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Anyone else been having problems with the forum loading today? For me its mostly been when im trying to post in threads, twice now ive had to open up the forum again and cancel posting because its just loading


Infact it looks like using the Post Reply, Quote or Edit buttons are causing the problem for me, their pages will load but then I cant post after that. Only way im managing to is with the quick reply

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Joking apart is Jordanna getting replaced?

Sidestepping the harshness of the word 'replaced', there's no plans at the moment to get a new admin.

Anyone else been having problems with the forum loading today? For me its mostly been when im trying to post in threads, twice now ive had to open up the forum again and cancel posting because its just loading


Infact it looks like using the Post Reply, Quote or Edit buttons are causing the problem for me, their pages will load but then I cant post after that. Only way im managing to is with the quick reply

Are you still having this problem?
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I cant remember what other threads I noticed, all I remember is whichever Mod/Admin unlocked it did mention in the thread that they didnt know why it was locked in the first place.

Not too surprising, things get locked by mistake sometimes. It's an easy problem to resolve.

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Anyone noticed threads being locked for no reason the past few months, just every now and again. They become unlocked again not long after.


Like the Xpert Eleven thread at the moment.


Theres a quick shortcut to locking a thread which can easily be done.


Then of course, there are some pranksters out there :heh:

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I have a feeling jayseven may have locked the X11 thread accidently. It's the only thread I've noticed that's been locked for seemingly no reason.


Well its happened again with the Rate the last Tv show thread and look who was the last to post in it.....jayseven :p

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