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Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (29th July 2022)


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Credits rolled for me on Sunday, I managed to get im a nice 4 hours session to finish the game :)

Loved it, loved every minute of it.

I needed a few days to process before I could give my thoughts...then I realised loading the post game save file has some extra side quests!!!!

Hoping at least one will answer one question I still have after the game that didn't seem to be addressed so gonna polish off these quests first and the will give final thoughts :)

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Level 200 monster!? Are you having a laugh!?

Beat it though, with a team of 5 attackers and 2 healers.

It's funny, Xenoblade has always had a problem with healer characters being a crutch that only hinders you in the endgame, but here, it's Defenders.

With the right arts and skills, Incursor and Full Metal Jaguar are way better dodge tanks then any Defender could hope to be!

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4 minutes ago, Glen-i said:
  Post game spoilers (including Challenge Mode) (Reveal hidden contents)

Level 200 monster!? Are you having a laugh!?

Beat it though, with a team of 5 attackers and 2 healers.

It's funny, Xenoblade has always had a problem with healer characters being a crutch that only hinders you in the endgame, but here, it's Defenders.

With the right arts and skills, Incursor and Full Metal Jaguar are way better dodge tanks then any Defender could hope to be!

Once I had learnt the job, I never really used the defenders at all. I never seen any use for them when I could instead just replace them with healers who brought more to the table. 

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Interesting. I've got all ascension quests for the original classes and thought I would switch back to those now that I'm nearing the end. But Im not sure if those classes are actually any good, though I read online that it doesn't really matter. I've also just gone with the standard 2 of each, except that I use a healer Hero. 

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6 hours ago, MindFreak said:

Interesting. I've got all ascension quests for the original classes and thought I would switch back to those now that I'm nearing the end. But Im not sure if those classes are actually any good, though I read online that it doesn't really matter. I've also just gone with the standard 2 of each, except that I use a healer Hero. 

Heavy Guard and Tactician are kinda rubbish, the rest do have some use.

For what it's worth, Ogre is absolutely amazing purely because it's the only class that has a skill which makes it easier to Break. Anything else has to rely on a precious accessory slot for that. I used it in the challenge fight I mentioned.

Swordfighter is also very good, but only if the player controls them. The AI isn't too hot at cancelling.

Medic Gunner and Zephyr are fine as well, but get outclassed by later jobs using their Master Skills.

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11 hours ago, MindFreak said:

Interesting. I've got all ascension quests for the original classes and thought I would switch back to those now that I'm nearing the end. But Im not sure if those classes are actually any good, though I read online that it doesn't really matter. I've also just gone with the standard 2 of each, except that I use a healer Hero. 

I switched to the base classes (and clothing) for the endgame fight just for story....probably an OCD thing, if I had a feeling a main story cutscene was coming I always tried to switch to the base classes :p

Still not finished the post-game sides... thought it would only be the two new ones but as I was doing one, I found new Info circles and question marks!!!!!!!

I'm never gonna get to Bayonetta 3 at this rate :p 

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Can anyone here explain why chain attacks suddenly end after 2 or 3 rounds? I take care picking Hero, Noah, Lanz and Eunie for the first 3-4 rounds to activate a Ouroborous attack in the end but sometimes it just ends. I suspect it might be because I don't have enough characters left (yesterday I had two but would reactivate at least one more) but I'm unsure.

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2 hours ago, MindFreak said:

Can anyone here explain why chain attacks suddenly end after 2 or 3 rounds? I take care picking Hero, Noah, Lanz and Eunie for the first 3-4 rounds to activate a Ouroborous attack in the end but sometimes it just ends. I suspect it might be because I don't have enough characters left (yesterday I had two but would reactivate at least one more) but I'm unsure.

Generally, you get 3 rounds of Chain Attacks with the main 6's Chain Orders. After those 3, it'll end. You can see how many you have left on the bottom right. (The Chain Attack Guage)

However, if you choose the Hero's order, then that doesn't deplete the Chain attack guage, effectively giving you an extra round.

Now, to get the Ouroboros attack, you need to choose two characters that form an Ouroboros form. So you have to choose Noah and Mio's orders to activate their one, etc.

You mentioned that you aim to choose Noah, Lanz, and Eunie. There's your mistake. Once three of the main 6 characters have used their order, the Chain ends if you haven't used 2 characters that make an Ouroboros. Ideally, you can get 5 rounds if you do it right.

For example, a perfectly executed Chain will have something like this with the Order selection.

Noah - Hero - Eunie - Mio - Ouroboros

Notice how Mio is the last character before the Ouroboros Order? You want to delay the Ouroboros attack as long as you can to maximise the damage you do.

Of course, if it becomes impossible to get the TP to 100 at any point, the Chain will end prematurely. But you knew that already.

Just keep track of how many rounds you've gone, whether the Hero has given you an extra round and aim to choose the second character in an Ouroboros pair when you're about to run out of that guage.

Edited by Glen-i
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27 minutes ago, MindFreak said:

Uniting Seven Nopon, is it worth it? I still need three but they require me to finish a few other side quests first. 

Only if you're planning on doing really tough stuff like Challenge mode or the LV 100+ Superbosses.


It was a bit of a let down. Sure, it improves the stats of the base 6 classes, but only if you use the character it's associated with. Which sucks, because more then half of them are outclassed by other classes, and a small bump in some of the stats aren't going to save them.

Sena is the only one who really benefits from it, due to Ogre easily being one of the best classes in the game. Swordmaster is pretty good as well, so Noah appreciates it too, (although Martial Artist is notable competition for the human controlled canceling fighter) but the other 4 classes aren't going to be used in super difficult fights, trust me.


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167 hours amd hit level 99 and beat all Super Bosses.

I actually found my first one without looking was just exploring parts of map I hadn't been too and found the level 105. Beat him first time. Oddly the level 99 (or is it 95) the lowest level of them gave me the most trouble. Beat the 110 forst time and the 120 without breaking a sweat. Think this game has the easiest Superbosses, I didn't really worry too much about builds with accessories and gems and such. Just focused on which classes I used and equipened skills for combos.

The Superbosses in Xenoblade 1, pretty sure I have still never beated the highest level of those.

Not done all the challenge quests yet, but pretty sure I've done all side quests now (must check a list online and make sure).

But I think I'm ok to leave the Challenge Quests till more drop with next DLC set.

Loved this game so much, def my game of the year!


Now I need to play Bayonetta 3 before Pokemon drops ina few weeks :p

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11 hours ago, Mokong said:

Think this game has the easiest Superbosses, I didn't really worry too much about builds with accessories and gems and such. Just focused on which classes I used and equipened skills for combos.

Oh, there's a reason for that. You should try checking the graves.

EDIT: It's also funny that you tout Avalanche Abassy from the first Xenoblade as the hardest boss in the series, because with the right setup, all you need to beat it with no damage is one Level 99 character who can break, and Reyn, doesn't matter what level he is, he can totally stunlock it to death by himself, even at level 1! It's hilarious!

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Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is in the nominations list for The Game Awards Game of the Year,  Best Music and Score and Best Role Playing Game.

I gave it my vote for all 3 :)

A little weird it didn't make the list for Best Narrative also though. And none of the voice actors got a nomination either. I was hoping actirs for Eunie or Noah were get a nod :p

Still irks me Adam Howden never got an award for Shulk for first game.



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4 hours ago, Mokong said:

And none of the voice actors got a nomination either. I was hoping actirs for Eunie or Noah were get a nod :p

Still irks me Adam Howden never got an award for Shulk for first game.

Regional British accents, especially the heavy ones Xenoblade uses, are never gonna show up in the American based rewards.

Half the American base can't even understand what Nia in the second game is saying.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm up to Chapter 4 on Future Redeemed now, but I can say barely anything because it would spoil so much in both the base game and this!

So I'll just say that Matthew is great.

Thanks to this, I learnt that the phrase "I'm feeling full of beans" is not a phrase you hear in America.

Xenoblade: Confusing Americans since 2012.

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  • 7 months later...

I've been contemplating picking up Future Redeemed. I was hoping it would go on sale but with it being Nintendo owned I guess that ain't happening. Cheap SOBs.

I decided to watch a lore video that catches you up with everything from the first game to XC3. Man, and people think Kingdom Hearts is convoluted. Destroyed worlds, parallel universes, frozen timelines...its all here.

I'm guessing FR takes place after 1 and 2 but before 3? It's a shame it didn't get a physical release like Torna.

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6 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I'm guessing FR takes place after 1 and 2 but before 3? It's a shame it didn't get a physical release like Torna.

Yeah, that's when it happens.

I imagine it's because FR spoils a load more of the base game then Torna does.

Torna doesn't go too deeply into things that will happen in base 2. FR immediately refers to stuff that happens in the base game incredibly quickly. Monolith probably didn't want people to spoil a load of the big twists that easily.

Edited by Glen-i
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