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3 hours ago, Mokong said:

I thought I remembered getting items from arena awards that were used to make armour?

I think you might be getting confused with event quests that take place in the arena. Those let you take your equipment, so it's effectively just another quest, albeit with a special quest reward.

But arena quests (those that give you preset equipment), don't do this.

One thing I have noticed though is that arena quests don't allow any carting what-so-ever. 1 person faints, it's all over. A bit more strict then previous games, that generally allowed 9 carts.

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I got a lobby open if anyone about to help with HR7 key amd urgent...or if anyone needs help with your own at lower levels I can help there too.

While on my own just gonna do some farming till someone joins...if someone joins :) 

Lobby ID A3C8XR

Password 4444

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On 17/04/2021 at 1:00 AM, Glen-i said:

I think you might be getting confused with event quests that take place in the arena. Those let you take your equipment, so it's effectively just another quest, albeit with a special quest reward.

But arena quests (those that give you preset equipment), don't do this.

One thing I have noticed though is that arena quests don't allow any carting what-so-ever. 1 person faints, it's all over. A bit more strict then previous games, that generally allowed 9 carts.

What about all those arena coins you used to get, didn't they make specific armour sets? 

Sorry I was late to the party last night, @Mokong, although you might say I timed it perfectly getting my carves at the end of the urgent 😂

The Rathalos + Magnamalo battle that we did duo was probably the most epic/stressful hunt I've had on Rise, can't believe we pulled it off! Two early faints (from me 😛) completely out of any sort of potions at the end while trying to trap the Magnamalo who didn't want to get in the trap, that was proper hunting 💪 

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8 hours ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

Sorry I was late to the party last night, @Mokong, although you might say I timed it perfectly getting my carves at the end of the urgent 😂

Yeah, perfect timing. :heh: 

Would’ve liked to hunt with you guys for longer, but I was struggling to see the monsters at that point! :grin: I just can’t do “late” gaming sessions anymore, I literally am too old for that shit now. :laughing: 

Anyway, I’m sure we’ll have plenty more opportunities to hunt alongside each other. :)

@Hero-of-Time, was nice hunting with you again too, it’s been a while. Still a legend with the Long Sword I see. :cool:

I’ve been doing quite a bit of experimentation with various weapon types recently. I’m currently trying to figure out the Great Sword, but I spared you lot from that last night as I didn’t want to sabotage Mokong’s keys/urgent. :D 

It’s incredible just how much the game changes when using an unfamiliar weapon though. 

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Cheers for the help last night guys.
That Narwa hunt was fun....can't believe I carted just before he was finished haha. Was doing so well up to that point.
Yeah that Rath and Magna double hunt I did with JBS was probably hardest hunt I had so far. I figured for a double hunt both targets would have less health....they did not. The Rathalos took ages and dished out enough of a beating that I had to return to camp to restock potions and honey for first time ever.



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On 18/04/2021 at 3:06 PM, RedShell said:

...It’s incredible just how much the game changes when using an unfamiliar weapon though. 

This is what I tell people when they say they’ve had their fill of a Monster Hunter game.

Switch weapon and the game feels fresh again. Although given I’ve been using almost all weapons since Tri it does feel a bit samey these days, haha... I’m still loving Rise though!

Edited by Kav
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Good to see an update inbound! I've finished almost all Village Quests (only have a couple of gathering quests to be done), and just reached High Rank in multiplayer.

Loving the game still. But one thing that's bugging me is that multiplayer is one big chaos. With 4 players and 4 partners, it basically is a giant whirlwind around the monster, and it is a lot less intense than going solo. It's also a bit harder to see the monster's signals about the move he is going to pull off, although the "incoming!" shouts give away that a big attack is inbound. Basically online with 4 players is pretty easy since everyone is constantly bashing a monster, stunning it, toppling it. I hope it gets a lit more structured when (if?) the difficulty ramps up. For now I may go solo for some quests, but I think 2 or 3 players without Palicoes/Palamutes would bring a better balance and challenge.

Another point of critique? There are just so many options haha. I have no clue if I am maximizing my equipment and weapons, something I never felt in other MH games. But with gems, skills, rampage weapons, switch skills, petalaces,  Palamute and Palico skills, there is just so much that I feel like I'm missing half. On the other hand, I'm still breezing fairly easy through quests so no need to deep dive in it yet.

Other than that, still enjoying it a lot and it's time Capcom starts churning out that extra content!

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Chamelos, Teostra and Kushala Daora hunts added!

Apex Rathalos, Apex Diablos and Magnamalo added to Rampages.

Apex Azuros, Apex Mitzutsune and Apex Rathian given normal hunt quests (yay).

Option to set Armour pieces as Layered Armour after HR7.

Event Quests added (Shadow Shades and Biker Jacket better be rewards!)

Update out tomorrow! April 28th.

Next update "End of May"

More paid DLC (Boooooo) for Gestures, Layered Armour, Stickers, character voices (Including Fugen's voice)....at least it all just cosmetics so I don't really care :p

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16 minutes ago, Mokong said:


Chamelos, Teostra and Kushala Daora hunts added!

Apex Rathalos, Apex Diablos and Magnamalo added to Rampages.

Apex Azuros, Apex Mitzutsune and Apex Rathian given normal hunt quests (yay).

Option to set Armour pieces as Layered Armour after HR7.

Event Quests added (Shadow Shades and Biker Jacket better be rewards!)

Update out tomorrow! April 28th.

Next update "End of May"

More paid DLC (Boooooo) for Gestures, Layered Armour, Stickers, character voices (Including Fugen's voice)....at least it all just cosmetics so I don't really care :p

Can I justify spending more money just to sound like my hero, Fugen...🤷‍♂️😂

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1 hour ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

Can I justify spending more money just to sound like my hero, Fugen...🤷‍♂️😂

Lol, maybe if you could also change your face to look like him so you could actually be him haha

Just thinking they didn't give a price for the DLC, or did I miss that?

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5 hours ago, Mokong said:


Option to set Armour pieces as Layered Armour after HR7.


Now if only this game had some kind of Dinosaur mask that covers the face completely...

EDIT: Awwww, the monster masks don't change the Hunter's voice anymore? Lame!

Edited by Glen-i
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26 minutes ago, Mokong said:

So apparently the update has more monsters than those shown in the Direct yesterday. Looking forward more to downloading later :)

I downloaded the update and had a quick look before the boys woke up, definitely a few, including a big hitter from World I didn't expect to see 🕵️

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I can't fight any of the new monsters because they're locked behind getting to HR7, even the village quests...

And now the red tick on 6 star village quests has turned blue, so the game is actively telling me that there's more single player quests, but I can't have them.

That's just torment, man.

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3 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

I can't fight any of the new monsters because they're locked behind getting to HR7, even the village quests...

And now the red tick on 6 star village quests has turned blue, so the game is actively telling me that there's more single player quests, but I can't have them.

That's just torment, man.

How far can you up your HR by doing the single player challenging quests (forgot what the name is)? The ones you get from the village counter where you have to take on multiple monsters? I haven't done them, but the way it's described it sounds like they can up your hunter rank in single player?

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Just now, Vileplume2000 said:

How far can you up your HR by doing the single player challenging quests (forgot what the name is)? The ones you get from the village counter where you have to take on multiple monsters? I haven't done them, but the way it's described it sounds like they can up your hunter rank in single player?

It takes you as far as the HR3 urgent (A Rampage quest with an Arzuros). But that's it.

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27 minutes ago, Vileplume2000 said:

Ah that's not too far then. But I was just thinking, you should be able to do the gathering hub quests solo offline as well right?

Yeah, but I want to play those with N-Europe. Otherwise, what's the point?

And the thought of doing a gathering hub rampage quest by myself sounds like a miserable experience.

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