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Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack: N64 & SEGA Mega Drive (& GBA!!)


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3 hours ago, Dcubed said:

@BowserBasher The Carrington Institute Agent par time is utterly insane, it’s only just barely possible using normal strats! (Though speed runners seem to make it look easy somehow )

Those times are utterly insane. Though it seems most are using glitches. Like what the heck did they do to get the hostages all released when they didn’t even enter more than one room? I can’t work out the devastator usage.
I mean the first level in 5 seconds?! I know that’s the whole point of speedrun WR and I do find them impressive. I would like to see non glitchy ones. 

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1 hour ago, EEVILMURRAY said:

I'm having much fun with Fire Emblem, my first foray into the series. The rewind feature is being used a fair bit, but I did lose some people and let it slide.

Nice one. Yeah, the Fire Emblem on NSO is pretty good. Losing people and letting it slide is pretty heartless.

Think I got to a desert skirmish before moving on to a different game. Need to return to it. @Jonnas and @Ike explained a few things to me in this thread if you want to browse back to Feb/ March and have a look.

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15 hours ago, darksnowman said:

Nice one. Yeah, the Fire Emblem on NSO is pretty good. Losing people and letting it slide is pretty heartless.

Think I got to a desert skirmish before moving on to a different game. Need to return to it. @Jonnas and @Ike explained a few things to me in this thread if you want to browse back to Feb/ March and have a look.

I didn't want to be a complete lil bitch and have everyone survive each time, I've gotta have some of the experience. Just being a lil lil bitch

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28 minutes ago, EEVILMURRAY said:

I didn't want to be a complete lil bitch and have everyone survive each time, I've gotta have some of the experience. Just being a lil lil bitch

First time I ever played it, I didn't finish the game with everybody alive, either. Allowing your mistakes to have consequences is part of what makes FE so memorable.

In fact, it can even be liberating to cease the perfectionism, and allow someone to stay dead by the end of a chapter.

This might say something about human nature...

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Perfect Agent complete (with the help of save states) though I didn't really need them for the final boss fight. I died once and reloaded but that was all. 

Right, so on that last level there is a trick to getting double Phoenix guns. However I've always heard from the N64 days (and @Dcubed) that there is one pillar that you can't blow up yourself, and if it isn't one of the "target amplifier" ones then you just can't get them. Well, I thought I'd try it out, and Boom, it blew it up. Next go round I tried again and it didn't. So experiment time.

From what I can tell you have to aim higher than the thick base at the bottom, (just ignore that second shot, no idea what happened there)I don't know what the threshold is, but it definitely can now be destroyed with the Devastator gun.

And those Double Phoenix really do make that final boss a piece of cake, even on Perfect Agent.

Onto Perfect Agent for the three secret missions, and then getting the cheats so I can just mess around with unlimited ammo and invincibility. 

Absolutely stunning game still to this day.

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1 hour ago, BowserBasher said:

From what I can tell you have to aim higher than the thick base at the bottom, (just ignore that second shot, no idea what happened there) I don't know what the threshold is, but it definitely can now be destroyed with the Devastator gun.

The second grenade exploded before it reached the pillar because it was in the area of effect still in play from the previous explosion created by the first grenade. :peace: You can see this if you rewatch your clip closely.

Thanks for the confirmation that this worked in the NSO version though, from what I can remember, you could destroy the pillar, but I'd forgotten about it until seeing the clip.

I only played through a few of the single-player missions when the game first came out on NSO, and then I just loaded it up whenever we were all playing multiplayer, but I do intend to play some more single-player Perfect Dark.

It's a fantastic game, and I recommend it at any chance that I get, especially when anyone starts a conversation about N64 games down at the shop, because having access to Perfect Dark and all those N64 games, plus other titles with the NSO + Expansion Pack is a real selling point for the Switch.

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Perfect Dark on the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack - N-Europe Multiplayer (26/07/2024)

Thanks for the games. :peace:

Words of the evening... "Proximity PInball!" "Combat boost?" and "Oh, Timed mines... here, catch!"
Edited by S.C.G
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