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The question should not be "Could it work at 800x600" but rather, "Please make this forum non-fucking-shit, i.e scalable to work at any resolution, like all good forums".


What? Just as I'm getting used to only looking at 2/3 of my monitor? That's just crazy talk.

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My guess is you missed the part where I said I was poor.


No, I am too, poor. However if your monitor can only manage 800x600 I should think you can get any shitbox 17" CRT second hand from somebody for next to nothing, hell someone is giving me 6 CRT monitors for free, largest being 19".


But yeah, the point still stands. Forum needs to be properly scalable.

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yeah we had server issues, which is why we took the forums down for a bit.


Thanks for explaining. The forums weren't working right and then there was a sign saying that the forums were closed because of server issues. I just hadn't put the two together! Now it finally makes sense.

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No, I am too, poor. However if your monitor can only manage 800x600 I should think you can get any shitbox 17" CRT second hand from somebody for next to nothing, hell someone is giving me 6 CRT monitors for free, largest being 19".


But yeah, the point still stands. Forum needs to be properly scalable.


Yeah I've tried asking friends around if they had any monitors they don't want laying around, but no such luck yet :(

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Okay something werid is goin on with your Forums. Whenever i click on a Username in the most recent posted box next to a thread, which will usually take you to that persons Profile. But instead it takes you to some other persons profile. Forexample i was trying to click my username ealrier and it took me to WES's Profile. And when I clicked on DAWNS username it took me to MIKEZIM's profile????


So my question is this:



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Okay something werid is goin on with your Forums. Whenever i click on a Username in the most recent posted box next to a thread, which will usually take you to that persons Profile. But instead it takes you to some other persons profile. Forexample i was trying to click my username ealrier and it took me to WES's Profile. And when I clicked on DAWNS username it took me to MIKEZIM's profile????


So my question is this:




Works fine for me, tried it on several people. Try again.

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Yeah sure its workin finenow but i posted taht question three or four days ago. Why does no one check thses on a REGULAR BASIS E.G. EVERY DAY ??


I do. Everytime there is a reply here I check. With some of the grander issues (eg the whole resolution thing) I can't deal right away but I did check your issue then. I just presumed you would have tried again and if it still hadn't worked spoke up a bit. We're all very busy people, so enough with the caps.

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^^^^Oh no don't get me wrong Ash, the Caps in that last post were purely accidental i assure you.

Any way the probs been fixed now. I think it had something to do with the lag time between the 'Last user posted' and the actual last user posting. What i mean is that sometimes when you submit a post your username won't always appear on the Last Post bit, but when you click on that name e.g. Old Gregg, you will be taken to the last poster whose name hasent appeared there yet e.g. Wes.

I apologise for the frequent posting and serioosly my hand did slip onto that Caps button before, depspite it being right at the beginning of a word.

So i understand your annoyed at me, but hey no need to hold grudges now is there :grin:

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It seems you guys are not on the same wavelenghth. I mean from the Admin we get told to stop posting irrelvent threads. Then when we post a new thread about a new topic, cos all the other topics have been covered, we get told by the Moderaters to stop posting werid threads. Then the normal posters complain cos people are posting werid threads and posting the same ones. Make your minds up people do you want a lot of threads about everything or a few regular threads covering the basic topics???

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It seems you guys are not on the same wavelenghth. I mean from the Admin we get told to stop posting irrelvent threads. Then when we post a new thread about a new topic, cos all the other topics have been covered, we get told by the Moderaters to stop posting werid threads. Then the normal posters complain cos people are posting werid threads and posting the same ones. Make your minds up people do you want a lot of threads about everything or a few regular threads covering the basic topics???


Hmm cant really get my head round that, my mind is elsewhere really. But are you asking what we as admin/staff want or we as a community want.


I posted the announcement because I was getting sick of similar threads with only slight difference, such as the Happy/Angry/Indifferent ones. As I said that could really all be in the same thread but leave it as it is. Just didn't want Upset/Tired/Giddy threads turning up.

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i check this section quite regulary.


Ash's posting was just as he has stated, there were threads popping up with the same theme just different emotions, before long the whole chit chat page would have been full of them, which are pretty crap IMO.

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Would it be possible to rename the Trade board as 'For Sale/Bargain Board' like in the old C-E forums?


Dunno if you've seen my thread in General Chit Chat but it looks like a few people think the Trade board is just for private trades rather than a place to find/post web bargains.

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Did anyone else get forced to change their password today by the forums because it's been in use for 66 days?


Mods get that, as you're both new mods it'll be like that. Think mods is every 60ish days, admins every 30. Its a security thing.

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