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Rate the last film you saw


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30 Days Of Night


Pretty awesome! The acting was good all round. Josh Hartnets brother looks like Ashley! I do like Josh hes a very cool actor. Very graphic which was nice, especially for a 15 and


Refreshing that the main character died. If a slightly lame ending for a few reasons (Ie why would she of burnt, the car was no way near the fire...etc.




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I thought you'd enjoy it ReZ, it was such an awesome movie. Hopefully seeing it again in a few days.




The car thing, wasn't the burning oils pretty close to the car? Or am I remembering things thats didn't happen? But the whole town would have gone up in flames eventually.


Also, agreed about the ending. It was nice to have a different ending to the usual, but it sort of left me wanting more.


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Yeah that was slightly random, but I wouldnt say it soured the film too much.


Yeah the flames were kinda near the car, but not really. If he just left them they would of all survived, Lol.



I PMd this to Haggis, but anyone who liked 30 Days of Night should hear it. It is similar to the graphic novel "The Walking Dead" ie survivally horror. Very very good indeed, Volume 1 can be picked up from any book shop, and the others are EXTREMELY cheap on Play.com. Id highly encourage anyone to buy it, even if you've never read a comic before. Its very character driven, which is fresh for the genre and it really is stellar.

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Hostel 2 : Utterly shit I didnt mind the first one but this was just dire. Even for a horror film. It wasnt as violent as the first one, had an even worse plot. And the ending was quite possibly the worst thing commited to film ever. the "evil" woman was very hot though. 2/10

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Filled with Testosterone just like 300. Great acting, great directing, awesome photography, awesome action scenes. And the real 3D? Man, watching a Dragon lunge towards you and Angelina Jolie's naked breasts in the reach of your hand... amazing

American Gangster

Very good movie, with a view about all sides of crime at that time. Amazing preformances as expected from Denzel and Russel Crowe. Very well directed. Really good.

Why I Wore Lipstick to My Mastectomy

Caught this on TV by accident and watched it because it has my Goddess Sarah Chalke, but it's actually very good. Sure, it might be more meaningful to women, but it seems to illustrate very well how breast cancer can affect a woman and those arround her.

Ace Ventura

God I missed the old wacky Jim. Stupid faces and noises, ridiculous scenes, lame jokes, etc... In other words: awesome

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Donnie Darko


Awesome. Just plain awesome.


Jake Gyllenhaal was brilliant as Donnie, he was definitely the perfect actor for the part, he just plays that wierd kind of role in movies really well (aka Bubble Boy). The whole premise of the movie is just so wierd I had to catch it, and I'm glad I did. The ending was brilliant, though obviously sad.


Characters: Awesome, especially Donnie and the Drew Barrymore's character.

Plot: Awesome. I got myself confused at the end, but then realised what had happened (I'm not thick, honest).

Comedy Moments: Awesome.

Jake Gyllenhall: Hot. (Also the fact he's a great actor:p )


I'm, not sure what to say, but I think it's probably the best movie I've ever seen. Fucking awesome.




(Yes Oxigen Waste, by that I mean this is what I would define as a perfect movie, so don't start telling me I'm wrong!:) )

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30 Days Of Night


A very very bad movie.....

The plot is about as thin as a shell of an egg, the movie way too predictable and scary scene horribly fail to deliver.


The vampires were like a group of sadistic goths on drugs and were horribly annoying especially the part were they wail every 2 minutes it´s like listening to someone constantly step on the tail of a cat every 2 minutes

The "best" part about vampires was how it was they tried to show how diabolic and evil they were "UUUGH i´m so fucking evil, look at me smear this guy´s blood in my hair" and don´t forget the great sentences the leader of the vampires keeps spewing out "When man comes up against something he can't destroy, he destroys himself instead." this sentence has lame written all over it


I would have liked to see some more interactions between the vampires too enlighten the audience too why they decided to drop in and kill everyone, just to thicken the plot but no, according to what is seen in the movie they just decided to do it for the lulz.


Could rant some more but not in the mood to do that some i´m going to watch something worth while watching to get this crap out of my system...

I knew I should have gone too American Gangsters

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Donnie Darko


Awesome. Just plain awesome.


Jake Gyllenhaal was brilliant as Donnie, he was definitely the perfect actor for the part, he just plays that wierd kind of role in movies really well (aka Bubble Boy). The whole premise of the movie is just so wierd I had to catch it, and I'm glad I did. The ending was brilliant, though obviously sad.


Characters: Awesome, especially Donnie and the Drew Barrymore's character.

Plot: Awesome. I got myself confused at the end, but then realised what had happened (I'm not thick, honest).

Comedy Moments: Awesome.

Jake Gyllenhall: Hot. (Also the fact he's a great actor:p )


I'm, not sure what to say, but I think it's probably the best movie I've ever seen. Fucking awesome.




(Yes Oxigen Waste, by that I mean this is what I would define as a perfect movie, so don't start telling me I'm wrong!:) )



Oh, but you're right... you're very very right. I'd give it a 9.5, though.

You see, unlike The Butterfly Effect, Donnie Darko is actually THAT good.

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What? I really don't understand people's attraction to Donnie Darko. It's enjoyable after one viewing, but it's basically just a standard teen movie with some badly executed time travel stuff tacked on.


In no way is it weird and it's painfully simple to understand. The hoo-hah about it just annoys me and that fact that Richard Kelly has become a name to watch in Hollywood is shocking.


Pretty average film really, with it's only plus being that Jena Malone is in it. It works off so many tired cliches and is just a bore and a chore to sit through. Thank christ it hasn't been inducted to my film studies course.

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What were the parts you didnt get/like Pash.



I thought the very end was cool, how he died, but he shouldnt of injected himself. The fire never got near the car, so there was no need for that. That was my main gripe.


Check out "The Walking Dead" graphic novel. Its similar, but more awesome x10



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The Devil's Own


Excellent. Harrison Ford welcome's Brad Pitt into his home, but what he doesn't know is that he is an IRA terrorist...




Random Hearts


Harrison Ford play's a husband trying to understand the loss of his wife in an aircraft accident and the fact that she was having an affair. Very enjoyable thriller/love story.




Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix


The shortest Potter film, which proves that quality beat's quantity.



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What? I really don't understand people's attraction to Donnie Darko. It's enjoyable after one viewing, but it's basically just a standard teen movie with some badly executed time travel stuff tacked on.


In no way is it weird and it's painfully simple to understand. The hoo-hah about it just annoys me and that fact that Richard Kelly has become a name to watch in Hollywood is shocking.


Pretty average film really, with it's only plus being that Jena Malone is in it. It works off so many tired cliches and is just a bore and a chore to sit through. Thank christ it hasn't been inducted to my film studies course.


We studied it in my course. Anyways, it's not clichéd. It's got a soul, character and quite frankly, I don't even think it was supposed to be hard to understand. It's humble and honest, quite enough for me to like it. Richard Kelly has proven that he sucks though... yay Southland Tales for the loose.

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We studied it in my course. Anyways, it's not clichéd. It's got a soul, character and quite frankly, I don't even think it was supposed to be hard to understand. It's humble and honest, quite enough for me to like it. Richard Kelly has proven that he sucks though... yay Southland Tales for the loose.


It really is such an awesome movie. I've just ordered the directors cut 2 disk edition. When it ended I was still thinking about it a few hours after it ended, which to me is wat a great movie is about.


Whats southland tales about? (or is it just so scrap I shouldn't bother watching it) I've heard of it but have no idea.

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We studied it in my course. Anyways, it's not clichéd. It's got a soul, character and quite frankly, I don't even think it was supposed to be hard to understand. It's humble and honest, quite enough for me to like it. Richard Kelly has proven that he sucks though... yay Southland Tales for the loose.


You loved it even before you were in that course :P But I'm 100% behind you though.

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Brokeback mountain


Now I see why there was that hole hysteria over this not winning best picture at the Oscars and beig beaten by crash. This really should have won.


Some of the acting in the movie was fantastic, especially Gyllenhaal and ledger's. The small part Anne Faris had was brilliant too, very funny.

I had no idea how the movie ended/what happened before I watched it so when

Jack was murdered by the homophobic gang I was pretty shocked.


I don't understand why the bother calling it in the press the "gay cowboy movie". I mean, the two guys aren't gay so why does hollyqood and the press have a problem with calling it the "bisexual cowboy movie". I mean, jack was obviously a little more into men than Ennis, but still.


The whole story was really interesting to watch and the scenc where Ennis' wife sees them kissing, I was talking to my laptop screen telling them to "Move!!!" which shows how much I got into the movie. The "sex" scene was dealt with really well do, and I don't see what all the fuss was about it when it got released, I mean it's hardly graphic is it?


Anyway, this, like Donnie Darko which I watched last night was superb. I wish I could unwatch them so I could watch them again without knowing what happens. I'm starting to appreciate that some of the movies I've given high scores to in this thread just really don't deserve them when compared to these.



(Thats two tens in two days...I better start watching some shitty movies quick)

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