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Adverts That Blow 2006


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i HATE that i think its shredded wheat ad where theres a girl that goes "Sarahs mum eats those" "Sarahs mum is so cool"...yea SHUT THE FUK UP.."good for her" :P


i hate the new frosties advert as well..why does it have the kid flying at the end..i know hes on a crane of somesort but whats the point...and why isnt tony singing is it his week off :P

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i HATE that i think its shredded wheat ad where theres a girl that goes "Sarahs mum eats those" "Sarahs mum is so cool"...yea SHUT THE FUK UP.."good for her" :P


I like that advert, if only because you can tell the mum is thinking "you know, I don't give the tinyest little shit about Sarah's mum..."

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I like that advert, if only because you can tell the mum is thinking "you know, I don't give the tinyest little shit about Sarah's mum..."

The mum does own the daughter. But when she goes one step further than bumming Sarah's mum saying "wholewheat's good for you", treating her mum like a tard. Then she needs a good DBR'ing.


It's a shame actually. She would get a good rogering.

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You know that advert that had the choir making honda noises? well in the cinemas I seen a documentary of how they made it in the advert section, and i think it was like 20 mins long not sure because i was passing out, so incredibly booring. whatever made them cometo that.

advertising publisist : "Hey, your original idea was great, got anymore?"

writer : "nope."

ap : "damn, ok we'll get around this..."

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Big Love, I don't know if the programme's any good as I normally work when it's on. But it's not really the clips of the programme that piss me off, it's the white screen thingy they have at the end. The wife on the left looks like an 8 year old, while the one on the right looks like a bloke in drag.

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Big Love, I don't know if the programme's any good as I normally work when it's on. But it's not really the clips of the programme that piss me off, it's the white screen thingy they have at the end. The wife on the left looks like an 8 year old, while the one on the right looks like a bloke in drag.


5 have been using those kind of idents since House and Prison Break. They are lame but hey ho.

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I heard that the kid from the Frosties ad killed himself. Seriously


That was just a rumour that started on Youtube and wildly escalated. A statement from Frosties said that he is not dead. Bloody deserves to be dead though.

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Slimming body suit. Now maybe it does something useful [To women at least], but in no way is that sexy. Both myself and me mother remarked the similarity between that and the huge pants from Bridget Jones' Diary. Imagine those over more of your body. You pull a woman who appears slim, get her home and that's underneath.... Disgraceful.


Sorry to bring this up again, but:



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I hate the Olay 'touch of sun?' advert

if you dont know the one youll recognise the song

"You are my sunshine,you are my sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey." that pisses me off



confused.com - the woman is okay but the man is an asshole


another crap one, ELEPHANT.CO.UK piss off nobody likes you


Tess Daily yoghurt advert is damn annoying, it doesnt help that i hate the accent as well....Its the was she says cupboard. Tess says cubbud


Another disgraceful ad is the tesco 'lil bill' more like kill bill! i hate the voice that sings it 'just a tiny little bill' shut up!


Good ads:

cravendale milk 'it tastes so good the cows want it back'

Honda diesel 'hate something,change something' ad - love that tune!

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5 have been using those kind of idents since House and Prison Break. They are lame but hey ho.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the white background thing, it's just that bit.


Another disgraceful ad is the tesco 'lil bill' more like kill bill! i hate the voice that sings it 'just a tiny little bill' shut up!

Tis Sainsburys.


Another advert I've newly seen, is that home furniture advert. I can't remember the name but it's basically this woman prattling on about price, as she walks around her "house" saying how she likes low price, brand names blah, as if she's bought all that shit! No one would have 7 pissing sofa's. ['specially not those ones as they look like shit]

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One that's pissing me off at the moment is the Magnet kitchens ad where they design their kitchen around their love of takeaway pizza. If you live off takeaway pizza why do you need a kitchen at all?

Exactly what i was thinking. Why would you need a pizza cutter with take away pizza and why would u need a dishwasher :indeed:

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Vimto ad with the large pants. Basically this is what came across to me:


The parents enjoy embarassing their son.


Drink Vimto and you can dress like a prick and not care. [apparently tw@t is censored.]



The people who wear their trousers below their arses must drink a helluva lot of vimto. Coupla nights ago, I saw a dude at work who had them actually below his arse. I can only fathom that it was balancing on his cock, even though he was wearing a belt but obviously it wasn't doing it's job.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Cillit Bang, Barry Scott, legend he is, speaks English. Then you get two women shittily dubbed, the last one looking like she's going cold turkey on the drugs.


All this Shakin yo ass bollocks. Argh it pisses me right off.



Shitbrick there was another advert I was meaning to touch up on but I'll post it later, c'mon gringos mention your own!!

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  • 2 months later...

Ok. I'm bumping this back as more adverts have pushed me evermore to the brink of suicide.


On the BT sponsoring programmes, there's a scenario where a child asks her mum [who's preparing some lamb] what someone else is having. Mum replies "lamb", little shit replies in what has to be using the biggest bag of wank acting I've ever seen "They make vegetarian lamb, that's amazing". Some credit may go to her for informing her mum that someone is a veggie but it doesn't excuse her shit eating grin which warrants some teeth being knocked out.


Pringles. This one really pisses me off. With the song everlasting love and some shagadelic graphics pissing around which appears Asian inspired, not the problem... It's the woman who places a Pringle in her mouth and has an orgasm, eyes widen and she attempts to smile. She doesn't even attempt to eat the Pringle, just lets it go flaccid on her tongue. And in some instances puts her hands on her hips as if she's claiming to be superior or something.


The other BT advert where that 15 year old is showing Nick from My Family around a house, the selling point being the BT phone, the kid knows more about the pissing phone than he does the house! Would Nick not bother buying the house if it was perfect but with one major flaw... Ntl phone. O_O



3. The advert which brags about having MSN messenger etc. What an ugly prick they have on show. Also the fact that everyone of those arseholes who is passing notes, they basically shouldn't be there and can go home and stop wasting our money [i'm assuming it's university and they've all got student loans.]

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