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Guys, this is the "how was your day" thread and it is turning into the mindless drivel the MPOTD thread turned into. We do not need hourly updates on your day, it should be used as a self-reflective look at the day/day before. Not what you just ate, or how you're feeling now. Unless that is your whole day.


Thanks :)


Can we make a "How is your day going?" thread...or a "General conversation" thread. I like hearing random snips and snabs of what people are getting upto. :heart:


Exactly. I don't see the problem. So many new threads are still geting made, so it's not impacting on that. And, as ReZ says, it's nice to hear random commetns about something that just happened etc. :)


If they hadn't deleted MPOTD everything would be peachy, now every "chat" thread will turn into MPOTD anyway.

Here's an hourly update for you: I hardly slept, because I needed to study, so I studied despite the fact that I had a huge headache. I slept like 4 hours (badly) struggled to get up, got up feeling nauseus, couldn't even eat, still I got dressed and all to go to school. I wait for the fucking bus in the cold, when the bus comes it doesn't stop, I go running after it, it still doesn't stop.The running made me feel much worse. I needed to go to a class, which was kinda important, but fuck it, I'm tired of crappy bad luck I'm just going to see if I can sleep despite the nause. Oh and I have to study a lot, cause I have test tomorrow morning, which I know nothing about and I need to get a 12/20 if I wanna pass, but considering Im skipping the class, I'll probably need a 13.

MPOTD material? Don't care.


That's what the chat room is for.


Do you really think so? Look how much better the forums are now than a few months ago when we had the MPT. There are loads of new threads which turn into big discussions now rather than being discussed for about 2 posts in the MPT. The forums are getting back to the way the were in the good ol' days.


People have basically been using this thread as the MPOTD thread anyway though.


This is essentially the mpotd thread. Thats how I use it and most others do anyway.

Also the chat room is absolute shite.


That will now be clamped down on.


Yeah...but why? I mean, does it actually harm anyone?


Who gets a negative effect from it? It just seems incredibly petit.


The staff feels that it harms the board.

Now, lets' stay on topic.


Can we elaborate/discuss this. Bit random. It seems to be, what the community want VS what the staff want (Where the community are the overwhelming democracy) the staff should be enforcing the rules and making sure people towe the line, not hindering peoples perfectly harmless enjoyment.



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Can we elaborate/discuss this. Bit random. It seems to be, what the community want VS what the staff want (Where the community are the overwhelming democracy) the staff should be enforcing the rules and making sure people towe the line, not hindering peoples perfectly harmless enjoyment.




Conform or GTFO.

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Can we elaborate/discuss this. Bit random. It seems to be, what the community want VS what the staff want (Where the community are the overwhelming democracy) the staff should be enforcing the rules and making sure people towe the line, not hindering peoples perfectly harmless enjoyment.




Exactly. The thread has been doing no harm with a few updates of how peoples days are going or saying something that just happened etc. It's what people want, and new threads are still being made, so whats the problem?


There isn't one.

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Can we elaborate/discuss this. Bit random. It seems to be, what the community want VS what the staff want (Where the community are the overwhelming democracy) the staff should be enforcing the rules and making sure people towe the line, not hindering peoples perfectly harmless enjoyment.




Word up. For example, Platty just posted that hes off to see Bloc Party. By the way it sounds and that we keep getting prompted, we cant comment on that like "Oh they rock I saw them blah etc"


And doesnt that just make it a blog?


Free us!


Do you want it, or do you want what you can't have?


But nah seriously. A general update thread would be just like the MPOTD thread which was closed for a reason, it lead to meaningless shit being posted. I shall look into other avenues.

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Do you want it, or do you want what you can't have?


But nah seriously. A general update thread would be just like the MPOTD thread which was closed for a reason, it lead to meaningless shit being posted. I shall look into other avenues.


A lot of the stuff isn't meaningless shit though, it's intelligent conversation that leads to a good discussion. If you see something that's spam then fair enough, delete it by all means, but I believe that if it has a certain amount of substance to it and isn't just LOL10CHARS, it's acceptable.

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A lot of the stuff isn't meaningless shit though, it's intelligent conversation that leads to a good discussion. If you see something that's spam then fair enough, delete it by all means, but I believe that if it has a certain amount of substance to it and isn't just LOL10CHARS, it's acceptable.


But as far as percent I'd say it still doesn't wager for the amount of time we'd have to spend cleaning up the shit. We did look at member mods, which as I said is one avenue I shall look into.

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To be fair, a good 3000+ of my posts were amde in the MPotD.

Mostly random shitty pointless posts, some of the good threads we see now might not be there if the MPotD was still alive.

My post count definitely hasn't risen (sp?) as fast since it left.


Though what i don't get, is how bad is it really that there is ONE thread where people post useless spam?


I'm on the fence really. It's like

1. MPotD Is alive, less good threads, but a place to say something on your mind.

2. MPotD Is dead, more good threads, How was your day? To do that, but not as often/as spammy.

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I dont think that if a thread similar was bought back that general would change to how it is now, I just feel people put more of a conscious effort in to post a good thread now. :yay:


I believe you are on that rose tinted side of optimism.


Doing a quick paroose for solutions and will address the staff in a few.

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Guest Stefkov
To be fair, a good 3000+ of my posts were amde in the MPotD.

Mostly random shitty pointless posts, some of the good threads we see now might not be there if the MPotD was still alive.

My post count definitely hasn't risen (sp?) as fast since it left.


Though what i don't get, is how bad is it really that there is ONE thread where people post useless spam?


I'm on the fence really. It's like

1. MPotD Is alive, less good threads, but a place to say something on your mind.

2. MPotD Is dead, more good threads, How was your day? To do that, but not as often/as spammy.

I'd say the same, most of my posts were made in the MPT. Some were really spammy and some not so much.

It is better that the MPT is gone tbh. New threads popping up, discussions held longer than a page without other spammy posts in between.

Thing is the HwydT seems just like a MPT in disguise. Because of the new threads people have forgotten the MPT. They've just gotten out the habbit of clicking Gen chit chat, and clicking MPT then typing whatever they wanted.

The HwydT does have the spammy posts the MPT had but now it's at a minimum. Tbh, only one person strikes out to me that spams that place loads but still, a little discussion on random things can go on in there can't it? It's no fun to type out what you did then no-one can reply with 'What was that?' or 'Well done on passing your theory'.

It's better without the MPT but it's still nice to have a numbed down version of it somwhere.

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I'd say the same, most of my posts were made in the MPT. Some were really spammy and some not so much.

It is better that the MPT is gone tbh. New threads popping up, discussions held longer than a page without other spammy posts in between.

Thing is the HwydT seems just like a MPT in disguise. Because of the new threads people have forgotten the MPT. They've just gotten out the habbit of clicking Gen chit chat, and clicking MPT then typing whatever they wanted.

The HwydT does have the spammy posts the MPT had but now it's at a minimum. Tbh, only one person strikes out to me that spams that place loads but still, a little discussion on random things can go on in there can't it? It's no fun to type out what you did then no-one can reply with 'What was that?' or 'Well done on passing your theory'.

It's better without the MPT but it's still nice to have a numbed down version of it somwhere.


Yeah i'm with this. HWYD has turned into MPotD a little. But not the full on spamathon. Because i think from the title people realise it's not just for posting random shit. More for posting sligtly more meaningful things. Sort of like. Meaningful Post of the Day thread.

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I'd say the same, most of my posts were made in the MPT. Some were really spammy and some not so much.

It is better that the MPT is gone tbh. New threads popping up, discussions held longer than a page without other spammy posts in between.

Thing is the HwydT seems just like a MPT in disguise. Because of the new threads people have forgotten the MPT. They've just gotten out the habbit of clicking Gen chit chat, and clicking MPT then typing whatever they wanted.

The HwydT does have the spammy posts the MPT had but now it's at a minimum. Tbh, only one person strikes out to me that spams that place loads but still, a little discussion on random things can go on in there can't it? It's no fun to type out what you did then no-one can reply with 'What was that?' or 'Well done on passing your theory'.

It's better without the MPT but it's still nice to have a numbed down version of it somwhere.


Yes but "My lunch was awesome" is that really need-to-know vital information (on a then and there basis, surely it can wait?)

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Guest Stefkov

It can wait yes, but if you have a pretty wierd lunch then maybe it's the highlight of your day? Maybe your day was just shit and posting that you had an awesome lunch is the only thing keeping other stuff off your mind.

Sometimes it's not just mindless dribble.

I admit I do post posts like that though. It's just something to post, to pass some time. I'm by no means the worst on there though. I don't want to name names but it's clearly visible who just spam the place to smithereens.

I love that word.

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I have a question of my own:


When Bob07 deleted this post:

I beleive in second chances and I think harribo should be given a second chance.:heh:


O how I long for a shifty eyes smiley.

Did he really think the admins couldn't see it? Just because he pressed delete?


And another question, why do people make new accounts and then make it so obvious that they are not really new? New people do not have opinions on current forum situations, they certainly don't use "GTFO" jokes with ReZ and they definitely don't suggest that previous members should be unbanned.

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Cause the forum opened in Sept 05 and I'm guessing Mokong has just changed his to match when he joint the original forums.


And no other admin has done said thing. I'd have thought all of you would've if just the one had done it.


I assumed you lot were a bit like sheep, baa!

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And no other admin has done said thing. I'd have thought all of you would've if just the one had done it.


I assumed you lot were a bit like sheep, baa!


I also have never changed my custom title. We're all individuals you know :p

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