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I don't drink... Not legally anyway :P


I don't want to deal with addictive drugs and the things they do to your body. I don't understand why some of my friends smoke.. I asked one of them and he said it was to relieve stress, he was 15 at the time! How much stress can you get?

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hmm, Cannabis is not phsyically addictive, but the tobacco you put into spliffs is.


But to be honest, iv found myself craving a spliff, so it is a tad addictive. But i could easily go without it.


Alchohol is more addictive than cannabis imo.

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i started to make this thread a while back but i didnt think it would float. I used to smoke it every night after work for about a year and then just quit all of a sudden. never became addictive to me. I wish quitting tobacco was as easy.

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I don't get why people would smoke stuff like cannibis. I know you could argue that stuff like alcohol is more harmful, but that doesn't really justify poisioning your body in some other way. With stuff like cannibis and marijuana, which doesn't seem to be particulary addictive (although I do know one guy who now claims he can't get to sleep without a spliff - it's sorta creeping me out) I prefere to take the same line I use at parties: "No thanks, it just ain't my style." People can poison themeselves all the want with booze/spliffs or whatever so long as they know what they're doing. Once you start getting into stuff like cocaine and actual alcohol addiciton though, that's different. Obviously.

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I don't see the point of doing it, when you could get drunk for cheaper...


Well for one with smoking you don't get a hang-over. It's not necessarily cheaper, it depends on the person and how much it takes them to get pissed or stoned. Everyone isn't the same! Some people might prefer a drink some people might prefer a smoke. it's down to personal opionion. Something some Nintendo forumers don't understand. The effects are also quicker.


Also it's not damaging your lungs if your putting it into a cake.


Cannabis is illegal, that's reason enough not to take. I can't see this thread lasting much longer...


The government tells you not to do a lot of things. Also the reason why cannabis is illegal was something to do with politics, and basicly they made cannabis sound bad to use it against them.


Sorry but I totally disagree with you there. And saying the discussion should be locked because you disagree with it. :S . It's not illegal to talk about it!

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I dont see the dig deal with drugs, why is it illegal? If people wanna take drugs, there problem.


Is it illegal because they dont want to be a country with a high rate of drug related deaths?

Is it illegal because the government dont get any money on it?


What is the big deal, you take drugs you damage yourself. People should have more freedom.


But incase im missing a big case of why its illegal, can somebody please tell me?

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It's not the legality of talking about cannabis that is the problem with this thread. I think it comes under the forum rule of not encouraging, or calling for, illegal behaviour. If you disagree with me, then just post below. Oh wait, you can't ...

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Just my two cents. It's a shitty drug, stinks and just something I don't intending on doing. Everyone says how its harmless - however I've seen some pretty fucked up people doing this "harmless" drug - the ones who have paranoia and don' feel themselves without doing it. Im sure if you Googled cannibis then you'll find out that some scientists are finding to to be addictive after a while.


Legality? Of course its illegal. Its a recreational drug that affects the body and mind. No matter what you think - the government ban it for a reason. Surely a good one considering that they could easily tax it for mega-bucks?


And to those who say that alcohol is worse: It isn't. I could have a whiskey everyday for the rest of my life and be fine. Cannibis - research has proven a link between it and paranoia and axiety. Alcohol has been around for millennia in this country - cannibis hasn't.


If you want to smoke it yourself - fine. Just don't go glorifying the habit to others.

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Cannabis can lead to cocaine use.


I was at a party once and someone passed me what I thought was a joint. I realised after the severe burning sensation to my throat and nose subsided that I had in fact unwittingly smoked some crack.


Plus, weed makes you act like a dickhead. No one likes a smelly, squinty, bloodshot eyed, giggling fool.

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