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Cartoons of the prophet muhummed, muslims have now gone "LIAR KILLER DEMON".


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Show me evidence that those protesters are at all like 'a mob of serial killers'. Show me their criminal records. Show me footage of their life-imprisonment.

Think of the repercussions if the police were to have arrested them all, the rest of the Muslim community (which has so far been quiet) would have spoken out against the government. You can't arrest people for speaking/writing of violence.

Just remember, sticks and stones may break your bones, but you can't arrest non-violent protesters.

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Yes, and by not doing anything about it, we're just giving them the message that it's okay for them to do such things without getting punished. You wouldn't let a mob of serial killers go and do whatever they wanted and ignore them just because doing the right thing and laying down the law would give them 'more fuel'. C'mon, get over it. These people are breaking the law and causing terror by doing what they're doing. It's against the law and they need to be stopped, with force if necessary.


I completely agree. Trouble with, it seems like the Police are pussyfooting around them, and not wanting to 'offend' other people. And that is bad in itself because people are getting offended anyway due to the slogans some of the protestors are using on their banners!

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I agree Linky boy.


The thing is now its totally gone outta control in many countries. I think some of the extremist are now using the cartoon as an excuse to carry out badness. For example i was just watching the news and another Danish embassy has been set alight in the Lebanon i think it said.


Offensive signs are bad enough but carrying out such acts as burning down embassy's is just pathetic.


I may be looking at this from a very British viewpoint but i cant see how a drawing in a cartoon can compare with signs wanting to kill, repeat the 7/7 bombings and the trashing of buildings. It doesnt make sense. The Danes have apologised, what else do these people expect ?


These minor extremists are what brings Islam down and gives it the bad reputation it now has around the world.

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Show me evidence that those protesters are at all like 'a mob of serial killers'. Show me their criminal records. Show me footage of their life-imprisonment.

Think of the repercussions if the police were to have arrested them all, the rest of the Muslim community (which has so far been quiet) would have spoken out against the government. You can't arrest people for speaking/writing of violence.

Just remember, sticks and stones may break your bones, but you can't arrest non-violent protesters.



The only type of person who'd defend these people is an ignorant, stupid and blinkered moron such as yourself. Even Gandhi would be proud of these people!










Looks like a perfectly civilised sit-down non-violent protest to me.

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They diss freedom of speech, yet it is freedom of speech that allows them to wave those signs around without getting their asses beaten by riot police.


You don't win many fans when you torch a embassy over a effing cartoon. I didn't see any Saudi Arabian embassies being burnt down after the 9/11 attacks.

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Well I thought of starting this thread.. and try asking me if im tired of the whole thing?

phew.. well im a Dane.. so im one of the 5 million gulity ones that should be blown up here in little sunny (snow) denmark..

As I remember it.. the whole thing startede because some cartoonists were afraid to draw drawings (they recived death threats along the line "look what happend to Theo van Gogh") for a book about mohammed and his life.. The newspaper Jyllands Posten then sought, and found, cartoonists who werent affraid and ready to draw the now 12 infamous drawings... well.. some of our own so called "countrymen" imams (som sort of muslim priest/leader).. took these 12 drawings with them on a little trip to the middle east and showd to the muslim world what ALL DANES ARE LIKE.... they even took some pictures along that wasnt among the original 12 and they were much worse!! (Did they draw these them selves??).... so because of those 12 (+ some) drawings and our own lovely imam's (who by the way just want to live in peace if you point a camera in their face and ask them) this has now become CNN live primetime stuff around the world.. hadnt they taken those drawings on a little trip.. this would have been forgotten in a week.. but now it will erupt into violence and much more racism here in sunny denmark home of Hans Christian Andersen... well our own racist party has sunny days these days.. they get a lot of new voters and supporters because of this.. so.. give a big hand to Jyllands posten and the 12 cartoonists and the Imam's who took the 12 drawings (+ some of their own) on a little trip...

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I may be looking at this from a very British viewpoint but i cant see how a drawing in a cartoon can compare with signs wanting to kill, repeat the 7/7 bombings and the trashing of buildings. It doesnt make sense. The Danes have apologised, what else do these people expect ?


Imagine that someone draw 12 cartoons that offended you horribly, it offended everything you stood for and everything your near grandparents stood for. And they where shockfull of rasism. Wouldn't you get upset?


And no, the danes haven't really apologised, not in a proper way. More like, well, sure, we're sorry, but not really.


If any newspaper in the world would publish cartoons like that, but against jews, almost no one (in the western world) would think it was just a cartoon.



Edit, no country/state/etc in the western world have ever had true freedom of speech, neither has it been wanted. Sometimes you need to put the foot down to stop people from getting raged and killing each others.

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Already 14,400 signatures

I refuse to sign this petition on the basis that it encourages abuse of our freedom of speech, and that this form of "freedom of speech" is to me little different to the violent protests that have resulted in the blatant and unjustified attacks on the Danish and Norweigien embassys across the Islamic world. I feel that this form of abuse of freedom of speech on both sides is not and should not be considered democratic.

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I saw the cartoon today, i want put it on here as the mods properly wouldn't want it, but it's easily anouth to find on a google image search, as far as i know no British newspaper has published it, but quite a few across europe have. Also i won't sign the list thingy, as i bleive in free speech with responcability (or more likaly i just can't be bothered).

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Apparantly an Islamic Group in the Netherlands has published some cartoons against Jews as an 'exercise in free speech'. Not quite sure what the point they're hoping to prove with that is.


It seems as well that one of the guys who dressed up as a suicide bomber has come out and apologised for his actions. Finally it seems that some progress might be made in resolving this ridiculous episode of history.

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Those cartoons posted further up are spot on. What the fuck is wrong with these Muslims?! Atrocities are being committed all over the world (many by people claiming they are Muslim and for the sake of Islam) and yet they go and burn buildings over a few cartoons?! The media call these people extremists by showing a CARTOON of Muhammed with a bomb, the Muslims don't like it so they retaliate by burning down buildings and participating in violent riots?! Crazy.

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There have been people use this type of propoganda before.

The fucking Nazis.

That cartoon of Mohammed unfairly associates all Muslims with terrorists, just like this Nazi cartoon associates all Jews with communism (which was the height of evil in the West at the time).



We shouldn't have to remind ourselves of things like this, MarioDS. Those cartoons were wrong.


Andross, I'd like to stress the point that, as proven under a century ago, it can be a short and slippery slope towards very very bad things.

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Imagine that someone draw 12 cartoons that offended you horribly, it offended everything you stood for and everything your near grandparents stood for. And they where shockfull of rasism. Wouldn't you get upset?


And no, the danes haven't really apologised, not in a proper way. More like, well, sure, we're sorry, but not really.


First of all i wouldnt blame a WHOLE country and a certain sector of the world, i would find out who drew the pictures... one man? then the paper that printed them? so all in all i would blame about a dozen people and have a go at them and complain to them that i am really offended and demand an apology and their reasons for creating and printing such pictures.


I certainly wouldnt be blaming a WHOLE country and western civilisation, burning country flags, burning down buildings, boycotting imports and holding up offensive signs wanting to kill people.


For these people its like one man (who drew it) = all danes are evil. WTF kinda logic is that?

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Apparantly an Islamic Group in the Netherlands has published some cartoons against Jews as an 'exercise in free speech'. Not quite sure what the point they're hoping to prove with that is.


It seems as well that one of the guys who dressed up as a suicide bomber has come out and apologised for his actions. Finally it seems that some progress might be made in resolving this ridiculous episode of history.



Apologised.....he could have been shoot, and should have been given a very hefty sentance, after the shoot to kill bill went through parliment to use against suicide bombers, how dumb can someone be to dress up as one. He made a joke of our police force, we have laws which should be inforced. And now it looks even worse for normall british muslims, as people will assosiate them with idoits like him.

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You're right Platty, it is one massive over-reaction. If would have been so much better if they'd just sued the paper or something.

One side needs to back down and admit fault though, otherwise it'll escalate into something worse.

Apologised.....he could have been shoot, and should have been given a very hefty sentance, after the shoot to kill bill went through parliment to use against suicide bombers, how dumb can someone be to dress up as one. He made a joke of our police force, we have laws which should be inforced. And now it looks even worse for normall british muslims, as people will assosiate them with idoits like him.

Do you mean the police should have shot this guy?

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Andross, I'd like to stress the point that, as proven under a century ago, it can be a short and slippery slope towards very very bad things.



I agree. One of the first things to go when Hitler came to power was freedom of the press and basic common sense. Notice a pattern?


Oh, well done for conveniently skipping over those pictures of the rioters. Just to remind you of what this stupid outrage over some cartoons has done, look at this:




"At least five people have been killed in Afghanistan as demonstrations against cartoons satirising the Prophet Muhammad swept across the country."


Jesus Christ, far worse things are happening and people go to the streets for this, in a country where the cartoons weren't even published. Chances are half those people haven't even seen what they're protesting against.



Fucking hate some Muslims sometimes. :nono:

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Alright fine mate, but I was under the impression we were talking about the London rioters, who were peaceful right?


My comment on those pcitures: they're lovely, that guy wearing the bandana at the start, with the islamic script on it? Fucking terrorist mate, no doubt about it. I'll give you the rest of the pictures though.


And don't bother hating them, listen to Yoda man, it breeds suffering...

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Another wonderful reaction by a group of Muslims:




Do the people in Middle-East only know how to react with violence when faced with something that's upsetting or insulting? It feels like you're experiencing the attitudes of a load of 9-year olds in a playground. However, I wouldn't even give these imbeciles that compliment as at least 9-year olds know that committing arson and vandalising is the wrong way to go about things when someone draws a cartoon that insults you. They really are worse than animals.

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You're right Platty, it is one massive over-reaction. If would have been so much better if they'd just sued the paper or something.

One side needs to back down and admit fault though, otherwise it'll escalate into something worse.


Do you mean the police should have shot this guy?


I was going to put should, but i didn't think that would be right, as violence should allways be a last resort, and shooting a man who is showing no emedeate threat would have caused huge a backlash. But he could have been, and would have in any other situation. I think he should have been charged on counts of terroism just as a warning to the other protestors to protest in a more responsible manner.

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Another wonderful reaction by a group of Muslims:




Do the people in Middle-East only know how to react with violence when faced with something that's upsetting or insulting? It feels like you're experiencing the attitudes of a load of 9-year olds in a playground. However, I wouldn't even give these imbeciles that compliment as at least 9-year olds know that committing arson and vandalising is the wrong way to go about things when someone draws a cartoon that insults you. They really are worse than animals.

Man, you're just digging up bad stuff now, stay on the cartoon thing.

Worse than animals huh? What next, der Muslim ist der Feind?

You cannot call them animals. It is racist, it is bullshit, you are bullshit.

People sometimes do bad things. If you're a Christian, then your religion's done bad stuff. If you're Jewish, your religion's done bad stuff. If you're something else, then I don't know, maybe your religion's done bad stuff.

If you're not religious then maybe you can just be all smug.

Point is, no one's innocent, get off your pedestal.

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