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Lifetime Achievements/ Awards

Atomic Boo

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are you doing film at the mo then EEvil?

I'm doing Media Studies which involes Film Studies and Photography and Video, neither of which is relevant in a sense. The Cameraman stuff I've done was for Demon TV, the Student TV shizzle, I'm part of the news team. I've only recently joined and only done a few things but I shall improve.


Get to wear a suit and everything, and it's in Leeds for some reason...

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I win a behaviour and attendence cert twice each term. Well actually, they seem to have a habit of overlooking me lately, I haven't recieved any since October, despite having the same behaviour and better attendance. The bastards at my school have screwed up most written documents associated with me. I wonder what they're going to do come the mocks. "Oh, we lost yours, sorry, also, we lost that money you gave us so now you can't sit the Jr Cert. and the Leaving Cert. Looks like we've ruined your academic life, our bad!".


Other then those hardly-awards, I've recieved:


A trophy for being a shit swimmer during 1st class, I can swim fine now though. I didn't like recieving a trophy that I knew was saying I was crap.

A plaque for the same thing. :o

A plaque for being the best swimmer in my group during 5th class.

A medal for being on the winning team in my school's compulsory football tournament. Our team won, and I just sat around for every match because I hate playing football with people I don't like. They get angry at you for nothing.

A plaque for the same thing.


Of course, they were all a few years back. I've gotten nothing recently. :(

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