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Revolution USB


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The talk of a web browser for the revolution and plugging in a PC's keyboard to use with it has left me thinking about the other use of the USB ports on the Revolution...


Unless Nintendo choose to block this (Which I wouldn't put past them) would there be anything to stop someone saving things onto USB memory sticks, or indeed USB hard-drives from the Revolution instead of having to use expensive SD cards. It'd certainly be a cheaper option and a lot of people already have a USB memory stick or HDD. In fact I think developing proper compatibility could work brilliantly, imagine being able to stream music off a USB hard-drive as the soundtrack to a game (Much like in compatible Xbox games) but without the added bulk to the system that having a hard-drive built in would bring, it'd be fantastic. You could buy a 20GB USB Hard-Drive, store most of Nintendo's virtual console games on it as well as music and photo's to view on your TV via the Revolution. Of course thanks to the use of SD cards there's nothing to stop you buying the smallest possible one and just storing saves on your PC and chopping and changing but it'd be far more convenient just to be able to use a small portable hard-disk I think.


There are also plenty of other things they could be used for, such as plugging in other accesories such as your existing keyboard for use on the web browser or to use for typing your name in as a High Score if you wish. Or maybe even plug in an Xbox 360 Pad (the USB one for PC) and use it instead of the controller shell if you wish. Not only that but other accesories, such as USB steering wheels and such. It could be fantastic and Nintendo could use it for their own peripherals :)



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Doesn't the 360, PS3 and revolution use all different wireless protocols?

Sony is running bluetooth I know, that's why they've managed 7 controllers.

Microsoft will probably do what they know best.. use 802.11

Nintendo were using their own flavour right?


I think there will be voip in Revolution, or at least voice to text chat.. will be based on friends codes and you'll be able to share game data and stuff.


I don't think they'll warrant the mouse and keyboard knowing it will probably fail.


Keyboards and mice have been wireless for ages, no need to use USB.

you'd get square eyes.

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I think you've got something there, it makes sence really. I mean, i've got a memory stick too and iif the option arose i'd use that instead of an expensive SD card any day.


Keyboards and mice have been wireless for ages, no need to use USB.

you'd get square eyes.

Ah yes, but the receiver still needs to plug into USB, though i imagine if Ninty make a keyboard and mouse, it won't need one, it'll jsut connect like the controller does.
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by the way, does anybody know how the revo controller will connect to the console? i do know that the ps3 controller will use bluetooth, which will be able to connect 7 controllers to 1 console (as bluetooth devices allow pairing for up to 8 devices at the same time). but i never heard of the technology nintendo is going to use? did i just miss the information?

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Firstly Nintendo would have to build in the necessary memory management (both for user and internal), libraries and drivers needed to plug-in USB mem, hard disk, keyboard, mouse etc. Guys this simply isn't going to happen, Nintendo wants to make things more simple not more compliacated!


Second the 802.11 standard is a data tranfer protocol, so it won't be used for a controller. You wouldn't use an ethernet cable to connect a controller to a console either :wink:. Sony are using Bluetooth and MS are using a proprietary format. Nintendo will probably use bluetooth.

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i do know that the ps3 controller will use bluetooth, which will be able to connect 7 controllers to 1 console

heheh i love that 7 controllers thing, its sounds so random...

back on topic: a usb keyboard and mouse would go down well with the recently announced Revolution web browser caperbility, or Animal Crossing!


Or entering action replay cheatcodes(but u wouldn't be doing that do that now, would u...) ;)

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just to back up my given info about bluetooth some information from the most reliable source on the internet: wikipedia.


A Bluetooth device playing the role of the "master" can communicate with up to 7 devices playing the role of the "slave". This network of "group of up to 8 devices" (1 master + 7 slaves) is called a piconet.


At any given time, data can be transferred between the master and 1 slave; but the master switches rapidly from slave to slave in a round-robin fashion. (Simultaneous transmission from the master to multiple slaves is possible, but not used much in practice). Either device may switch the master/slave role at any time.


Bluetooth specification allows connecting 2 or more piconets together to form a scatternet, with some devices acting as a bridge by simultaneously playing the master role in one piconet and the slave role in another piconet. These devices have yet to come, though are supposed to appear next year (2007).


for more info read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluetooth


but yeah, i don't like the idea of 7 players, this doesn't make sense! 8 yes, but hell, 7? it's typical sony, just using the maximum, not thinking about what the maximum is.


so imagine yourself playing a multiplayer game with 4 players and every player has to use 2 revo controllers. that wouldn't work with bluetooth. so bluetooth is out of question. it's definitely not going to be a wifi standard too. so my guess is that they will use something nintendo developed or a plain stupid simple connection like wireless mice today have. it better gets not too slow if more controllers are out in the field. e3, i can't wait anymore!

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i whould really like usb stick and external usb hard drive support, they basicly have much of the work done for sd cards anyway the only need usb and large disk drivers. but even if it's not the case sd cards are faily cheap. revolution i don't think is using blue tooth if anything it will be similer to the wave bird there is only support for 4 players as there is only 4 lights on the controler however like the wave bird there should be at least 16 channels im not sure if it selects these automaticly like bluetooth or theres a switch.

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