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Posted (edited)

Thought you had two hopes, Bob Hope and no hope? In Fire Emblem Warriors you have three!

Revealed in the Direct. :cool: Trailer to follow.


Edited by darksnowman
trailer added

Please don't have clone characters, please don't have clone characters, please don't have clone characters!

I loved the tactical aspect of the first FE Warriors, but god(s), the character diversity was a real let down!


As I said in the Direct thread, people have been predicting a game like this for the past two years or so. No rumours or leaks, just pure educated guessing. It's just that we had radio silence from Nintendo/IS/Koei in that timespan as well, so people stopped mentioning it.

Anyway, a bunch of FEtubers have been analysing the trailer from top to bottom already. Some cool details all over the place (Hilda appears very briefly, matching strength with Dimitri(!). Edelgard has a new personal axe. And is that red-haired girl just Monica?!), but the most significant find seems to be that the main antagonist is a rival/enemy to Sothis. The purple-haired bloke from the trailer seems to be the avatar/vessel for this mysterious new entity.

There's also a lot of speculation about this game being set in a new timeline with a Golden Ending... but when you break it down, it all stems from people thinking that every Musou spinoff is going to be like Age of Calamity. Me, I sure hope there's no golden ending in this game, as it goes against the core theme of Three Houses.

Gameplay-wise, it seems like dismounting is a thing. Claude seems to have a unique mechanic depending on whether he's riding that Wyvern or not. It also seems like Female Byleth is the one protagonist for this game (she's on the boxart), but FEW precedent dictates this is just for the story, and that Male Byleth is likely to be playable in other modes.

Finally, a personal wishlist for playable characters (other than the four confirmed ones):

  • Judith
  • Death Knight
  • Holst Goneril
  • Rhea (w/ gauntlets)
  • Dorothea
  • Leonie
  • Ingrid
  • Yuri
  • Catherine&Shamir (as a pair, yes)
  • Gatekeeper
  On 2/9/2022 at 11:12 PM, Glen-i said:

Please don't have clone characters, please don't have clone characters, please don't have clone characters!


You know Musou games, so here's a question: let's say an enemy character/general has a name, face, and unique model. Is that character sure to be playable?

  On 2/10/2022 at 8:43 PM, Jonnas said:

You know Musou games, so here's a question: let's say an enemy character/general has a name, face, and unique model. Is that character sure to be playable?


No. There's no guarantee.

Fire Emblem Warriors had plenty of villains from the three games represented (Gharnef and Iago, for example), but you never could play as them.

It didn't matter too much though, as they had the same attacks as other playable characters, so nothing much was lost.

The first Hyrule Warriors did let you play as the three main villains that weren't Ganondorf after a free update. Age of Calamity almost did the same thing, but one villain that seemed to be prime material for a DLC character never actually happened.

Fire Emblem Warriors makes great use of the tactical aspect of Fire Emblem. (Victory normally lies in what characters you deploy and exploiting the enemy's weaknesses. Weapon Triangle and other stuff like using Marth/Chrom/Lucina against Manaketes) It was a lot more interesting to play and encouraged you to use a variety of characters.

It was just let down by 13 of the 32 characters being clones of each other. It also wasn't helped by narrowly focusing on three games, Awakening, Fates, and Shadow Dragon, (Celica and Lyn are there, but are clones of Marth and Navarre, respectively and get unlocked right near the end of the game, they feel like an afterthought. Lyn is totes awesome though)

I'm hoping that with the focus on Three Houses, there's not as much need to have so many main characters using Swords, so there can be a better moveset diversity.

So that's what I want from this, a more focused, uniquely playing roster, and the Gatekeeper as a late game joke character unlock. Then I feel like this can be really fun.

  • Thanks 1
  On 2/10/2022 at 9:14 PM, Glen-i said:

Fire Emblem Warriors had plenty of villains from the three games represented (Gharnef and Iago, for example), but you never could play as them.


I see. In the trailer, we see Edelgard fighting an enemy Judith, as well as Dimitri fighting Randolph. I was wondering if that was confirmation that they were playable, but I guess not.

(What truly muddles it, is that Judith is on Claude's side, and Randolph is on Edelgard's, so it's even harder to say what their role will be in the final game)

  On 2/10/2022 at 9:14 PM, Glen-i said:

I'm hoping that with the focus on Three Houses, there's not as much need to have so many main characters using Swords, so there can be a better moveset diversity.


Three Houses is surprisingly low on sword units. There's just the Byleths, Catherine, Felix, Yuri, Judith, and the new purple bloke. Out of those, Byleth has a sword-whip, Yuri is more a teleporting trickster, and the purple bloke seems to dual wield. That leaves a grand total of three sword units to potentially be clones of each other.

I think the Fódlan cast may end up surprisingly varied. Between the various available mounts, the fact that several characters lack a "main" weapon type, and the existence of gauntlets, I can see this roster getting diverse.

  • 1 month later...

Heck yeah, that was a very informative trailer!

  • Seems our new purple bloke ("Shez") is actually the main character! We only briefly saw their female form, but I already like her design plenty more than F!Byleth;
  • New designs confirmed for Dedue, Hilda, Lorenz, and Mercedes. My opinion of them varies wildly, but the one that fascinates me most is Dedue's beard;
  • Monica confirmed playable!;
  • Flayn was in the trailer. This is not a drill, I repeat, this is not a drill, that's just what her hair normally looks like;
  • New characters shown: red haired Warrior, old man Brawler, and sleazy Wyvern Lord;
  • Class changes confirmed, which should hopefully address @Glen-i's worry about clones;
  • We have the first glimpse of this white God...or Goddess? But not much else. According to info on the website, their name is "Arval";
  • Golden ending deconfirmed. HAH!

Considering the implication that Byleth might be an antagonist (or at least an off-screen presence), my mind is swirling with plot theories. I'm guessing this might be a timeline where Byleth somehow never got to become a teacher at Garreg Mach, but that's the only thing I'm remotely confident in. Well, that, and the identity of those new characters...

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  On 4/12/2022 at 10:32 PM, Jonnas said:

Class changes confirmed, which should hopefully address @Glen-i's worry about clones;


Honestly can't tell with what little info about it we got there. I'm intrigued with how it would work in this game though.

The two things I did notice are the pair up mechanic from the first FE Warriors is making a return, and the mission ranking (AoC ditched that).

The main benefit of pairing up was covering your bases with the weapon triangle. But Three Houses ditched that, so I'm wondering if it's even gonna be a thing in this game. And if it isn't, what's the benefit to offset the downside of needing 2 characters that have to stick together, thus reducing the amount of field coverage you have? I hope it is, the weapon triangle encouraged you to use a variety of characters as the situation demanded.

  On 4/12/2022 at 10:32 PM, Jonnas said:


  • Golden ending deconfirmed. HAH!
  Reveal hidden contents



I wouldn’t be so sure about that yet… AOC was supposed to be a straight prequel to BOTW before it turned out to be a confusing timey wimey story (because the Zelda series desperately needed ANOTHER timeline split).  Who’s to say that they aren’t going to pull the same stunt again with Three Hopes? ;)

  On 4/13/2022 at 5:45 AM, Dcubed said:

I wouldn’t be so sure about that yet… AOC was supposed to be a straight prequel to BOTW before it turned out to be a confusing timey wimey story (because the Zelda series desperately needed ANOTHER timeline split).


Ah, but perhaps it was needed? Take a look at this very scientific graph I made.


There is a clear upward trend of Time Travel and Fun.

  • Haha 2
  On 4/13/2022 at 5:45 AM, Dcubed said:

I wouldn’t be so sure about that yet… AOC was supposed to be a straight prequel to BOTW before it turned out to be a confusing timey wimey story (because the Zelda series desperately needed ANOTHER timeline split).  Who’s to say that they aren’t going to pull the same stunt again with Three Hopes? ;)


...Not sure what you mean. That this game is following a different timeline from the original was a given from the first trailer (in Houses, the lords don't meet again until after the timeskip. In here, they're interacting during it). Considering Time's Pulse, there's even a good chance that Byleth herself is responsible for the deviation, whichever that may be.

The main rumour going on was that this game was going to feature a "Golden Ending", that is, a singular story that ties everything in a neat little bow, and the lords make peace, and so on. That this was the Revelations route, basically. There was zero indication of this being the case though, it's mostly people just... wanting it to happen.

The rumour persisted, precisely because of AoC. "Oh, that game had a happy ending with no tragedy in sight, so they'll do the same here". But that has always been a fallacious argument for multiple reasons (and it mostly boils down to "Zelda and Fire Emblem are distinct franchises aiming for distinct tones")

But with the confirmation that we still need to pick a faction and stick to it, the idea of a Golden Ending grows ever more implausible. Good thing too, because that would actually go against the core themes of the main game.


I’d maybe guess it was a certain characters death that caused Byleth to snap. Although Byleth’s emotions still being suppressed makes it funnier than it’s supposed to.

Or because Edelgard is besties with Shez now.

  On 4/13/2022 at 7:31 PM, Jonnas said:

The rumour persisted, precisely because of AoC. "Oh, that game had a happy ending with no tragedy in sight, so they'll do the same here". But that has always been a fallacious argument for multiple reasons (and it mostly boils down to "Zelda and Fire Emblem are distinct franchises aiming for distinct tones")


While I do agree with the general argument here, my money would be on that rumour gained traction because the first entries in Hyrule and FE Warriors had a similar concept in terms of plot. Main characters not connected to any previous game goes on an adventure with multiple characters from separate games to take down Koei Tecmo's OC villain.

Of course, just because the first entries shared similarities, it's stupid to think this would follow AoC. I like to think there would be a bit more imagination for a second entry here.

  • Thanks 1
  • 5 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Well, well, well!

Seems like they finally started to reveal the rest of the characters' designs, along with some more combat gameplay.

I'm very glad for the look of Mercedes and Ingrid, much better than their original adult design. In fact, I like all of the new designs, even Anette... except maybe for Dimitri's ponytail, I don't think it suits him.

(Hoping for Golden Deer students next!)

Edited by Jonnas

If they include all the students as playable characters at least, I'm starting to get concerned that there won't be enough classes to distribute amongst them. Meaning you'll have to have multiple characters with the same class, and therefore, same moveset.

8 characters in each house, plus Koei Tecmo's new OC, plus Byleth (come on, she's gonna turn good again, it's hardly a spoiler). That's 26. 5 more then Age of Calamity at launch. (18 characters, 3 alternate movesets for Link and Zelda) It's not out of the realm of possibility, so I hope I'm just being paranoid.

If there are enough classes so that you can make every character a unique class, then this will be loads of fun!

  On 5/13/2022 at 8:42 PM, Glen-i said:

If they include all the students as playable characters at least, I'm starting to get concerned that there won't be enough classes to distribute amongst them. Meaning you'll have to have multiple characters with the same class, and therefore, same moveset.

8 characters in each house, plus Koei Tecmo's new OC, plus Byleth (come on, she's gonna turn good again, it's hardly a spoiler). That's 26. 5 more then Age of Calamity at launch. (18 characters, 3 alternate movesets for Link and Zelda) It's not out of the realm of possibility, so I hope I'm just being paranoid.

If there are enough classes so that you can make every character a unique class, then this will be loads of fun!


If the point is having multiple paths, it makes more sense that the priority is that each House/Path/Hope has 8 unique movesets. I doubt we'll get one moveset per character (for example, I'm betting Ignatz and Bernadetta will be archers who fight just like Ashe), especially when we're likely to get even more playable characters beyond the core, like Death Knight, Seteth, or Holst.

It's also possible that mounted classes will diversify the movesets more (for example, horse archers will likely fight differently to Ashe or Claude), so maybe we'll still reach 20+ movesets when all's said and done.

And also, every character is a Koei Tecmo OC: they developed the original game too.

  On 5/13/2022 at 9:18 PM, Jonnas said:

And also, every character is a Koei Tecmo OC: they developed the original game too.


Fair point, I'm so used to these Ninty Warriors entries having some kind of original character from Koei Tecmo, that when I saw the new dude, I thought "there it is, like clockwork"


Pre-order Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes on My Nintendo Store and receive a free microfibre cloth and sticker sheet!

Uncover the fates of three great powers in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – a different story set in the familiar universe of Fire Emblem: Three Houses – coming to Nintendo Switch on June 24th and available to pre-order now on My Nintendo Store.

If you pre-order Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes on My Nintendo Store, including existing pre-orders of the standard or Limited Edition, you’ll receive a free microfibre cloth and sticker sheet!


In this new tale, the future rulers of the three nations that govern Fódlan cross paths with Shez – a mercenary on a mission and the protagonist of Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. How will this chance encounter change the future of the continent? Can Shez stand up to their fiercest enemy – the Ashen Demon? Guide them through this yet unseen story and its diverging paths.



Pre-order goodies for those who buy directly from Nintendo. (Subject to availability.)

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