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Resident Evil 3 (3rd April 2020)


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They cut out so much content, and added in stuff that shouldn't have been in this game. Lickers?! Really?! The game also has ridiculous dialogue, and zero replay value. I'm not joking either. Wait until you get to the end, and you'll feel like Capcom wrecked a classic, because that's essentially what occurred. :indeed:

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Completed this, this morning. 

After my initial negative feelings, once I escaped the city it got much better. 

I still think that there's too much happening, what with all of the zombies, the zombies that Nemesis infects which can shoot tentacles at you, and Nemesis himself - but I suppose it wants to make you feel like you would if you were in the city yourself. I died 12 times in the end, and I imagine at least 8 of them came in that opening 2 hours. 

The game clocks in at under 6 hours - or it did for me, and that's with me looking for every memo, note etc. Turns out I missed some (not sure how many), but I am going back to do an assisted run now to collect them using a guide. 

The game itself is classic RE - great interlocking locations which whilst not as intricate as the mansion, or the police department from 2, are still fun to explore. 

In terms of story, it seemed very brief and quite simple (?) in the grand scheme of RE, but it did go some way to start piecing the stories together for me given that I had never played this game before. 

All in all, another amazing remake and I do really want Code Veronica now (which has surely got to be on the cards?). 

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With FFVII finished, I cracked on with this today and the credits have just rolled. Yeah, the game is stupidly short. I think I clocked the thing in around 4 hours. I think this is mainly due to the complete lack of puzzles and general linearity of the game. There isn't much exploring to be done at all and it's pretty much a straight path once you get out of the opening section.

I felt Nikolai wasn't handled that well in this game. In the original he seemed far more menacing whereas in this version he just comes off as nothing more than a tool. Carlos was handheld far better though.

I wasn't a fan of how Nemesis was handled at all. In the original game he felt like a constant threat and the decisions you made when fighting him had an impact on the player. Here, he just shows up a couple of times and then after that his encounters are limited to cut scenes. Also, I disliked how they turned him into beast form pretty early on, although it may feel that way purely because of the short length of the game. Still, I did prefer the final boss fight and final design of Nemesis when compared to the original game. The final battle and design of Nemesis in that was pretty poor.

On a more positive note, Capcom's RE Engine is still an absolute beast, with the game looking and running amazing. Also, I was absolutely chuffed that they had a new rendition of the original credits music in this game. It's such a lovely tune and I had a huge smile on my face and got goosebumps when it started playing. I actually like the new version far more than the original. Well played for that, Capcom. :heart:

Despite my criticisms I don't actually hate the game. Resident Evil 3 always played second fiddle to Resident Evil 2 and the trend continues with these remakes. It's a fun game but it's not a good as a remake as the second game was. If you are just going to play through the game a single time and then call it a day I do recommend you wait for a price drop on it. £40 for a few hours gameplay isn't really worth it. Luckily I will get plenty of replay value out of it thanks to the trophies and unlockables that are on offer. I'll probably go through the game a fair few more times, much like I done with Resident Evil 2 Remake.

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Just finished another play through of the game and yes I did sit and watch the credits again. :heart: This time I concentrated on getting all of the collectables and not using a single healing item, which I achieved. I also looked for any kind of shortcuts that can be made in future runs. One trophy requires you to beat the game in under 2 hours and another on the hardest difficulty while getting an S rank, so any kind of advantage needs to be found. My time for this run was 2 hours 22 minutes with 5 saves used. This was just under par time to nab me the S rank rating. Not all that bad considering I was having to search for items.

If you do certain tasks within the game you can unlock infinite ammo and new weapons, one of which is the infinite rocket launcher. I may try and farm enough points/currency to buy that and then tackle another run. I love having an infinite rocket launcher in Resident Evil games. The chaos that happens all around you as you fire rockets left and right is glorious to behold. :D 

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Well, that didn't take long at all. I've unlocked the infinite rocket launcher, extra inventory space, lock pick and a coin that regenerates health. I could farm a little more to get another coin and another backpack but I'll probably pick up some more points/currency on my next run anyway.

That's me set for another run tomorrow. I don't think I've got the energy to play it for a 3rd time in one day.

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I've just finished up on my Hardcore difficulty run through of the game. I did it in a breezy 1 hour 23 minutes! I've got the game down to a T (virus) now. I know which parts I can skip and where enemies are located. Plus, the addition of the rocket launcher makes things super easy and crazy fun. This was basically me through the whole game...


I've now unlocked another health coin that will help regenerate my health even quicker, 2 defence coins that decrease any damage I take and another hip pack so I can carry more items. That should have me well prepped for another run.

I was going to start the next difficulty straight away but even though i'm on furlough for the month my company still wants us to check in on the Monday meetings via Google hangouts. I'll jump on Animal Crossing until then. Once i'm done with that i'll be straight back on this again. All that's left is to finish the game without using the item box at all, finish the game on Nightmare difficulty and complete it on the highest difficulty with an S rank. 

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Nightmare mode complete (1 hour 24 mins). It was a little tougher than expected but nothing too taxing. Enemies are obviously a lot harder but also their positioning was all over the place. Whatever knowledge I gained on my previous runs was useless as enemies were popping up in different areas than before. Also, the positioning of items had changed. Thankfully the key items of the game remained in their usual positions so this change didn't really affect me as I don't pick anything up apart from healing items.

On I go to Inferno difficulty. It will be interest how I fare on this because enemies and even harder, fewer typewriters and there's no auto saving.

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Two more play throughs of the game since my last post and my adventure is finally over.


The Inferno play through wasn't that bad and it was actually my quickest time yet...until I got to the final boss. The battle is VERY cheap, with it being able to instant kill you with a combo he does. It took me a good half hour of constantly dying and retrying until luck finally went my way and I got the kill. I wouldn't be surprised if this got a balance patch in a future update.

Doing the run where I couldn't use the box was a little more challenging. I really had to pick and choose what I wanted to carry with me and due to trying to manage my inventory all the time, it at times felt like I was playing RE0 again. I also couldn't use any of my purchased upgrades because they are in an item box, which I obviously wasn't allowed to open. I had to do this run the standard way. 

It's crazy to think just how many times i've been through the game over the past 2 days. It was actually quite nostalgic though because back when the original game was released on the PSOne I done exactly the same. I completed the game, played Mercenaries to unlock weapons and then went through the main game another 7 times in order to unlock all of the character epilogues, all in the a very short space of time. So, yeah, pretty much how I played this version of the game. :) 

The more I played this the more I fell in love with it. Again, it's not as good as Resident Evil 2 but that doesn't make it a bad game. Bring on Code Veronica Remake next. I am ready. :peace:

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Clever Aneres. 


Completes Inferno in 1 hour 12 minutes after repeating the final boss about twenty times. Finally do it and celebrate only to be greeted with a rank A. I didn't know I could only save 5 times. Id saved 16.

Fucking. Brilliant. 

So another run tomorrow then. 

I'm so annoyed as I didn't even need to save anywhere near that many times but was just being cautious throughout.

5 saves is easy. The final boss again won't be. Urgh! 

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9 hours ago, Aneres11 said:

Completes Inferno in 1 hour 12 minutes after repeating the final boss about twenty times. Finally do it and celebrate only to be greeted with a rank A. I didn't know I could only save 5 times. Id saved 16.

It's a very cheap fight, isn't it? :nono:

Shame about the saves. Luckily you can fly through the game and I imagine you'll have the full 1000/platinum done soon enough.

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33 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

It's a very cheap fight, isn't it? :nono:

Shame about the saves. Luckily you can fly through the game and I imagine you'll have the full 1000/platinum done soon enough.

It is. The fight is reminiscent of a RE Revelations boss. Quite out of sorts compared to the first two games (and the other forms of Nemesis that come before it). 

I was so pleased with myself after doing it too. :(. 

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I bought RE 3 for my Xbox but played RE 2 remake on my PS4. 

So I picked up RE 2 for the One and have been playing that yesterday. 

One thing that now seems like a great addition in 3 is the dodge mechanic. So many time playing RE 2 I have hit the shoulder trigger to dodge out of the way of zombies, charging bosses, Mr. X etc - and nothing happens. 

I know it's a small thing but, it's the best addition to these newer RE:Makes than anything else. They should patch 2 to add it in as it would have saved me so many deaths against the last two bosses. 

Edited by Aneres11
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2 hours ago, Aneres11 said:

I bought RE 3 for my Xbox but played RE 2 remake on my PS4. 

So I picked up RE 2 for the One and have been playing that yesterday. 

One thing that now seems like a great addition in 3 is the dodge mechanic. So many time playing RE 2 I have hit the shoulder trigger to dodge out of the way of zombies, charging bosses, Mr. X etc - and nothing happens. 

I know it's a small thing but, it's the best addition to these newer RE:Makes than anything else. They should patch 2 to add it in as it would have saved me so many deaths against the last two bosses. 

It was also present in the original version of Resident Evil 3, although it was harder to pull off in that game. I couldn't never get the timing down but in the remake I could dodge my way all to the end...until that final boss on Inferno difficulty. :D 

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16 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

It was also present in the original version of Resident Evil 3, although it was harder to pull off in that game. I couldn't never get the timing down but in the remake I could dodge my way all to the end...until that final boss on Inferno difficulty. :D 

That's interesting! I watched a YT vid of the original Clock Tower segment which was cut (to see what all the fuss was about) and I understand the frustrations now. 

Looked like a great section. And classic RE with the puzzles which I feel was lacking in the remake. 

With how short the game was too it's a shame that bit never got the remake treatment. 

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4 hours ago, CrowingJoe79 said:

Capcom want to remake RE4 now. :(

Game could do with a remake to bring it in line with the rest of the earlier entries, instead of the weird action game it turned out to be. Hopefully they'll retcon the story too.

I see the Resident Evil 3 remake has sold 2 million in just 5 days, with 50% of those sales being digital. I can see why Capcom have chose to lean heavily into remaking their classic games. I'm just hoping both Dino Crisis and Onimusha get the same treatment at some point.

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I first played RE4 with the Wii pointer controls but I bought it on Switch last year and played through it a couple of times with standard controls and, although it took a while to get used to, I enjoyed it just as much as previous play throughs. It's obviously schlocky and quite action focused but it's much less actiony than the games that followed it, there are still plenty of genuine survival horror moments and exploration. I honestly don't think it needs a remake, would rather they updated Code Veronica instead. Hopefully it's just an RE Engine upgrade with the same control scheme as the recent PS1 remakes, I don't think the actual content of the game needs many alterations but retconning it to better match the RE2 Remake means they would have to make substantial changes to Leon's character and tone down the more ostentatious set pieces (the giant clockwork Salazar for one) and I just don't see how they can make the necessary changes and keep the feel of the original game. 

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Well, can they not just change the controls for the versions of RE4 already out there, in a patch or something? Surely that would be more logical than outright remaking it, and it's not even that old.

I'm not sure what Capcom is playing at anyway. RE4 may be a great game, but it divided so many fans in 2005 when they went from horror to action over horror. Some people like me claim it ruined the survival horror genre as a whole, and it did not recover until around 2013. Now instead of taken the series forward and leaving 1998 and so forth to rot, they're either outsourcing the IP for companies to develop rubbish spin off games, or they focus on doing remakes that miss out a lot of content, and ultimately let people down. For example, not having Barry Burton in the ending to RE3 is just ridiculous, for canonical purposes. They also cut out so many areas in the game, and I wouldn't say Nemesis getting new weapons did much to make him a larger threat, since he acts like Mr. X anyway. Most of the city was in the initial demo. There wasn't much else to do besides gunning down everything in order to proceed. 

I'm sorry, but if they remake RE4, they will probably do the same thing, like what occurred with RE2 and RE3. The original RE4 is a long game. They will probably butcher so much of the story, and whatnot. I know people will be torn between love and hate, but I was kind of glad they remade RE3, to get it out of the way. But I have to ask something. Why remake RE4 ahead of CVX? That's quite silly, to be honest. CVX was the real sequel to RE2, after all. 

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RE4 absolutely doesn't need to be remade.  The game is basically perfect as it is; there's no way that Capcom aren't going to end up ruining it.


Not to mention that there's no possible way that they could do a Ground-up remake without cutting out at least 2/3 of the game's content.  It's just too big and expansive of a game to remake from scratch in modern HD/4K without making massive sacrifices, to the point where it isn't just a shadow of its former self.

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Just now, Dcubed said:

Not to mention that there's no possible way that they could do a Ground-up remake without cutting out at least 2/3 of the game's content.  It's just too big and expansive of a game to remake from scratch in modern HD/4K without making massive sacrifices, to the point where it isn't just a shadow of its former self.

Good. We may get a proper Resident Evil game out of it then. :p 

6 minutes ago, CrowingJoe79 said:

I'm not sure what Capcom is playing at anyway.

Making serious bank. Both of these Resident Evil remakes have been very successful for them. It also introduces the brand to a whole new set of gamers. Capcom said a while back that remakes would be a key part of their gaming business going forward and it does make sense. They have base games to work with and then they can just re-imagine them for modern times.

At the end of the day, if people don't care for the remakes then they will always have the original games to play. Those aren't going anywhere.

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