Atomic Boo Posted February 24, 2006 Posted February 24, 2006 I would really like a timesplitters 4 from Free Radical and an SSX game from EA oh and er, maybe 'Metroid 3:Amazing' by nintendo name yours like i have
Jay Posted February 24, 2006 Posted February 24, 2006 I want to see Frederick Raynal onboard, leading a development team - He's the french Shigsy, formerly in charge of F4 Toys and Adeline. Best known for the cult hits Little Big Adventure (Relentless) and Toy Commander. Awesome guy, as I say, the french Shigsy. I'd love to have him working on the rev in some capacity in fact I'd love Nintendo to hook him up as head of an in-house European based developer. I would like to see a Little Big Adventure sequel, or remake of the original but something new would be pretty great too. I want to see a new Monkey Island point and click, continuing the adventures of Guybrush and using the revolution controller just as one big 3D Mouse. I'm going to keep saying it until someone listens to me I'd also like to see Monolith (No One Lives Forever, F.E.A.R, Condemned) onboard developing some sort of Revolution exclusive first person game. That lot and I'd be a happy man.
ZeldaFreak Posted February 24, 2006 Posted February 24, 2006 I would like see Nippon Ichi (I think thats how you spell it ) because I would love to see games like La Pucelle Tactics, etc on a Nintendo console)
darkjak Posted February 24, 2006 Posted February 24, 2006 I'd like THQ to make a followup to GT Cube Only without cell shading, and of course having it released here in europe... The original had great controlls. It was described like a cross between NFS and Sega Rally...
system_error Posted February 24, 2006 Posted February 24, 2006 Jay said: I want to see a new Monkey Island point and click, continuing the adventures of Guybrush and using the revolution controller just as one big 3D Mouse. I'm going to keep saying it until someone listens to me Not only Monkey Island but also Quest for Glory, Space Quest, Leisure Suit Larry and Indiana Jones adventures. Also I would like to see a sequel to Mafia from Take2 for Revolution! Maybe a true Burnout with a bit more realism could be done aswell...
Pit-Jr Posted February 24, 2006 Posted February 24, 2006 Thundercats, preferably by Capcom. My threatening e-mails to them on the matter have had no effect though Also id like to see a Castlevania compilation tweaked and polished up like Mario All-Stars
4stringdj Posted February 24, 2006 Posted February 24, 2006 id like to see games like F.E.A.R. and city of heroes. But definately some A1 shooters!
Kryss864 Posted February 24, 2006 Posted February 24, 2006 Dare I commit blasphemy and mention Rockstar/GTA ? Maybe not realistic, but the appeal of the GTA series is clear in it's huge fan base.
Nintendork Posted February 24, 2006 Posted February 24, 2006 Jet Set Radio Revolution. Broken Sword. Myst. I too would like SSX and expect it. Unreal Tournament 2007. I'd like an original Final Fantasy.. I'm skeptical about Crystal Chronicles being an enjoyable experience.. it seems to be vaporware atm. A solid racing experience. Monkey ball.
4stringdj Posted February 24, 2006 Posted February 24, 2006 oh another one i though of is a basketball game.... basically using the nunshuck controller for direction and the remote for dribbling/tricking/shooting the basketball, wouldnt that be wicked?
Nintendork Posted February 24, 2006 Posted February 24, 2006 Games I do not want to see on Revolution: Tony Hawks. Shawn Whites. Kelly Slaters. Basically any extreme sports title from Activision.
Kurtle Squad Posted February 24, 2006 Posted February 24, 2006 All developers and all games. It needs the most support it can get!!!
ultrajamie Posted February 24, 2006 Posted February 24, 2006 Most of the teams i'd like to see have been confirmed anyway. but Sonic Team, and a 'proper' square-enix game (not developed by Brownie brown like FFCC was).
Beanie Posted February 25, 2006 Posted February 25, 2006 Clover Studios, Amusement Vision, Treasure and something from Zoonami, just to see what they can create...Whatever happened to Funkydilla?
Nick Posted February 25, 2006 Posted February 25, 2006 ultrajamie said: ...a 'proper' square-enix game (not developed by Brownie brown like FFCC was). Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles was developed by Square-Enix. Brownie Brown had nothing to do with it. Here's why; At the beginning of the development, Square, who had not merged yet, wished to gain access to Yamauchi's Q fund, however, when Sony had some 20% stake in Square, there was plenty of red tape in the way. So, Square made what looked to be an official subsidery, on paper, The Game Designers' Studio, in order to access that money. The staff were all Squaresoft staff.
darkjak Posted February 25, 2006 Posted February 25, 2006 Nick said: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles was developed by Square-Enix. Brownie Brown had nothing to do with it. Here's why; At the beginning of the development, Square, who had not merged yet, wished to gain access to Yamauchi's Q fund, however, when Sony had some 20% stake in Square, there was plenty of red tape in the way. So, Square made what looked to be an official subsidery, on paper, The Game Designers' Studio, in order to access that money. The staff were all Squaresoft staff. Didn't know that... Guess Sony should be able to get screwed over one time or fivehundredandfiftyrhousandbilions.... LOOOSERS!!!
Konfucius Posted February 25, 2006 Posted February 25, 2006 I'd like a MachRider sequel but maybe a mix of some Mad Max like storyline and (this gen) SpyHunter like controls and missions but I'm not sure if anyone besides me would like this. I imagined it like this, that you play missions where he's a loner and on his trip for vengeance and in "flash backs" play missions where he is a police officer and tries to rescue his family or whoever.
Gaijin von Snikbah Posted February 25, 2006 Posted February 25, 2006 Flasgship Studios - Hellgate: London - A first person shooter roleplaying game, with randomly generated worlds and online coop play. Online games, online games, online games.
James McGeachie Posted February 26, 2006 Posted February 26, 2006 The sadly debunked (from what I recall) Silent Hill rumours a while back had me thinking Silent Hill would work well on Revolution. Come to think of it now I can't think of many sequels I'd like for Revolution, it seems like a console more for all new games for sure. On the developers side of things though, I'd definitely like to see heavy support from Capcom and Konami.
ViPeR Posted February 26, 2006 Posted February 26, 2006 kav82 said: Command & Conquer! I second that. Red Alert 3 preferably. They can't say it doesn't suit the controls...
raven_blade2006 Posted February 26, 2006 Posted February 26, 2006 I also agree. It needs all developers and games possible. The more support the better. But how about these games for starters: *GTA *Eternal Darkness 2 *Command and Conquer *Spore *Unreal Tournament *etc
Nintendork Posted February 26, 2006 Posted February 26, 2006 GTA won't make the Revolution. Okami looks amazing.. Ultimately it's the gems that invent new ideas that i'm most excited about with Revolution.. Spore looks freaky cool, shame it's an EA game.
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