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Chris Tilston: From what I can discuss they are both very state-of-the-art hardware just like the 360 and two very different machines. What’s strange about this generation versus the last two is that each company’s hardware is completely different from the others. Meaning how they function and what resources are needed to development games. In technical ability of course the PlayStation is the leader in raw power, but from what we were doing with some things you can do with Nintendo’s hardware it could possibly match the PlayStation in performance and efficiency in some areas. The PlayStation is more along the lines of the Xbox 360 as a media friendly device. Whereas the Revolution focuses on being a gaming machine solely. I do like the Blu-Ray format as it really allows for a lot more room to play with space and memory without as much data compression, not to mention room for true 1080p HD. The Revolution is using a type of High Density-DVD for space and memory reasons as well. I am concerned about the speed of the disc drives on the machines as we as an industry of hardware geeks have really evolved the least in terms of DVD transfer speeds. In terms of technical specs which I cannot really get into at this time at least for Revolution, I can say it is a little more powerful than the Xbox 360 in some certain areas. It has quite a large L2 cache as well. But that’s all I can say about the two hardware kits at this time.


EGM: What about the controllers, were you allowed access to them and if so how did they feel?


Chris Tilston: We have not been allowed access to the Revolution controller but from what I hear from other developers and people who have used it extensively. Is that it handles exactly as it does it the trailer shown at the last Tokyo Game Show. There is also work going into having the audio effects perfectly match the controller movement and extenuate them. The PlayStation controller has been remodeled slightly from before to be a shorter handled boomerang design, there are also investing in a more realistic and responsive rumble technology. The PlayStation controller operated very well and was very responsive. It is more of a curved boomerang design and basically the exact same controller shown but a little smaller on the handles.




The Article:






I guy posted this on the forums so I can't say that it's 100% real. I hope it is but the guy claims that the Rev is more powerful then the Xbox 360 in some areas. He claims that to be coming from Rare. Take this post with a grain of salt. It could be fake.

Source: http://theboard.zogdog.com/index.php?automodule=blog&blogid=11&showentry=544


We already know the Rev's specs, the 2-3 times more powerful than Gamecube thing isn't just rumour, it's what developers are currently working with.


The visuals will turn out this way, plain and simple - if you're on standard def, Revolution games may compare to some of the titles on next gen systems. If it's high def, it'll be no contest.


Better than the 360 in someways? nice...

I recon that grahpics wise the rev will be identicel to the 360 or ps3 in standard definition, which is good for us HD-less europeans.

Oh, and the fact he could be from Rare is...well, i'll let u do this equation:

Rare+Nintendo Revolution=


This coming generation could be very interesting indeed...


Doesn't tech specs mean some numbers, this is just an arrow pointing in a direction.


Interesting commentary though slightly misleading title.


I'm still basing peformance on system cost personally.. i'm old fashioned.


PS3 >> 360 > revolution.


Bah, look at the DS... now there's a handheld with FUN games even though it has low specs.. Then look at the PSP, multimedia wonder with great specs for a handheld but boring shit port games that play poorly and just aren't fun.

  Nintendork said:
Doesn't tech specs mean some numbers, this is just an arrow pointing in a direction.


Interesting commentary though slightly misleading title.


I'm still basing peformance on system cost personally.. i'm old fashioned.


PS3 >> 360 > revolution.


More like PS3 > 360 >>>> Rev spec wise and PS3 ~ 360 > Rev visually.


Anything claiming that the Revolutions beats the PS3 or 360 on any point whatsoever (except efficiency) is not true.

  DCK said:
More like PS3 > 360 >>>> Rev spec wise and PS3 ~ 360 > Rev visually.


Anything claiming that the Revolutions beats the PS3 or 360 on any point whatsoever (except efficiency) is not true.


"not true". well none of us know anything yet from nintendo themselves, so we just don't know what is ture or not, despite what has been said or not said in the press.


Could the efficiency references point to some new method of speeding up real-time rendering. There has been much talk of the lower power of the Rev still being able to produce graphics comparable with its more meaty competitors. Possible technologies include displacement mapping, cube mapping, parallax mapping, NURBS or Fast14 logic process (descriptions of these and more can be found at the Nintendo-Revolution blog).


Nintendo patents in this area:


Bump mapping



This could of course just be Nintendo optimising the Rev hardware, as they did with the Gamecube. :wtf:

  DCK said:
More like PS3 > 360 >>>> Rev spec wise and PS3 ~ 360 > Rev visually.


Anything claiming that the Revolutions beats the PS3 or 360 on any point whatsoever (except efficiency) is not true.


DCK, I said how system cost will result in end user performance experience.


Wasn't talking about specifications. Plus I don't think I said the PS3 or 360 was beaten by Revolution.


I stand by my comment


PS3 >> 360 > Revolution.


PS3 costs the most, by far.. but it will also be the best looking, far better than the 360.

Therefore the PS3 gets an extra >>


The Revolution for the price will stand a good competitor, for price.. so it only gets one >


Maths innit not specs.


You said Nintendo didn't say it wont be less powerful the the 360 or PS3.

In fact they did.. Iwata and Miyamoto have discussed how they aren't even competing with graphic capability or technical specifications.


They merely promised us that we will say wow and wont be disapointed.


No way nintendo said it will be less powerful than the 360 or ps3!


What you meant to say is:


No way, Nintendo said Revolution will be less powerful than the 360 or PS3.


comma makes a lot of difference, I interpretted as you said


(there's) No way nintendo said it will be less powerful than the 360 or ps3!

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