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When do jokes go too far?


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I think the major problem in society now is the fact there is always unqiue opinions on when a joke goes too far.

It makes the whole thing complicated, you could tell one person a joke and tell it to another and they get offended, sure thats obviously going to happen if you tell a racy joke, but even jokes that seem innocent can offend.


Today, I accidently lol'd at my friends Moshpit fight last night and now they wont listen to my apologies, I only meant in good humour because it was an accident thats gone and wont happen again.


So, when does a joke go too far in your opinion? And have you ever had similar problems with getting in trouble for joking around?

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Its always funny until someone gets hurt, then its hilarious. :)


If the jokes about someone its fine if one person says it (I don't mind anyway, if I'm there, I don't like it if they do it behind my back) but if someone else expands on it making it 'personal'.

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Guest Stefkov

i dont get the baby one.....


some jokes sometimes go too far, but sometimes they are quite funny, even the ones that go a little too far.

i like thi joke i was told a couple days ago.

Q. How do you get an elephant into a safe way?


A. take the f out of safe and the f out of way..........


(hopefully someone will say it, its quite hard in text)

your meant to say

There's no f in way. geddit ha ha ha


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Jokes go too far when they are basically an insult/mocking/belittling hidden behind 'only joking' as soon as someone points out the joker is being a prick. When the 'joke' is aimed at a friend or someone. Though if it was aimed at Saddam or someone it wouldn't matter :P The way the world works eh?

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I think it's hard to draw a line when jokes go too far because some people are easier offended than others, so you should consider whether the people you are telling a joke, understand it as that.

My attitude generally is that a good joke shouldn't be restricted by anything as long as it really is a joke and nothing else. I can also laugh about jokes others make about me and sometimes I kid about myself, especially about my size - with only 157 cm I'm rather small and according to a special doctor it will stay that way.

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Like this:


Rape is only a joke, when you're raping a clown.


Personally I consider myself a bit of a funny man.. and I'll say whatever I want.. I'm totally for free speech and don't give a damn what people think.


I often say what is on people's minds anyway. I know that because they're laughing.


I don't mind the odd jew joke because South Park and Family Guy have almost made it acceptable.. along with more serious shows like Curb Your Enthusiasm, a lot of people think I'm a self loathing jew because of it.. but I don't touch any seriously racist jokes.. simply because I'd rather keep my nose in tact.

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