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Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature


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Very nice sig motion, great effects and I love the font and the way you put the text in. Only thing that lets it down is that the whole thing is a lie. Replace the rugby player with Mikey Vaughan, the word "Rugby" with "Cricket" and "world" with "universe" and it will get a ten from me :)


Otherwise 8

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9...Sod it, 10...I'm trying to do my Sylar one gut I need some tips to make it as awesome as yours!


Ok, it looks like the DAFT font isn't that great. I couldn't get the pic of Sylar on the right to blend in properly...if you know what I mean...


Added to the fact that I just realized it doesn't have the name Sylar anywhere on it...woops!

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It's very busy isn't it. Hummm. You could make a nice one with just that picture of him on the rooftops if you can get it in high res. Also I like it not having "Sylar" on it. Gabriel Gray might give it a edge.


Nice ideas, I'll try them out! Cheers!


EDIT: Ok, here is the new version! Hmmm....still needs a few more tweaks...


Ok, now there is a choice of 2....:confused:





And a third...


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Would be nice to have him closer to the focus some mess (maybe stains around the outside with your text hardly visitable (Maybe coming out of the clouds?).


Sounds awesome...except I have no idea how to do that! :heh:

The picture I have of him is high enough res for me to zoom in on him a bit more so I'll try that. Gotta work on me Japanese for a bit now so I'll give it a go later!

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*covers ears*


Heroes spoilers anyone? Some people watch it on BBC2..






Really like it, the test and design and all.


Thanks very much, its still a work in progress!


There aren't really any spoilers in the sig...Sylar appears in the next couple episodes of Heroes on BBC anyway. The pic doesn't give away what happens...

I've set it as my sig now but I'll still tweak it me thinks!


7.5/10! I like the CDs in your sig but I'm not really sure who that lady is.

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Awesome new sig, I really like it. Dark,bold and your name really stands out too.




Cheers!! I still think there is some tweaking left to do to it...wheather I'll do it is another mater! :heh:


I will look past the fact I don't like AL, I actually really like your sig! 7.5/10

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