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Cartoons of the prophet muhummed, muslims have now gone "LIAR KILLER DEMON".

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You're an idiot if you base your respect on Muslims on a few that live in the UK and do these sorts of things; and with the comment you made earlier I shouldn't think anyone would care about the respect from racists like yourself.

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This whole thing is just sick. Seriously there was a picture of a baby with a hat on saying "I HEART Al Queda."


But down to the point, A person who drew the drawing wasn't Islamic, yet for some reason he has to actually abide by those who believe in it. He doesn't believe in it, so why does he have to follow someone elses opinion from another country which isn't a set law standard?


Has anyone really looked at the photos or anything, could they actually be trying to get the question across at why radical Islamic terrorists today are using Muhammed as justification to murder thousands upon thousands of "innocent" civilians in his name.


"Why is it acceptable in the Arab press to question faiths other than Islam, but it is not acceptable to question Islam in non-Arab nations?" They just basically say "Your religion is wrong" but yet when we question their religion, the ones that seem to have the problem become aggressive and go on the offensive and calling us evil for questioning it. Any person has the right to question something.


Is it my fault that I don't have a figure of someone to take the piss ouf of? I'm I evil because I don't believe in a God? If someone called me evil because I didn't, would I care? Not really to be honest. I have that freedom and I should have the freedom to do what I want, If I don't want to draw Prophets and so on, then I will make that choice. I don't want some religion from some other place stopping me because they believe in it but I don't. I'm not going to cry if they ever did that to me, I'd just take it with a pinch of salt.


I used to have a muslim friend before we went to different high schools, he was pretty cool so I don't say all muslims are bad, but if I were this countries dictator, and there was shit over here and i'd have any trouble makers shipped out and shot on sight if they came back. And religion would be banned outside the home. ftw :P


People with those signs should be arrested, here you can get arrested for wearing a shirt saying 'jesus is a ****' ffs. Anyone seen http://www.fuckchrist.com/ ?

Domstercool, i totally agree with everything you just said.


And dabookerman, what does that mean?



i hope it means that, well, islam deals with absolutes, which basically means that their religion is correct and every other is wrong? is that right, or did i make an ass of myself...atif?

i hope it means that, well, islam deals with absolutes, which basically means that their religion is correct and every other is wrong? is that right, or did i make an ass of myself...atif?



I'm Muslim and live in an area where most of the residents are Muslim as well, and i've never heard anyone say anything like that. Not even in Mosque lol. :P

The way i see it, Christianity and Islam compliment each other nicely. My girlfriend and I managed to recognise quite a lot of similarities between the 2 religions, and i would go as far to say that they stem from the same sort of beliefs. We both believe in the almighty. We both believe in angels, and books of wisdom. We both believe in an afterlife and a better place to go when we pass on from this world.

There's countless others. All this fighting between religions is a load of nonsense. Religion isn't about who is better than the next person. Religion is about unity, love, friendship, companionship, wisdom and belief. To fight 'in the name of religion' is going against the very ideals and principles of religion.


Edit: Haha, i can be such a hippy at times!


I'm Muslim and live in an area where most of the residents are Muslim as well, and i've never heard anyone say anything like that. Not even in Mosque lol. :P

The way i see it, Christianity and Islam compliment each other nicely. My girlfriend and I managed to recognise quite a lot of similarities between the 2 religions, and i would go as far to say that they stem from the same sort of beliefs. We both believe in the almighty. We both believe in angels, and books of wisdom. We both believe in an afterlife and a better place to go when we pass on from this world.

There's countless others. All this fighting between religions is a load of nonsense. Religion isn't about who is better than the next person. Religion is about unity, love, friendship, companionship, wisdom and belief. To fight 'in the name of religion' is going against the very ideals and principles of religion.


Edit: Haha, i can be such a hippy at times!


the difference between islam and christianity are very minor, muslims do believe in jesus in fact. very few minor details.

the difference between islam and christianity are very minor, muslims do believe in jesus in fact. very few minor details.


Aye, the difference is that we just believe he was a prophet (isa? I think that's how we spell his name) and not the son of God. We believe in Gabriel, but we call Gabriel 'Jibriel'. We call Abraham 'Ibrahim'. Religion is very interesting stuff when you delve into it. :)


Bowser: Scary stuff. :P

also, why do muslims feel the need to convert everyone?


Hmm. Again, i've not really heard a lot about that, but i really think it depends on where you live. For example, in my area, i hear lots of stories about Jehovah's witnesses trying to convert people or at least get them interested. Muslims and Christians just tend to do their own thing. It'll definitely differ from area to area tho.


But the bit about muslims converting everyone, far from the truth. In fact, my Uncle converted FROM Islam to Christianity.

Hmm. Again, i've not really heard a lot about that, but i really think it depends on where you live. For example, in my area, i hear lots of stories about Jehovah's witnesses trying to convert people or at least get them interested. Muslims and Christians just tend to do their own thing. It'll definitely differ from area to area tho.


im pretty sure its different in wales, everyone here is either a muslim or a jew, or cant be assed. there are muslims everywhere, i dont live to far from finsbury park where a certain abu hamza used to preach death to all non-muslims

im pretty sure its different in wales, everyone here is either a muslim or a jew, or cant be assed. there are muslims everywhere, i dont live to far from finsbury park where a certain abu hamza used to preach death to all non-muslims


Now, the deal with that is, how can he call himself muslim when he preaches death? It's really ironic.

Now, the deal with that is, how can he call himself muslim when he preaches death? It's really ironic.

why dont the real muslims try to eradicate them then? then we may not have a problem

why dont the real muslims try to eradicate them then? then we may not have a problem


No idea. I wish they would though. It is a very big problem imo, and it's just going to get worse.


World War 3 here we come!

*Welcome to the Jungle music plays*

I'm having less and less respect for muslims every day..


You're such a silly billy.


im going japan, hail to the shinto gods


Hell yes! I'm going Zen buddhist though, so we'll have to hate one another, sorry.



We shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.


Sir Winston Churchill.

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