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Monster Hunter Rise


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I think Valstrax is the HR100 urgent? Should be popping up soon in that case.

Finished the new story ending quest, also won't spoil it but it's great! Before taking it on I maxed out my Diablos S armour and my Rampage Spear also had a new level after the 3.0 update. Managed to finish the quest with randoms on first try, was not expecting that. Fighting giant ass monsters does make me wish stuff like Jhen Mohran would make a comeback.

So now I'm thinking what I want to farm next. I have a Bishaten S set with a hunting horn that is great for supporting, and the Diablos S is a great lance build (if you're not mixing and matching armour which I haven't done yet). So I think I want to try a new weapon that I haven't used much before, either the bow or the insect glaive. Or that I want to go for a high damage output build as I'm not using stuff like high affinity or weakness exploits.

Anyway, need money first so I'll start with finishing every quest that I haven't finished yet.

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A choice presented itself in front of me last night, to play either Rise or World...and I went with World 🤷‍♂️

I definitely feel that Rise has the better game play, I love the zipping around and how fluid fights feel, but the lack of substantial content (I've taken personal offence to this drop feeding of a few quests every month 😂) now I've reached a certain level has really disappointed me. Think I'm about HR80 with no desire to get to 100 to face the Valstrax or Apex Zinogre because I know at the moment after that is simply the abyss again until the end of the month.

I'm lucky enough to have both options and at the moment I feel like World will better scratch my MH itch. I realise that when I properly came to World Iceborne had been released, imagine if I'd started properly at the beginning I might have had the same feelings as monsters like Deviljho and Zinogre were only added later from what I remember.

I prefer the 'world' of World as well, I mean story has never been MH's strongest point but World feels abit more lived in and breathable than Rise at this point.

I'm sure they'll announce something massive at E3 now that'll make me eat my words, but I want to try and the Alatreon and Fatalis bested at least before I come back to Rise 😎

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I fired this up again over the weekend to see the final boss and credits, neither of which were worth the wait. I'm baffled as to how they ran out of time to put the final boss in the game. The thing is a pushover and isn't that different from the first part of the fight. 

I knocked out the new quests that have arrived and the only thing that remains is to get to level 100. I've just been doing Apex Blos rampages in order to level up quickly. About 4 or 5 more should do it.

I'll keep coming back when the new content drops but the game still leaves a lot to be desired. I don't think I've even passed the 100 hour mark yet. That's says it all really. 

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Shame to hear you guys aren't enjoying Rise so much. :( It's the complete opposite for me, over 300 hours played now and I'm still loving it! :o Currently working my way through the monster list, unlocking their titles and trying to get all the large/small crowns. :hehe: I also keep changing weapons and switch skills regularly, which is definitely helping to keep the game fresh.

9 hours ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

A choice presented itself in front of me last night, to play either Rise or World...and I went with World 🤷‍♂️

Not had any desire to return to MH World myself, which funnily enough is now my least played MH game of the lot, at dead-on 100 hours.

3 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

The thing is a pushover and isn't that different from the first part of the fight.

Don't tell me you never even got caught out by its...


Dragonator merry-go-round of doom!? :heh:

Took me a while to figure out how the hell you avoid that thing, and even now it can still be tricky. :laughing: Also, the amount of people that continue to cart to that attack when playing online is quite remarkable. :D


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8 hours ago, RedShell said:

Took me a while to figure out how the hell you avoid that thing, and even now it can still be tricky. :laughing: Also, the amount of people that continue to cart to that attack when playing online is quite remarkable. :D

You mean everyone doesn't just roll through that with the combo of Evade Window and Evade Extender!?

Because that's my answer to, like, 95% of attacks.

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7 hours ago, Glen-i said:

You mean everyone doesn't just roll through that with the combo of Evade Window and Evade Extender!?

Because that's my answer to, like, 95% of attacks.

Apparently not, no. :hehe:

Evade Window/Extender is indeed an awesome skill combo though, have used it myself in the past but wasn’t able to get in on my latest armour set unfortunately.

Extender is especially great if you use a Palico as your buddy though, because it massively enhances Wirebug movement too! ;) Nothing more fun than outrunning hunters on Palamutes by basically flying everywhere. :grin:

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15 minutes ago, RedShell said:

Evade Window/Extender is indeed an awesome skill combo though, have used it myself in the past but wasn’t able to get in on my latest armour set unfortunately.

Extender is especially great if you use a Palico as your buddy though, because it massively enhances Wirebug movement too! ;) Nothing more fun than outrunning hunters on Palamutes by basically flying everywhere. :grin:

Oh right, now that I've finally got my Palamute to Level 50, I should switch back to Palico and resume doing precisely that!

I'm very thankful that doing a specific mix of Ibushi/Narwa armour gets you both on top of the 8 other skills! Absolutely bonkers! (Granted, Window is one level short of being maxed, but it still does the job nicely)

Edited by Glen-i
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I'm still loving it too, HR225 I think, about 230 hours :p

Want to start trying oit and building different weapon types. Built the Valstrax Charge Blade and gave it a go. It looks awesome and I love some of yhe moves, but my gods is there a lot to remember to do to get to super awesome moves. Charge phails, load phials, charge shield, load phials, charge sword, load phails....gah

Thinking of making a second Valsttax Switchaxe though so I can have one with the Attack Boost Ramp Up and another with the Valstrax Soul Ramp up so I don't need to keep changing it when ever I switch to a different armour set :p

So need to grind for another orb....


Oh and that move of the new final boss.....yeah I bloody carted to that thing last night.

I loved the final boss too, it was similar to the normal Narwa yes but I thought there was just the right amount of difference. The nuclear is also something else. First time, flash of light....waitvwhy am I at base... Did I cart? Damnit

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Finally reached HR 100 yesterday evening and took on Crimson Valstrax. Man, people suck at fighting it. It took numerous attempts before I found a competent team and was able to bring it down. I completed the advanced quest featuring Valstrax and Rakna this morning and was awarded 2 Red Serpent Orbs for my efforts. I don’t need them but it’s nice to have them stored in the box for a rainy day. :D 

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I had orbs and used them but wasn't specifically looking for them at the time.

But now I want one and can't get it, damn desire sensor!!!!

Maybe I should try that Advanced Double Hunt with the Rakna might get it from that

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I put some more time into this over the past couple of days and unlocked the final two advanced missions. Love these fights. Multiple monsters that are in a new arena based map is just what I wanted. It’s crazy how fast you can bring the Apex beasties down if you have a couple of gunners on your squad. I was looking at the HBG Sticky set up and I’m quite tempted to give it a go. Also, the amount of exp you get from the quest is great. Think I’m around HR135 now, despite only recently reaching HR100.

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7 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I put some more time into this over the past couple of days and unlocked the final two advanced missions. Love these fights. Multiple monsters that are in a new arena based map is just what I wanted. It’s crazy how fast you can bring the Apex beasties down if you have a couple of gunners on your squad. I was looking at the HBG Sticky set up and I’m quite tempted to give it a go. Also, the amount of exp you get from the quest is great. Think I’m around HR135 now, despite only recently reaching HR100.

I was slightly disappointed yet atvthe same time relived that the triple apex hunt had them spawn one at a time.

Was terrified it would either start with two on map at once or once you took out first the other two would spawn at once.

But terrified in a good way in that I was up for the ass kicking that would bring.

Waiting on the Capcom conference now, they said they were gonna talk about Rise which I was surprised by. They would hardly surprise us with a 4.0 that they purposefully left out of the last Digital Event video....would they?



Whole bunch of Event Quests teased with Black Leather Pants AND Shadow Shades armour as rewards!!!


Wohoo, now just need the Biker Jacket and I can have my Biker set back :D

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Finished my gunner set this evening and it works great. The sticky shots have the ability to knock beasts over. I can then shoot a cluster bomb at them. Once I’m out of that type of ammo I move in closer to unleash a wyvern shot that does some decent amount of damage. It can also paralyse enemies which is a nice bonus. It feels weird playing as a gunner but it may be what I need to freshen things up a bit. 

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New personal best standard Narwa solo run, 7 mine 32 seconds :) Full Valstrax gear with Attack Boost7 and Valstrax Soul Rampup skill.

Plus some vids from some of this evenings hunts

I was full on thinking "I'm fine, I just need to time this wirebug jump then I can heal"

I think I found it's weak point

Oh come on just get in yhe damned trap so you can hold still for a bit


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1 hour ago, RedShell said:

So this happened during the latest event quest:

It’s only low rank, but man, that was super satisfying! :D 

What hammer is that? It's got some pretty useful melodies! Might swap out my Sinister Strum for it, that one has health recovery, attack and defense up and sonic barrier.

Also, what is that move you pull off in the beginning, looks like you are riding the monster and then jumping off? Were you wyvern riding before the clip starts or is there some flashy riding move I don't know about?

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1 hour ago, Vileplume2000 said:

What hammer is that? It's got some pretty useful melodies! Might swap out my Sinister Strum for it, that one has health recovery, attack and defense up and sonic barrier.

Also, what is that move you pull off in the beginning, looks like you are riding the monster and then jumping off? Were you wyvern riding before the clip starts or is there some flashy riding move I don't know about?

The weapon is the fully upgraded Rampage Hunting horn but it’s layered to look/sound like one of the silly weapons. :hehe: 

As for the move, yeah it was just the finisher on a Wyvern ride. I couldn’t believe how perfect it ended up being though! :cool: 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pretty cool video for the game's soundtrack. I love how the musicians with the traditional instruments went the extra mile and are dressed in traditional clothing as well.

I need to dive back into this game as I have a pretty decent bow armour now and need to master it more. But Tony Hawk is eating up all my current time and I haven't had much game time this week or the upcoming weekend.

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This dude with the symbols for name joined my hunt, when into tent and never came out. Just sat AFK for whole hunt. Probably trying to get rewards without even hunting. I gave him a few mins but then decided to kick him.



Did a few more Apex Rathian as trying to hunt 10 for the scroll (didn't realise Apexes had scrolls too) and this same dude ended up in my join request again. Again he went straight to tent. Gave him 2 mins then kicked him again.

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