasons. To stop rediculous and often repulsive large signatures that can be found on others.


And you could quite easily ask why the hell do you need 600 pixels when over half of that is empty space?

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They've been in need of a review for a while but I believe the limit was set primarily for cosmetic reasons. To stop rediculous and often repulsive large signatures that can be found on others.


Well, yeah, that's fair enough.


And you could quite easily ask why the hell do you need 600 pixels when over half of that is empty space?


The absence of something can be just as effective as something being there. What is the sea without land? In this case it's meant to off set the Joker to the side, it's meant to be unsettling.


Anyways, can I keep it?! *puppy dog eyes*

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