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  • 2 weeks later...
Knee is a big boy now.

Is that some cryptic way of saying N-E is 14 years old? Yeah, I got that, was just wondering if there was anything more about the signatures, the design of it (the letters that is), and the games featured on the background. Cube has Excite truck for example. Their favourite games perhaps?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...



You're right, it wasn't a joke.


I was being serious.


I was seriously suggesting a man should rape his daughter.




EDIT: Actually, fuck it.


I'm acting like I have the right of free speech on this forum.


It's a forum owned by some guy, so it's private and you guys can delete what you want I suppose.


And so I'd rather not be apart of that.

Edited by Wesley
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From the rules

13) Swearing, and use of slurs about race or sexual orientation are prohibited. Slanderous, defamatory, obscene, indecent, lewd, pornographic, abusive, insulting, threatening, harassing or obnoxious comments and/or images are not tolerated, nor is making light of serious issues such as rape.

Those rules have been there for over four years. It is a shame if you feel that you can't, or do not wish to adhere to them.

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But people swear all the time?


And people make rape jokes?


The rape joke itself wasn't even based on a real event; so it's hardly making light of the issue of rape.


Anyway, like I said, I'd prefer not to spend time here anymore.


You're all pleasant, and this isn't an angry, "FU GUYZ!" thang or anything.


Just... you know...

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Obviously we're lenient on swearing, but the difference between prohibition and 'not tolerated' is supposed to be emphasised in the rule.


I gotta say, there's no need to make a big deal out of this. It's not like we're exactly strong on the censorship around here. We're also not a machine, or a hive-mind, and it's up to admins and mods to make decisions at their discretion. I would imagine Mokong simply wasn't happy reading jokes that trivialise something so unpleasant, and hasn't noticed if it's been done in the past by others. He chose to nip it in the bud, rather than draw it out or give you an infraction or anything like that.


I don't think there's any need for sulking/storming off, every online community has their rules. If you feel that you can't be a part of this forum anymore, it will be a shame to see you go.

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13) Swearing, and use of slurs about race or sexual orientation are prohibited. Slanderous, defamatory, obscene, indecent, lewd, pornographic, abusive, insulting, threatening, harassing or obnoxious comments and/or images are not tolerated, nor is making light of serious issues such as rape.


I'll pack my bags.

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I have amended the rule a little.


Video games can be played and enjoyed by kids of all ages, and we generally wanted to reflect a 'family friendly' environment.


Oh, I know. And I respect that. I was actually just commenting on the fact that I'd forgotten how strict the rules were compared to how leniently they're enforced. Again, I am very glad that things are this way. :)

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