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Loved this, read it was on in the Metro, and glad I caught it. I really Maggia Gylenhaal (sp?), and she was great here. A touching (but not sappy or sentimental) portrait of a woman who has to comes to terms with her past mistakes and how she deals with a daughter she missed out on raising. Better than the synopsis sounds, mainly due to the performance from Maggie.




"About Last Night..."


Interesting seeing Rob Lowe and Demi Moore when they were younger, and it was actually aimed at adults as a film, but it still dragged on really annoyingly.




Watched a couple films yesterday.


Daredevil; the worst superhero movie I've seen yet. Got a chance to watch Elektra but I doubt it'll be any good. Daredevel was just... lame. Ben Affleck, for starters, cannot run without looking silly. There was a severe lack of motives all over the shop and... just yeah. Rubbish.


40-year-old Virgin was better. Lots of improv that worked well, and some brains behind the subject matter. They were clearly smoking weed throughout, too.


Daredevil; the worst superhero movie I've seen yet. Got a chance to watch Elektra but I doubt it'll be any good. Daredevel was just... lame. Ben Affleck, for starters, cannot run without looking silly. There was a severe lack of motives all over the shop and... just yeah. Rubbish.


You obviously haven't seen the real gutter-dwellers of superhero movies, then?

(Catwoman, Batman + Robin, Elektra too..)


Wall.E, finally.


Just brilliant. Such a touching, fabulous piece of work. It's so simple, but the sheer force of the emotive animation and imagination on show really makes it beautiful to watch.


Seriously thought I might cry at the end too, but I managed to man up and bury my emotions deep, deep down where nobody can find them as nature intended.


Wall.E, finally.

Just brilliant. Such a touching, fabulous piece of work. It's so simple, but the sheer force of the emotive animation and imagination on show really makes it beautiful to watch.


I loved it too!! - it was such a simple story but pixar just managed to make it so cute and fun :yay:

I liked Daredevil. :(


(Well....it was alright)


Not ripping into you; but how? What was it that you liked? I guess I made the mistake of watching it right after Dark Knight...


Just been watching Clerks II and Die Hard 4.0. Caught the last half of Clerks last week so figured I oughtta watch the first. nothing particular of note besides the stupidly hot Beckara (stupid name) girl and her lovely bouncing...


Anyway - Die Hard 4.0 was waaaay better than I thought it would be. The plot was gripping - not in an "OH MIGOAWD TERRORISTSISM!" way, but just interesting to visualise the way our society really is structured so arbitrarily, and how we all want to be individuals and forget that we rely on pretty much everyone else in society. "It's about the relationships, not the communication" is rapidly becoming a motto of mine. Or something.


Of course the longer the film went on the more distracting the annoying script/"fake nerves" of the dodgeball sidekick became. That dude working for the CIA/FBI/NIAsjdja whatever wasn't a big enough presence, and some of the 'twists' to the movie were paraded as comical breakdowns to highlight the inefficiency of the government/the structure the hero was saving in the first place.


That whole "i'm no hero, i just do what's gotta be done because nobody else'll do it" thing is another wasted evening's of talk, so fuck this blabber. I think there was an idea that required teh budget of IP in order to see the big screen, so there had to be constraints for consistency and depth.


Ima go bed now.

You obviously haven't seen the real gutter-dwellers of superhero movies, then?

(Catwoman, Batman + Robin, Elektra too..)


More like Ghostrider, the single worst film (let alone a superhero film) I've ever seen. Nicholas Cage is such a bumbaclart.


Looking back, Ghostrider just reminds me of shit. I'm one of the few who actually enjoys Catwoman, but I'm bias, and just find it so funny.


28 Days Later


Much better than I expected (actually had no expectations), I loved Sunshine (the only other Danny Boyle thing I've seen) and Cillian Murphy is always good. Liked the shooting style, and the fact that infected were handled well, not cliched.


Some nice social commentary going on there too, I felt.




Me and gARRY here were theorising on the motives and dark, sinister voodoo behind Nicholas Cage's career choices today. I reckon he must, in fact, be some kind of evil spirit bent on hate; fuelled on the tears of his sworn enemies: humanity.

It's like he knows his name carries considerable weight- he has a faux intensity that shit directors use to trick fuckbrained tools in to thinking their films are good, you see. My theory is that he knowingly uses this power like a weapon: he gets involved in films that are, without question, utter gash, and then people go to see him and are subjected to pure, unadulterated filth which in some way undermines the very goodness of their souls. He's an elemental force of evil and could quite possibly be responsible for The KKK, the rise of Joseph Stalin and the very concept of hate.

Totally 90s and Meg Ryanish. I watched it quite recently, it seemed very dated. Pretty pappish but not that bad.


I don't think I've ever seen a film with her in...does she now have fucked up lips? Or is that Melanie Griffith?


Yeah, I got a 90's vibe just from the poster (I have Uninvited by Alanis Morissette on my iTunes, the theme tine, so I have the movie poster to stare at when it plays).


Rewatched some old Bond flicks :


Live and Let Die

My favourite Roger Moore Bond film, and it has the best Bond girl in Jane Seymour Solitaire. 10/10


The Spy Who Loved Me

Generally considered the best Bond film from the 70's and Moore's best, and it is very good, but Karl Stromberg is not that a good villan and is played by a man who cannot act.




Not just one of the best Bond films, but one of the best films ever. Classic.




Clint Eastwood plays an american soldier who must steal a stealth jet from Russia. Great thriller with a fantastic dog-fight at the end which was better than the whole of Top Gun.



There will be blood


Interesting movie to say the least, watching daniel as he gets even richer because of oil til the point where he goes insane. It took me a while to understand what on earth was happening to him, but I enjoyed it








It's just amazing how much emotion they can get through a robot, with barely any dialogue. I cried during the film (it was embarrassing coming out the cinema, because I work there, lol). It's amazing.


My favourite Pixar movie, and I'd maybe go as far as to say the best.




Sophie's Choice


Realised I hadn't seen it in about 4 years, and I felt it was time to watch it as a real-minded teenager, rather than a child.


One of the most harrowing films I've ever seen, and Meryl Streep is utterly unforgettable. One of the best performances on film I can think of. Kevin Kline is great also.


So emotional distressing that it doesn't make you cry, it makes your throat go all dry and burn.



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